Upholsterer, one who sells house furniture Jeweller, one who makes and sells ornaments and vessels of silver and gold Draper, one who sells cloth Clothier, one who finishes cloth Dyer, one who dyes cloth Clerk, a man who writes and transacts business as an assistant Attorney, one who takes the care of, and does business for others Lawyer, one who studies the laws, and explains them Magistrate, one chosen to govern the people Philosopher, one who has much knowledge of the reason and nature of things Astronomer, one who studies the heavenly bodies Minister, one who is employed for others Principal, the first, the head of his companions or asso ciates What are the teachers and rulers in a college? president, professors, and tutors. When you learn the letters and how to put them together and spell words, what is it? Orthography. When you learn what language is, and how words should be placed in sentences, what is it? Grammar. When you learn respecting the earth, the continents, oceans, mountains, rivers, cities and towns, what is it? Geography. When you learn respecting the sun, moon and stars, what is it? Astronomy. When you learn to count, and multiply, and divide numbers, what is it? Arithmetic. When you learn respecting lines, circles, angles, surfaces and solids, what is it? Geometry. When you learn what has been done in times past, what is it? History. When you learn the reason of things, what is it? Philosophy. When you learn of what the earth is composed, what is it? Geology. When you learn of plants and flowers, what is it? Botany. What is death? It is ceasing to live. What part of us will die? Our bodies. What are some of the things which occasion death? Disease, fire, water, smoke, cold, hunger, violence, passion, intemperance. When death is occasioned by disease, what is it called? A natural death. When by water, what is it called? Drowning. When by fire, what is it called? When by the heat of liquids? When by bad air or smoke? When by violence? Burning. When by over eating or drinking? Surfeit. Murder. When one is killed by another without design? Manslaughter. When one dies without any perceptible means? The stroke of death. 'There are several kinds of murder; when one is murdered by his own child, what is it? When by a brother, what is it? When an infant is murdered? Parricide. Fratricide. Infanticide. When the king is murdered? Regicide. When one kills himself? Suicide. How many of the inhabitants of the earth die each day? ELLIPSIS. In this exercise, the teacher first repeats a sentence leaving out some word, or words, which the children are required to supply, as they repeat the sentence after the teacher. This serves not only for amusement, but also to strengthen the power of recollection, and help the pupil to form correct sentences. A CHILD of three years, who had attended an infant school several weeks, was able to repeat regularly the names of the figures. It was perceived, however, upon examination, that she had gained a knowledge of names only, and had not perceived, that the word seven comprehends more things than the words three or four. To prevent this failure, it is necessary to illustrate the first lessons in counting by the numerical frame, that the names of numbers may convey to the pupil the idea of things. Lesson 1. The teacher, holding up the numerical frame before the children, with a pointer moves out the balls, one after another, as the children count them. First she shows them one ball alone, saying, here is one ball. She then moves out another ball, saying, here is one more, count these together, one, two; here are two balls. She then moves another and says, count these, one, two, three; here are three balls. She proceeds in this manner till the children have learned to count ten. Short lessons are given, lest the mind should be confused, and the instruction lost; for more progress is made in teaching, if a child obtains the knowledge of one distinct thing, than if he receives a confused notion of twenty. When they can count ten, they may be taught the figures, which may be done on the frame. In this process, the teacher moves out a ball, with the pointer; the children count one, then with chalk he makes the figure one, directly against it on the frame, and teaches them, that it signifies one. He next moves out two balls, the first figure is rubbed out, and the figure 2 marked on the frame, and the meaning of it taught. Thus the ear, the eye and the mind will mutually assist each other. Lesson II. The exercise of counting ten, keeping time by striking the fists on the lap, will be amusing and instructive; at each period they are' permitted to clap hands, while the teacher chalks one mark upon the frame, which represents one ten, and when the marks are ten, the children count them, and find they have counted ten tens, and then they may be taught the sum of them is one hundred. Lesson III. When Exercise the children in counting one hundred, while the teacher moves out the balls one after another. they have learned to do this with ease, the teacher moves the frame so as to throw the balls first at one end of the wires and then at the other, at the same time counting with the children, one hundred, two hundred, three hundred and so on to ten hundred; then teach them that the sum of ten hundred is one thousand. This is described as one method of teaching to count. The method may be varied as the ingenuity of the teacher may devise; but the principle should be preserved Lesson IV. ‘. In teaching the following lessons the numbers of balls named, must be moved out on separate wires. How many balls are 2 balls and 1 ball? How many balls are 2 balls and 2 balls? How many balls are 2 balls and 3 balls? How many balls are 2 balls and 4 balls? |