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hemorrhage and very much excited. ordered vinegar in an apparatus for steaming, and had her to inhale fumes. The hemorrhage was stopt at once. As it is not my purpose to give the symptoms of consumption, but the effects of calcium sulfid, I will desist from further remarks on the disease. Put patient on calcium sulfid, with iron, phosphoric acid and strychnin, which latter prescription did not agree with her; so I changed to syrup of hypophosphites comp. The lady's recovery has been remarkable to me, as I had no hope whatever of her getting well. She weighs now 128 lbs. and looks well.

Case III: T. J. H., male, aet 30, white. Called April 10, 1899. I found this man apparently in the last stages of consumption. Had been confined to his bed for three weeks; no appetite. Put him on calcium sulfid, gr. 1, three times a day, together with quinin, iron and strychnin. Codein, gr., every three hours to relieve cough. Soda hypophosphite, 1 dram in tumbler of hot water in mornings to relieve constipation. The man is now riding horse back and is gaining weight. Of course this case is too recent to draw conclusions from. JOHN F. WATSON.

Bastrop, La.

Interesting Questions. Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Will some of the readers of this valuable journal answer the following questions in next issue?

1. Is the work of such institutions as "National Central" and "Western" universities, located in Chicago, and Independent Medical College, Indianapolis, in any sense honoring university titles?

2. Is the bestowal of the Doctorate to dentists and veterinary surgeons in any sense appropriate? and is such dishonoring the title which graces the learned profession?

3. Would it not be better to limit the license of medical men to examinations by State Boards, modeled after the College of Physicians and Surgeons' rulings, of the Province of Ontario? and to silence such schools as those teaching osteopathy?

4. Is it professional to announce for sale thru medical journals, cures for goitre, hernia, etc.?

5. Is it not better (considering the work of" diploma mills ") that each contributor to THE WORLD or any medical journal in the United States be required to name his alma mater for M. D.-and for M. A., etc.,


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[Dental students have to attend college almost if not quite as long as medical students. There is much difference between a" hoss doctor" and an educated veterinarian. But why should any profession be singled out, and its members called by a title at all times and places? There are many lawyers, clergymen and men in various walks of life as learned as even our most eminent physicians, and they are called plain "Mr." I have often wisht that physicians, dentists, veterinarians, D. D.'s, "professors," etc., were called just plain "Mr.", just like artists, lawyers and learned (and not learned) men in other walks of life. Architects, bankers, editors, etc., can leave their business behind them when they travel or go into society; but medical men and some others are labeled "doctor" (frequently degenerating into "doc") wherever they go. What is the use of it? It was formerly supposed to be desirable that physicians be known for convenience in sudden need, and they then carried a distinctive cane, and often a distinctive dress, long hair, But now no high-minded physician wants street brawl practice, and in case of serious accident or emergency all persons near by will lend their aid promptly and freely, unless it should be some "noodle " M. D., who would rear back on his "dignity" and wait to be "called." There is more egotism per capita, many times over, in the medical profession than in any other profession or calling; and this distinctive title business is largely responsible for it. A medical student seems to think that, as soon as the degree, M. D., is conferred on him, he becomes a different order of humanity from the rest of mankind. This is largely because he is called "doctor, doctor, doctor," on every hand, while those who have other degrees conferred on them-just as worthy, and frequently harder to get than M. D.-remain plain Mr. The introduction of this custom was unfortunate for the true interests of the


medical profession. Now that "doctor' applies to dentists, clergymen, veterinarians, Ph. D.'s, and frequently to druggists and patent medicine men, as well as to M. D.'s, the reason for it being dropt altogether is stronger than ever. It is now no more distinctive of medical men than the title "colonel," in Kentucky, is distinctive of a military man. I wish to make it clear that in my opinion many in the classes above mentioned are just as worthy of the title "doctor" as M. D.'s. Henry Ward Beecher would never allow D. D. nor any other degree to be conferred on him. And Noah Webster tore up his diploma as he was leaving the college on commencement day. Some men are too big for such things. Usually small men are the most concerned about them. The medical profession can go along and do its work just as well and as worthily without a distinctive title as with one-and I think better.-ED.]

Management After Labor.-Membranous Enteritis.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-In regard to treatment after child-birth, during my short experience (5 years), I have kept my patients in bed ten days, but have instructed them to get up after six hours to void urine and feces, and also to sit up thirty or forty minutes at a time three or four times per day, after the first three days. Have had in my own practice two cases of sepsis, both of which I probably infected, as I waited on them the same day after having been with another case of puerperal sepsis which occurred in another doctor's practice. Gave calomel purge, and quinin bisulf., gr. iv; fld. ext. ergot, min. xv; tr. digitalis, min. xv every four hours. Curetted very lightly with dull irrigating curette, and gave vaginal douche of solution permanganate of potash every six hours. Both recovered.

Have had no case of weakness or disease of pelvic organs following delivery, but on the other hand, my lady patients express themselves as "getting along better" than when compelled by others to keep the recumbent posture for ten or more days.

Copper arsenite, gr. 1-200, corrosive sublimate, gr. 1-100, every four hours, continued for from four to six weeks, will cure that most intractable malady, membranous enteritis.

Gravette, Ark.


Symphiseal Loosening.-Symphysiotomy. Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-A really lifesaving procedure in medical, surgical or obstetric practice should become familiar as rapidly as possible to the great body of practitioners the world over. In suitable cases symphysiotomy saves life, both of the mother and child. In a portion of these cases one or both lives might be saved, alternatively, by Cæsarean section, but at enhanced cost and risk to both mother and child. This operation for enlarging the pelvic strait has only been practised in America since 1892, and in that period nearly all these operations have been done in a few of the first-class hospitals of the East. The operation is a simple one, and seems adapted to general use when required. Practically, I have no large experience nor personal observation of symphysiotomy, but as I look back upon my own obstetric record I feel sure that several babies might have been saved by it, and at least one mother, whose baby died on the third day after delivery from the effects of forceps compression and traction. In this case perhaps both mother and babe would have been saved had the pelvic arch been surgically "loosened."

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In this situation it is the after treatment and not the operation which authorities consider most difficult. I am reminded of Trousseau's "Lecture C" on Loosening of the Pelvic Symphyses," a condition which he declares to be rare, yet easily remedied when known. "So little is it known," he says, "that some of your text books on midwifery, including Cazeaux's treatise, do not even mention it as a possible sequel of labor." That this spontaneous loosening is possible I long ago learned in a very distressing case of a prima para whose feet began to drag painfully during the last weeks of gestation, and whose nine-pound baby's head was carried well down in the pelvic strait for several days before labor began. The first stage of that labor was rapid, and then there was no time for preparations, but the strong expulsive pains drove the head, unrestrained and unretarded by the pubic arch, down upon the soft tissues of the perineum, which were promptly ruptured by the onset. And this patient lay ten long weeks helpless in bed because her young physician and his more experienced counsel did not know that she was suffering from "loosening of the pelvic symphyses." Then by aid of a properly applied pelvic support, she made a rapid

recovery, and in subsequent labors did not suffer any return of the symphyseal loosening.

I have recently done a symphysiotomy upon a woman who was suffering from chronic nephritis of specific origin. This patient made a good recovery and was able to stand on her feet on the twentyfirst day after the operation, and there was no perceptible weakness or yielding of the symphyses.

Recent statistics indicate that there should be no maternal mortality from this operation, and they show also that the ancient fears of permanently maiming the mother are groundless when modern methods are employed.


Seattle, Washington.

Suggestion in Medicine. Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-In the April number of THE WORLD, Dr. Potter writes


"Christian Science as a Cure for Diseases," which causes me to say a few things in connection with the subject. While agreeing with Dr. Potter in the main, I think some of his conclusions are drawn too hastily. I do not think that the list of people whose names he gives who have died under the treatment of Christian Science would prove that Christian Science is a humbug; for no system of treatment has ever been devised that will cure all patients placed under treatment, and the best physicians often find the undertaker on their track. I do not desire to defend the doctrin of Christian Science in any respect, and believe as ardently as Dr. Potter, or any one else can, that people are imposed upon by the teachings of this sect, and that thousands of lives are lost annually that would be saved under the treatment of a skilful medical practitioner. But I like to look at every subject from an unbiased standpoint, and if there be any good in it, I like to get that much good out of it. Further, I do not believe that any theory has ever been received by a considerable number of people unless it contains some element of truth. The human mind is so constituted that it will not accept a theory that is wholly erroneous; at least the theory must have some points that appeal to the mind as being very plausible.

Christian Science and the so-called Faith Cure are on the same general principle; that is, they act on the principle of suggestion; and that they cure very many

people on this principle of suggestion I have no doubt. Every experienced physician knows that a large number of his patients may be cured in this way. The relation between the mind and body is so intimate that whatever effects the one affects the other in some degree. The writer having been a college instructor in psychology for years has endeavored to give some careful attention to suggestion as applied to medicine, and I am glad to see that the principle of suggestion is being recognized more and more by the profession as one of the elements in curing very many patients. I am glad that we have schools devoted to suggestive medicine. I am glad that many able writers and careful thinkers are giving attention to this subject. When we are able to give suggestion its proper place in medical practice we shall have greatly increast our usefulness as medical practitioners.

Christian Science and Faith Cure, tho on the same principle, look at the subject from different standpoints. The Christian Scientist says to the sick man, “You are not sick; you only think so. Now think that you are well and you will be well." The man who believes in Faith Cure or Divine healing says to the sick man, "You are sick, but God is able to heal you. Now believe that he does heal you and you are healed." It is the same principle running thru both these systems, and that is that when a man who thinks he is sick is brought to think he is well, he is well.

The principal lesson that I want to draw from this is that medical practitioners should carefully study the psychical element in the treatment of disease. They should recognize that the state of mind of their patient will frequently have as much to do with his recovery or his death as the medicine administered by the physician. The physician who calls on his patient, looks at his tongue, feels his pulse, takes his temperature and then writes a prescription and leaves it on the table, to be cared for by the family, without saying anything to encourage his patient or to show any personal interest in the case, is not doing his whole duty to his patient nor getting the best results from his prescription. This is the point I desire to impress. "A cheerful countenance doeth good like a medicine," and this cheerful countenance a physician should always carry with him, and with it cheering words; not simply empty, random remarks, but, by carefully

studying the principle of suggestion, he should use and do and say the thing that will help his patient thru the influence of the patient's mind over his body.

Christian Science and Faith Cure are suggestion carried to the extreme, and hence, as a whole, these systems are false and injurious to the people. But when the same principles of suggestion are carefully incorporated with good medical treatment, then the patient will reap the greatest benefit. So, while we may condemn Christian Science and its theories as a whole, let us profit by accepting any truth this system may contain, and put this truth to proper use, along with all other principles of truth for the healing of the people. D. T. STANLEY, A. M., M. D. Detroit, Mich.

War on the Corset. Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-I am glad to see your suggestion in the May WORLD in regard to the "period necessary to keep the patient in the recumbent position after parturition." The fact that the aboriginal woman, the Irish peasantry, and the poorer classes in our own land and other civilized countries suffer less than the ladies of fashion, is no criterion by which to govern our actions in the

matter. The explanation is, that the above named are natural women. If the profession and all sensible people would, thru the medium of the press, medical and secular, wage a ceaseless, truceless, and never ending war upon the corset and tight lacing, and upon that fruitful source of trouble, the fashion magazines and guides, there would, in the rising generation, be but little for gynecologists to do, and not half the asexualized women in the world. It makes us sad to see a thin wasp waist, and a cadaverous looking woman. I hope this subject will be thoroly discust in your excellent journal. G. W. WOODS, M. D.

Altonia, Texas.

Cancer Cures. Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-' -The cancer plaster or paste described by Dr. Lutterloh is known on this coast as Chamley's cancer paste, and was claimed to originate in Texas. Dr. Chamley lived in Los Angeles and treated a great many cancers and other morbid growths with a fair degree of success for a number of years, and moved to San Francisco where he now is practising as a cancer specialist.

I have used the escharotic and think it is simply chlorid of zinc, which all know to be the best remedy we have for that purpose, except arsenic, which may be a little more effective, but more painful and dangerous. I think the sanguinaria and galangal are no better than flour and water, starch, ulmus, and other articles used to mix the zinc into paste. Chamley now advertises great improvement, whereby the remedy is entirely painless.

The great objection to Dr. Lutterloh's recipe is that the zinc is not used in a definite quantity-just "sufficient quantity," so the paste may be made weak and inefficient, or very strong and terribly painful

and painful it is even when weak in strength. That there is any remedy that will always kill malignant growths without return, I do not believe. A Mr. Smith is now slowly dying from a cancer, killed and removed by Dr. Chamley in San Francisco last year, where Smith went for treatment from this locality.

My experience proves to me that electrolysis is the most certain, speedy, safe and permanent remedy we have for external cancers, epitheliomas and morbid growths generally.

Anaheim, Cal. A. W. BICKFORD, M.D.

Convulsions Followed by Temporary Loss of Memory.

Editor MEDICAL WORLD:-Maj. R., 76 years old, weighing about 200 pounds, consulted me on Jan. 10, '99, in regard to an inflammation of the glands of the right axilla. They were swollen, hard and painful, and I thought were on the point of suppuration, but in spite of the treatment used, they remained in about the same condition for two months, when on the morning of March 15th he called at my office stating he thought he had erysipelas on the under aspect of the right arm. examination I found that the lymphatic vessels from a point just above the elbow to the axilla were inflamed. The peculiar red lines were plainly markt over the whole surface of the area affected. He described the pain as being constant and severe. I cauterized the inflamed parts with nitrate of silver and advised a starch poultice made with distilled extract of witch hazel instead of water.


Next afternoon a messenger came for me saying he had had a spasm and was dying. As he lived less than a mile from my office, I reacht his home half an hour after he was first attackt, and found him lying

with hands and feet contracted, especially those of the right side, his face flusht, breathing loud and stertorous, and pupils contracted. Thinking I had a case of cerebral hemorrhage, I gave him 1-150 grain sulf. atropin hypodermically with a tablet of digitalin, as his pulse, tho full and strong, was intermittent. Ten minutes after I entered the room he had another hard convulsion which lasted about five minutes, and for the next two hours the convulsions came at intervals of a few minutes. I controlled them as best I could with chloroform. One peculiarity of the convulsions was that the right side seemed much more affected than the left; also his head was drawn backward until his shoulders were almost lifted from the bed. Finally at about sunset he became quiet. and had no more convulsions. His breathing, tho still stertorous, had improved somewhat. I left him, promising to return in two hours, but before leaving I tested his extremities for paralysis, but found no indications of it.

Upon my return I found him seemingly in a quiet sleep, his breathing noiseless and regular. I then predicted that when he awoke he would probably be conscious, or partially so. An hour after my return he awoke and called his daughter; then seeing me he askt who I was and why I was there. His brother being in the room, he askt the same question regarding him; hardly had he been answered before he repeated his question as to me, and then as to his brother, and kept this up for perhaps two hours, asking the same questions perhaps fifty times and each time having no remembrance of having askt them before. Next day his condition remained much the same; while he recognized every one and seemed to be in every way entirely conscious, he seemed to have no memory whatever.

This condition had past off in about sixty hours from the time he had the first convulsion, which his daughter said was preceded by vertigo, which troubled him so much that she had to assist him to bed. The first convulsion came on about five minutes later.

Now I am at a loss for a diagnosis. I have seen my share of cases of apoplexy or cerebral hemorrhage in my twenty-three years' practice, and at first felt certain that this was a typical case; but after finding no paralysis, and his mind clearing up as rapidly as it did, I withdrew my diagnosis. Could a thrombus from the veins of the af

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