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3. What is the best method of disposing of the bodies of those who have died of yellow fever?

4. Describe the several methods of purifying drinking water.

5. State the results to animal life, of the combustion of fuel in a room without chimney connection, or other ventilation.

University of the State of New York, Examination Department-Medical Examina

tion, Physiology and Hygiene. (Answer any ten of the questions on this paper, but no more. Check the number (v) of each one of the questions you

have answered).

1. Describe ciliated epithelium and state where it is found most abundantly. What is the function of ciliated epithelium?

2. Describe the placenta and its membranes. Give the functions of the placenta. 3. Make a division, arbitrary or other wise, of food stuffs, giving an example of each variety.

4. Give a description of the act of deglutition, and mention the muscles brought into action in swallowing.

5. What is asphyxia? How is asphyxia produced? What are the causes of death from asphyxia?

6. Describe (a) chyme, (b) chyle.

7. Give the process of coagulation of blood. Describe a white blood-corpuscle.

8. What is the average number of respirations per minute in a healthy adult person? Give in cubic inches of air the average respiratory capacity of a healthy


9. How is bone nourisht? Give an example of the development of bone.

10. State the function of the anterior spinal nerve roots. How is this function proved?

11. Give illustrations of morbid reflex action.

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For gout, wear a copper ring made from a coffin nail, or carry a snake skin, potatoes, chestnuts or the tooth of a mole, or a dried toad.

For alcoholism, drown an eel in brandy and make the drunkard drink it.

For impotence, drink a glass of mother's milk.

For stomach trouble, beer poured over a red-hot horseshoe is helpful.

To cure warts, rub the wart with a potato and give the potato to a pig.

If a child is puny or low in vitality, bore a hole in a young tree, at exactly the height of the child. Drive a plug into this hole along with some hairs of the child's head. The belief is as the tree continues to grow so will the child.

Freckles may be removed by washing in water contained in a hollow stump tree successive mornings before sunrise.-Charlotte Med. Jour.

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fine downy hair began to spring up all over the bald patches. This at first was white, but finally the growth became more vigorous, the pigment returned, and in about twelve months after the commencement of the disease the patient had fully recovered.-N. Y. Med. Journal.

An Extensive Tuberculosis Sanitarium.

The following news-item is interesting: A traet of 10,000 acres at Fort Stanton, New Mexico, has been turned over to the Marine Hospital Service as the site of a sanitarium for the cure of consumption. The plant to be erected there will have all the appliances known to science for the cure of this fatal disease, and will have the further advantage of the dry air of its location. It should, and doubtless will, settle the question whether the medical science of to-day is able to actually and radically cure consumption, and, if it establishes that fact, similar institutions for the use of the great army of consumptives in this country will soon follow in satisStatistics show that factory numbers. tuberculosis, in its various forms, is already on the decrease in the United States, and there is ground for hoping that, under the intelligent treatment of modern physicians, it will eventually become, from one of the most dreaded diseases, one of the least feared.

Confessions of a Quack.
No. 1.

A man wrote to me, many years ago, stating that he was of opinion that he had some displacement of the heart, describing all sorts of queer symptoms, and asking if I would make a thoro examination and satisfy him with respect to his condition. I wrote to him to call at my office, which he soon did, and said he would submit to anything, even that I should open him up, and remove his heart, for a thoro diagnosis. I told him I would have to do it, and I gave him a few whiffs of chloroform. When he "came to," I informed him that I had found out the cause of his trouble, but my fee for an explanation would be $25. He paid it with alacrity, and I at once told him that I had made an exhaustive examination, and that I had found that his heart was in the right place after all. He went home delighted, and I wish he would call again. These cases are very interesting, and, what is more important, they are lucrative.

No. 2.

I was called to see an old lady who had symptoms of approaching fever. I placed my thermometer under her right axilla, while asking some necessary questions; and, as she was very garrulous, quite a lengthy conversation ensued.

I prescribed and went home, when, to my horror, I missed my thermometer. Next day I called again, and the old lady informed me that she had passed a beautiful night, and was feeling just splendid. She said that the little machine I left under her arm had worked like a charm. I immediately removed it; and as she thought it would be useful to have in the house, I sold it to her for $10. A practical physician should always be alert to turn an honest penny.

Classification of Causes of Death.

A pamphlet containing an exposition of the Bertillon classification of causes of death has been issued by the American Public Health Association. This association, comprising the sanitary officers of Canada, Mexico and the United States, unanimously recommended the general adoption of this system for mortality reports at its last meeting, as did also the conference of State and Provincial Boards of Health of North America. The system is used in France and is making progress in Europe and in South America. It is hoped that it may meet with general adoption all over the world in time to begin the mortality statistics of the next century on a uniform basis. To this end an International Commission of Revision, representing all the countries desiring to employ the classification, will meet in Paris at the time of the International Congress of Hygiene and Demography in 1900. The several National Commissions constituting this body are engaged in ascertaining the wishes of the registrars and users of mortality statistics of their respective countries in regard to the changes which shall be made in the present form, and the present pamphlet is issued chiefly for this purpose. It will be sent, free of expense, to all persons desiring it, and the advice and suggestions of all sanitarians, pathologists and physicians generally are earnestly solicited. Requests for the pamphlet and for other information on the subject may be addressed to Dr. Cressy L. Wilbur, Secretary of the U. S. Commission of Revision, Lansing, Mich.

Our Monthly Talk

I well remember the old-fashioned debating societies, which were at once interesting and educating, and developing to the young minds that participated. I also remember some of the stock questions, as "Resolved that the pen is mightier than the sword;""Resolved that the American Indian has suffered more injustice from the white man than the negro;""Resolved that fire is a more destructive element than water; """Resolved that, according to the bible, baptism by immersion is essential to salvation, "etc., etc., etc.

Those were days when the politicians were "waving the bloody shirt," and protecting the American workman with the blessed tariff, which now has degenerated into a protection of trusts. The outs wanted to "turn the rascals out," and the ins wanted to "keep the rascals out." A political speech was then a rehash of party history, mingled with condemnation and vituperation of the other party. When politics were on such a low plane it was just as well for

the school-boys to spend their time discussing such questions as those given above. But now, at the close of the "wonderful century," vital questions are forced upon us, and their proper solution is imperative. Our school-boys and college-boys should join in with the mature men, and the women should join, for these questions affect every one of us. Conditions come about once or twice a century requiring united and supreme effort; thus are new epochs born.

Winter used to be the time that people came together to discuss various themes. Now, summer with its numerous camp-meetings, Chautauquas, etc., bring the people together perhaps more than winter. But whether for summer or winter, or rather for both summer and winter, I wish to propose for discussion some of the leading public questions of the present time; and I wish to urge their full and free discussion at all proper times and places, by every participant of the blessings of this country and its government. They will never be settled until they are settled right. These questions will suggest numerous other questions.

Is the gold standard conducive to the best interests of the masses of the people of this Nation?

Would the free coinage of silver at 16 to 1 be conducive to the best interests of the masses of the people of this Nation?

Is "expansion" in harmony with good public policy at this time? and is it in harmony with the constitution?

Is alien ownership of land desirable? and if not, what remedy would you propose?

Would a graduated land tax be good public policy?

Would the exemption from taxation of all small homes occupied by the owners be good public policy?

Would the single tax be good public policy for cities and towns? for the state? for the Nation? Has the judiciary usurpt too much power in recent years by issuing injunctions?

Is Direct Legislation (consisting of the Initiative, the Referendum, and the Recall) desirable?

Should Direct Legislation be obtained and used for local and state affairs for some years before being pusht as a national issue?

What issue or issues are the most important to be discusst during the campaign of 1900 ?

Is the merit system of civil service, as distinguisht from the spoils system, a necessary and vitally important measure to go along with other reforms that you favor?

Many object to government ownership and operation of railroads, telegraph, etc., fearing that with the aid of so many government em

Would the free coinage of silver at any other ratio than 16 to 1 be conducive to the best inter-ployes one party could be kept in power indefiests of the masses of the people of this Nation?

Would the multiple standard for money (as outlined in Prof. Parsons' "Rational Money") be conducive to the best interests of the masses of the people of this Nation?

Is our present national banking system conducive to the best interests of the masses of the people of this Nation?

Is the issue of money by private banking corporations good public policy?

Would state banks of issue be in harmony with the best National policy?

Would the issue of all money by the general government be the best public policy?

Would Postal Savings Banks be an advantage to the people?

Is government ownership and operation of the telegraph desirable?

Is public ownership and operation of telephones desirable?

Is an enlarged and cheapened package post desirable?

Is government ownership and operation of rail

roads desirable?

Would a progressive inheritance tax be good public policy?

Would a progressive income tax be advantageous to the masses of the people?

Would the removal of tariff from articles controlled by trusts be good public policy?

Should not the war revenue law be repealed, now that the war is over? or should it be continued to wage a war of conquest against the filipinos?

nitely. England solves this problem simply by disfranchising government employes. Would you favor a plan like this? Municipal employes would be disfranchised only at municipal elections, and government employes only at national elections. This seems rational, for an officeholder ought to submit his work to the judgment of those whom he serves. By voting he becomes his own judge, to that extent.

Is a law for purifying elections desirable, similar to the English "Corrupt Practices Act?" This act forbids an officer being installed if it can be proved that his election was aided by bribery fatal to success, and the opposing sides watch or any other corrupt act. Thus corruption is each other very closely. This act has done more than any other to purify English politics.

Legislative bodies in this country decide cases of contested election concerning their own members. Thus decisions are generally made by a party vote instead of according to the facts in each case. Some other countries refer such cases to a court, thus substituting judicial examina tion and decision for partisanship. Is such a change desirable for determining the membership of our Congress?

Get Out of Debt.

They say that prosperity is here. True, the prices of agricultural products are better than a few years ago, perhaps excepting cotton, and there are fewer complaints of hard times than formerly. Now, pay off that mortgage. Pay those notes. Push your collections. Push them hard, and settle past due accounts, even if you have to "knock off " a part. Your patrons like you better when they do not owe you, and they are then more likely to employ you. After they have paid you, urge

them to pay their mortgages and notes, and get out of the slavery of debt. Interest eats like moths and corrodes like rust. Get rid of it, and get your people free from it. He who is free from debt is least disturbed by panics and hard times. Indeed, that is frequently a harvest-time to those who have ready money. Panics should not come, and the times should always be normal. But since the days of the Bank of Venice, the commercial world has had panics and "crashes," and we will continue to have them until we learn what a normal dollar is, and insist on having it. A normal dollar is one that will at all times purchase the same average amount of commodities or services, no more and no less, and remain constant and uniform in purchasing power, neither increasing nor decreasing in value, as determined by the average of purchasable commodities. Such a dollar could be maintained only by the Multiple Standard. The material of which such a dollar would be composed would not be an important matter, but paper is the best material for such a dollar. Intrinsic value money is not real money; it is commodity money-a refined form of barter. If a man wants gold or silver for use in the arts, he should go into the market and buy it, just as he would buy lead or platinum ; and the price of gold and silver should be determined by supply and demand, just as the prices of other commodities are determined, and not by legislative law.

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With this kind of a dollar, panics would not come, and debt would not be the danger that it now is. A good commercial maxim is, "out of debt, out of danger. Get out of debt, and stay out, whatever the temptation may be, and thus stay out of danger. The gold standard breeds frequent panics. They are sure to come, unless we establish a standard and normal dollar, which will be uniform and "honest" at all times. So prepare for the next panic by getting out of debt. Save all the money you can, to use to advantage when the pinch comes. When will the panic come? I am not a prophet, but I feel safe in saying that it will be within five years, and possibly much sooner.

We are still burdened with metallic dollars, and but few yet understand the multiple standard; so we will, for some years, have to accommodate ourselves to existing conditions, but we should be sure to trend in the right direction. How would the following do as a financial "plank" on which all money reformers might unite?

Proposed Money Plank.

Government legal tender money has always been the champion of liberty and the friend of the people. In every important war for freedom it has played an important part on the side of the oppresst. We need this "friend of liberty" in peace as well as in war. Therefore we condemn and oppose the efforts that are persistently being made by the banking and capitalistic interests to retire our beloved greenbacks. Further, we demand that all money shall be issued directly by the Government, and that every dollar so issued, shall be, before the law, equal to any other dollar authorized by the United States Government.

We favor and strongly urge the establishment

of Postal Savings Banks, so successful in other progressive countries. The rich use United States bonds as a safe and profitable investment for their surplus capital. The masses of the people desire, and deserve to have Postal Savings Banks, for convenient and safe keeping of the savings of the poor.

Or, how would this do for a more extended platform?

Proposed Platform.

We oppose all private banks of issue; we favor the Government issue of all money; we demand that every dollar issued by the United States Government shall be equal before the law to any other dollar so issued; we demand that every legal dollar shall be a legal tender for all debts, both public and private; we demand that, regardless of the material of which legal money may be composed, a sufficient quantity of such legal money shall be issued by the United States Government to constitute an honest measure of values at all times, to the end that the purchasing value of a dollar, in the general average of commodities, shall remain stable and uniform at all times, establishing and maintaining absolute justice at all times among all interests and classes, thus preventing those shocks and depressions of business from which our people have so often suffered. We favor the establishing of Postal Savings Banks, so successful in other progressive countries, thus placing in every community a safe and secure depository for the savings of the poor.

We oppose the exorbitant rates paid to the railroads for carrying the mails, and we demand that the same shall be reduced to the point of strict and just equity, in which event penny postage will be practicable, and also a cheap package post, for the service and convenience of the people. We oppose discrimination in freight rates, still criminally indulged in by the railroads; and as a final and complete remedy for the same, government ownership and operation of the railroads may become necessary, thus using the most powerful instrument for internal commerce for the service of the people instead of for private profit.

The transmission of intelligence by electricity as well as by mail should be a government function, beyond the control of private interests; therefore, for prompt, cheap and impartial service of all the people and of every interest, we favor government ownership and operation of the telegraph, which is now accomplisht in every other civilized nation on the globe. Telephones being mostly local in their operation, we favor municipal ownership and operation of this service, with harmonious co-operation with the proposed government telegraph service.

We favor the removal of all protective tariff from articles controlled by a trust.

Indirect taxation for the support of the Government by means of importation duties and internal revenue, being a tax on consumption, bears much more heavily upon the poor than upon the rich. We therefore favor a progressive inheritance tax, and a progressive income tax, by means of which the rich will be required to pay their just share of the expenses of the National Government.

The present method of electing United States

senators is corrupting, wasteful and mischievous in every way. Experience during the winter just past proves this afresh, with failure to elect in Pennsylvania, Delaware and Utah. We favor election of United States senators by direct vote of the people of each state.

In municipal matters we favor the municipal ownership and operation of all public necessities monopolistic in their nature, as the water supply, gas, electric lights, street-cars, etc.

In harmony with the above program, the strictest possible merit system of civil service is necessary, instead of the far too prevalent spoils system, which has so disgracefully corrupted and debased our public service, municipal, state and national. We therefore pledge ourselves to the greatest possible improvement of the civil service by the complete overthrow of the spoils system, and the improvement and extension of the merit system.

Other "planks" might be added, some of which can be found in the following platform which comes from an anonymous source. It is interesting and suggestive enuf to reproduce here.

1st. To elect a United States senator in each state every two years in the congressional elections, for a term of four years.

With this measure it would then be possible to terminate the power of a political party when rejected by the people; end the auction sales of senatorships; also, make an entire separation of state issues from national politics and secure honest state government.

2d. To secure an annual "confirming vote" (or "vote of confidence") on the judges of the national courts by the national senate.

This measure would establish a just balance between an absolute dictatorial power and that of a government of the people.

3d. To require the votes of two-thirds of the supreme court judges to declare a law unconstitutional.

This would give to the people "the benefit of the doubt" in all decisions on vital questions.

4th. To re-enact the income tax law.

This measure would equalize taxation by a system that has been adopted by other nations, as the one tax that cannot be readily shifted on the poor, and one that can be easily collected.

5th. To establish a legal rate of profit on the appraised value of a corporation's working plant.

This measure would eliminate trust extortion; lessen the tension between capital and labor, and give full protection to capital. Also remove the necessity for "government ownership of monopolies"-except the mines, mineral oils, etc., which are the natural treasuries of the people.

6th. To replace the national bank and treasury notes with a national non-interest bearing time-note currency, not over $50,000,000 of which to be redeemable in any one year.

This measure would utilize the credit of the government for the benefit of the people alone. It would also effectually break the banker's "endless chain."

7th. To terminate the administrative and legislative power of a politital party when it is rejected by the people.

8th To secure direct legislation thru the initiative and referendum.

Our money of all kinds in circulation is now said to be about $25 per capita. But this calculation includes such gross errors as counting all the gold coin that has ever been coined by our mints as now in "circulation" (much of which has been melted for use in the arts, and also much has gone abroad), and also much paper money that has been destroyed by fire and other casualties. So the real amount in actual circulation is much less. But I have before me a chart showing the bank credit power in each state in 1896. The average per capita for all the states was then $93.69, and perhaps it is more now. This gives an idea of the great power that the banking interests have over the people and the affairs of the country. The "Coming Nation" puts it this


We have all heard of the man who attempted to live on the interest of what he owed. Well, that is just what the bankers all over this great and expanding republic of ours are doing at this moment. There is usually about $1,000,000,000 in the United States, and the banks and mortgage companies have just five times that sum loaned out to the people. In other words, they are collecting interest on $4,000,000,000 which they do not possess. But they are not satisfied with this, and the McCleary bill was introduced for the purpose

of adding several billions more to their loaning capacity. We have the greatest financial system in the world!

The banking interests work all together-no trust is as powerful as the trust of banking interests. That influence demonetized silver, destroyed our greenbacks until forced to stop by overwhelming public sentiment, produced the panic of 1893 in order to entirely stop the coining of silver, influenced the several secretaries of the treasury to redeem greenbacks in gold only, contrary to law, and now they want to destroy all government paper money and substitute therefor bank paper money. They say that they want the Government to "go out of the banking business." Would it not be better for the people to force the banks out of the governing business? While the banks want the "Government to go out of the banking business," yet they want to use the Government for their own service and convenience. For example, they want to use the U. S. Treasury as a junk shop in which to safely store their metal until such time as they may want it. The following clipping from the Philadelphia Ledger (Apr. 6), an extreme gold standard sheet, is significant in several ways:

Bankers who want the Government to resume the custom of issuing certificates declare that there is no doubt of the legal right of the Secretary to do so, and say that a recent decision of the Supreme Court clearly establishes his authority to act. Moreover, they argue that there are existing financial conditions which make the issue of the certificates almost a necessity. The fact is, they say, there is a scarcity of currency. Little is said about this scarcity for fear that it would only give new fuel to the fires of the silver and greenback agitation, Nevertheless there is constant complaint in mercantile circles here of the lack of currency. The banks cannot supply the demands made upon them. Usually at this period of the year there is an influx of currency to New York, but this year the banks have gained nothing, while the Treasury has lost currency. If this is the condition now, what, it is askt, will be the state of things later in the year, when there will be the urgent demand for currency in the interior to move the crops? It may be askt how the issue of gold certificates would relieve this famine of paper money? In answer, I am informed that, just as soon as the Treasury resumed the issue of certificates, $100,000,000 of gold coin would be deposited in the vaults and certificates taken therefor. These certificates would be used by the banks as re serve and in the large operations of the Clearing House. This use would release the greenbacks now held for that purpose, and add millions to the supply of paper currency. In this connection it may be said that the effort to force gold coin on the people is a failure. They don't want coin; they do want paper money, and if the Treasury does not supply this want its refusal may be made an issue in the next Presidential campaign.

We want enuf government legal tender money for the needs of business at all times-a sufficient quantity to maintain the prices of commodities, so that every producer will get a just return for his labor and enterprise, and compel the banks to care for their own metal just as they must care for any other kind of property. If they wish to invest in gold, tin, platinum or any other commodity, they should do their own storing, and we should have enuf government paper money for the legitimate demands of business for the same. The confession that the people will not use gold coin is a proof that paper money is now a necessity. It is the money of civilization, while metallic money is a relic of barbarism.

(Continued over next leaf.)


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