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side, body, legs and feet, leaving the arms out. I said to the man, "Be calm; we will punish you a little while, but for your good." A man was put at each corner of a thick quilt to hold it down to retain the steam; one to hold a pan for vomit, and one to hold a pitcher of water, giving the patient all the water he wanted, and he wanted it often. After one hour the patient was stript in a warm room, body at once bathed in hot water and dried under friction, quinin dissolved in hot acidulated water was added to a pint of red pepper tea and rubbed over the body, and the patient was covered up. On inquiry I found that patient's bowels had not moved for several days. I ordered a basin of hot water, put in a tablespoonful of salt and with a syringe I flusht the colon. Free action followed, patient exprest himself as feeling better; he lookt better.

No calomel or any other disturbing or drastic medicine, plenty of food as patient desired. Hot water and salt injections from day to day.

How was the cure accomplisht? By eliminating the malarial poison from the blood, and also the bile which had reacht the circulation. The sheet the patient lay on was a deep yellow, and the patient's wife told me it had the form of the body, and it could not be washt out. This is physiological practice.

In ten days the patient was up and out. Ten consecutive similar cases were cured by the same kind of treatment.

Bracken, Tex.


[It seems that in malarial hematuria the poison and bile in the blood are so excessive that in the effort to excrete the same, small blood vessels in the kidneys are burst, thus producing hematuria. By turning this tide to the skin, and there effecting a free out-let for the poison and bile, and aiding this cleansing process by allowing cold water to be taken freely into the stomach, the system is relieved and the kidneys are saved. We hope that this treatment will be further tested this fall in the south and south-west, and reported.-Ed.]

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brain, I am not disposed to regard his assault upon iron as tenable or just. Our physiologists teach that the blood is the pabulum of life. They give iron as one of the principal and essential ingredients. The vitalizing elements of the blood must not be permitted to undergo destruction, without renewal. Now, I would like to know of Dr. Cooper, how, when eliminated, renewal is to be obtained, if, as he asserts, it is not assimilated when administered directly; and that" edibles do not contain iron, phosphorus, lime, etc., etc.," the principal constituents of the tissues? Dr. Cooper's war on iron may be correct; and discussion and further investigation may demonstrate the wisdom of his position; but it seems strange that none of the brilliant men of the century just closing discovered that the administration of iron is "malpractice."

While I freely admit that scientific research is our only hope for the elevation of our profession from routine practice, I certainly deem it wiser to correct error by gentle suggestion than by bitter denunciation. With the past very few years new remedies, almost without number, have been thrust upon a profession grasping eagerly after the most available; and I can safely assert that when death seems near at hand, the new remedies are laid aside, and old remedies-the standards of the past are "dug up" for the salvation of the patient and the reputation of the physician. I have been in the practice since 1862; and, having administered iron in various forms, have realized very satisfactory results-results that could not be attributed to "associated elements" in the prescription.

The greatest failure in the administration of iron and other remedies is, in my estimation, in the physician, not the remedy. We well know that incorrect diagnosis suggests remedies not indicated, and Nature's burden is intensified instead of being relieved.

Dr. Cooper's articles are the more interesting by virtue of the fact of his apparent earnestness-even if he is theoretically wild on iron. I regard THE WORLD more highly for publishing such articles, as their tendency is to stimulate investigation and disseminate valuable thought. L. B. MORROW.

Blackburn, Oklahoma.

Can you have better value for your money than Dr. Waugh's book on Treatment and WORLD one year for $5? WORLD for four years for $3.

[blocks in formation]

hole in centre of circular piece of photographers' tin or piece of sheepskin (wet) 9 inches in diameter and stretch this over hole in box cover, tacking with small tacks around edge of opening, tacks (2 oz.) onehalf inch apart. Bore 2-inch hole in back of box, for wire to pass into tin or sheepskin diaphragm, and attach wire to loop of a flat metal button put in small hole in center of diaphragm. Use ordinary steel broom wire and stretch tight; for long distances, two wires will work better than one. Bore hole thru side of building for exit of wire, and after nailing cover on box, attach same to wall with screws, setting box at an angle so wire will not

Hoping this may be of use to some of your many country readers, I am yours, etc., L. E.WEBB. Bourbon, Ind.

Doctors and Drunkenness.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-People who would hesitate to ride behind drunken railroad engineers place themselves in the hands of drunken doctors; and this, when sober and more competent ones are at hand.

There are those who think that power should be given to revoke a diploma held by the physician who is addicted to drink. In my opinion, this would be the harshest

way to deal with him, and then not wholly mitigate the evil. Revoking his diploma does not save the doctor. He is peculiarly open to the temptation to use that which he handles every day as medicine. Something more far-reaching is needed in the way of reformation.

Now let us look at the other side. The doctor is a bread-winner, as many another, holding responsible position before the public. Can you abrogate the right of the individual citizen to work at the only thing for which he may have

fitted himself? Like his franchise, it has been purchast at great cost. It is his inalienable right. Suppose we strike at the root of the matter for all concerned. Take two men engaged in their respective calling before the State-one a doctor, the other a saloon-keeper-and you revoke the license (diploma) of the one because he drinks that which the other is licenst to sell. The one, thru "brains stolen by the drug," acknowledges having sent one of his patients into eternity; the other, with or without brains, sends a whole multitude. But the State authorizes him, so to speak, tho he might not plead guilty, like the poor doctor. Now, isn't it a nice point to discriminate? "Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth."

Glenely, Md. DR. CHAS. GILBERT.

J. J. Taylor's Formula for Diarrhea. Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-In the 1894 volume of THE WORLD, page 281, you republisht, by request of Dr. W. S. Cline, the formula of Dr. J. J. Taylor for diarrhea. Dr. Cline also suggested that you publish it every summer during THE

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M. Make four powders. S. powder every hour until all four are taken.

He will get a better effect from the powders than from tablets or capsules, as the ipecac will draw the patient's mind from his abdominal to his oral cavity more

WORLD's life. I think you have not publisht decidedly if the prescription be given in

it since 1894. I suggest that it would be well to give it again, and also instead of the syrup of ginger, modify it as I have done by substituting a small amount of powdered ginger, so that it can be carried by the physician and given in powder.

Wildwood, Fla. THOS. H. HAMMOND. [Thanks for the suggestion. Here is the formula:

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the form of a dry powder.

After the mercury has acted well, start the patient on the following:

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Copper arsenite. Strychnin sulfate

Water to make

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gr. ss oz. iij M. S. Shake well before using. Take one teaspoonful in a half tumbler of very hot water before each meal.

Direct also that no liquid be taken with, before or after meals, except as above; let him drink water not nearer than two hours before meals, and do not let him drink tea, coffee or alcohol in any form. Finally, I hope Dr. Garrison will be able to report the case as "well" in the near future. Just why the copper arsenite and

strychnin sulfate act better than strychnin arsenite in the class of cases Dr. Garrison so well describes I do not know, but the fact that they do act much better I do know.

II. In the summer diarrhea of infants, cure them in two days, thus: (a) no food for twenty-four hours. Allow them every two hours the nursing bottle filled with boiled rain-water which has been cooled to 100°F.; (b) calomel, gr. 1-20, in dry powder, every hour until stools show its effect; (c) then give (for children under one year) one teaspoonful of a solution of copper arsenite, gr. 1-100, in ten teaspoonfuls of water which has been boiled. ReRepeat this dose every hour for effect.

III. In adults, failing to get expected reaction from any drug, give copper arsenite, gr. 1-100 an hour before giving the specific drug.

IV. Does no one know answer to the question in May, 1899, WORLD, page 204 ? viz.: "What is Vril,' handled by S. G. Armstrong, Berrien Springs, Mich.?"

V. Please send me three binders for WORLD and extend my subscription to 1901, for inclosed remittance.

Hyattsville, Md. V. L. PERRY, M. D.

Citric Acid.-Gonorrhea.-Induction of Premature Labor.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-The therapeutical values of citric acid are not so generally known as I believe they should be. Lemons are of great aid in combatting malaria, often curing stubborn cases that resist the ordinary antiperiodics. The diluted juice is a most excellent complexion beautifier, dentifrice, and manicuring material. All destructive bacilli, toxic germs, and microbes of infection and contagion are said to rapidly lose their vitality and die if exposed to lemon juice, or even if fresh lemon peel is suspended over the liquid containing their culture.

Citric acid, the therapeutical constituent of lemon juice, possesses many valuable properties in a medical sense, besides its refrigerant quality, so useful at picnics and religious festivals under the name of lemonade. It is a lovely antiseptic and disinfectant, not having the disagreeable odor of carbolic acid and iodoform, nor the staining properties of the permanganate of potassium, but is equal to either in its power to destroy obnoxious smells and promote a healthy condition of the affected tissues.

A solution of citric acid in water, twenty

grains to the ounce, is equal or superior to glycerin in relieving constipation. A half ounce of this solution in a small, long-pointed, hard rubber syringe will empty the rectum as soon as you can sit down comfortably. A very weak solution makes an excellent wash for all foul smelling sores, pus forming surfaces and cavities. The solution should barely have a slight tartness. Its action upon ulcers and cancers is so benign, and its death dealing powers to toxic germs so great, that I am inclined to believe that the hypodermic injection of a saturated solution into a cancer, at its center and at several surrounding points in its area, would check its growth and kill it. I know a cancer doctor who does kill cancers of the uterus by injecting some solution into their substance thru a very long needle, but I was unable to find out what he used. He has cured many unmistakable uterine cancers in this way, so that there was no further trouble from them or evidence of their existence. I would suggest trials of the bi-chloride solution, and of citric acid, and of the juice of the green leaves of the common garden rhubarb, the juice of the leaves being stronger than that of the stalks. Cancer is becoming so common it behooves the profession to use every effort to find a eure. A fortune awaits the discoverer. Present remedies do not suffice.

For obesity, a sour solution of the acid, say fifteen grains in a tumbler of water, effervest with soda bicarb., taken three times a day, will pick the superfluous flesh off fast; or take the juice of a lemon in the same way. For dysentery, flush the lower bowels with plenty of water, slightly acidulated, every three hours or oftener. For gonorrhea, an injection of hydrozone, pot. permanganate or citric acid in proper solution, during the first day or two after its discovery, will kill the gonococci and the disease. I have aborted gonorrhea several times with each of these remedies, and cured cases of longer standing with them.

A woman physician in Chicago, who is famous for "regulating" females "without an operation" (see "Medical" advertisements in Chicago daily papers), and who professes to be the only person in America using this secret Berlin method, inserts a pledget of cotton soaked in a saturated solution of citric acid in glycerin, into the os uteri, filling the cervix, and claims invariable success without any subsequent trouble, the embryonic sac coming away

entire in one to three hours. A few small crystals of the acid, ten to twenty grains, left inside the os by means of a placer or carrier, will do effectual work. A catheter with the tip cut off and a blunt wire plunger answer. The acid irritates the muscular coats of the uterus by its absorption, and occasions rythmic contractions as in labor. The same effect obtains in the rectum when the diluted acid is used for constipation.

Altho glycerin empties the bowel, it is not efficient to produce that effect on the uterus, a half dozen suppositories and a half pint of the fluid having been used simultaneously between the walls and sac without accomplishing the desired results. The New York Lancet, of June, 1898, has a very interesting resumé of the glycerin methods of inducing labor. Elastic bougies of glycerin were inserted, six ounces of the fluid injected; and the cervix packed with plugs soaked in it, and still labor did not ensue, and another injection of glycerin had to be given. Dr. Saft used the swimming bladders of fish, filled with glycerin by means of a catheter after insertion in the uterus, with perfect satisfaction, and no ill effects to the patient, the bladder being carefully inserted between the uterus and the fetal membranes.

The induction of premature labor is now so often a matter of necessity for the well being of the mother that any information on this subject is valuable. Intra uterine injections of any fluid, the insertion of bougies, etc., artificial dilation, and puncturing the sac are all methods associated with more or less danger. The natural dilation by the descent of the pointed sac, and its expulsion entire and unbroken during the early months of gestation, leave no cause for apprehension, and in the later months greatly assist the physician in securing safe recovery of the patient. Jos. H. SANBORN, M. D.

Treatment of Cholera Infantum by Cold Wrappings.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Being called to a house by a mother whose child was sick, I found it to have the following symptoms: The temperature was 105°, no lung trouble nor convulsions, but it had diarrhea and fainting spells every ten minutes. I therefore concluded that it was a true case of cholera infantum. Moistening a blanket with cold water, I wrapt it around the child, who, on feeling

the cold, opened its eyes, and had a lively expression on the face; the faintness had left. I had the child for three hours in the blanket and then rubbed with alcohol. I also had its nursing stopt, and prescribed the white of an egg in a pint of cold water, one or two teaspoonfuls every two hours for two days. In case of fainting spells appearing again, I told the mother to repeat the cold wrappings for two or three days. In the next 24 hours the child had been wrapt at least five times. On the third day I found that the fever had declined, faintings, diarrhea and vomiting had stopt, so I allowed the child the breast every three hours. The fourth day I was informed by the mother that her child was in good condition, having improved greatly. Similarly were treated by me several cases of cholera infantum with like H. ROSAHNSKY, M.D.


Brooklyn, N. Y.

A Curious Remedy for Enuresis, Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-A patient of mine was suffering from enuresis. I tried all and every known remedy, but failed. A month after I called to see the patient and found him completely cured. He told me an old woman had taken him in hand, giving him three plates of soup daily made from boiled field rats, and before the treatment was up he was completely and permanently cured.

SARSFIELD CASSIDY, M. D. Adaminaly, N. S. W., Australia.

Doctorates, Universities, Etc. Editor MEDICAL WORLD :- The seven questions of Quercus in the July number call for some further notice.


1. The "National Central" and "Western Universities," of Chicago, and the Indep. Med. Coll., of Indianapolis, are not to be found in the standard registers. Possibly the names are misquoted. there are such institutions, we yet cannot decide on their merits without careful knowledge of them. People have liberty in this country to start such institutions, and one may be as good as another at the beginning, but to maintain and perpetuate them is a serious undertaking. Like the flowers of the field, they do not all bear fruit. It stands to reason that they cannot all flourish or even live; and there can be no success without capital. Quercus makes some international comparisons; that is idle, for the old country is a field already gone to seed, and has drawn young

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