or teacher first to spell and pronounce each syllable and the children repeat, until the sounds become in a degree familiar to them. They may next be taught by the same means to spell and pronounce the syllables of the second table, viz. bla, fla, gla, &c. Singing occasionally these lessons in syllables will give to them an additional interest. Those children which have before learned to read will not be particularly benefited by these lessons, but it should be considered no loss of time, as it will be an amusement for them, while they are aiding the younger pupils. A constant watch must be observed for those who are discordant or listless in this exercise of repeating. Such should be selected, placed by themselves, and induced to repeat or sing while the others remain silent, that their attention may be excited and individual improvement advanced. During the time the children are thus taught the sounds of the letters, by repeating many unmeaning syllables, care must be taken that they do not lose their interest for reading. It should be explained to them that these syllables are parts of words. They should also be daily exercised in spelling short easy words, the names of objects familiar to them, as pin, top, dog, puss, bird, sun, moon, &c. When the children have learned to repeat these lessons with ease, they may next be arranged in classes, and taught to read the syllables from the cards, which for this purpose should be placed on the spelling post before them, and the letters pointed out by the teacher or monitor. Next proceed to teach them from the cards containing short easy words, requiring a definition of each word which is read. Such words as are not familiar should be explained by the teacher, which must be done in so engaging a manner as to enlist the attention, or nothing will be gained. Ex. The word spelled is b-a-t, bat. What is a bat? has any one of you, ever seen a little animal which is called bat? It is a very curious creature, not larger than your fist, when it sits still. It is covered with soft fur and has little ears like a mouse. Is it a mouse? No, it is not a mouse, for a mouse cannot fly, but the little bat can spread its wings as broad as a plate, and fly about very swiftly. After a lesson has been read and spelled by the children, they should be exercised in pronouncing the same words without spelling them. This will help them to know words at first sight, and prepare them to read sentences without first spelling the words. An interest in spelling may be excited by calling upon the pupils to spell the names of common things. Ex. Spell the name of some thing you now see. Of some animal. Of some beautiful flower. Of some fruit. something you can see in the blue sky, &c. Of When the pupils have proceeded thus far in learning to read, they are prepared for easy lessons in reading. These should consist of short sentences, on pleasing, familiar subjects, expressed in simple language. : WORDS DEFINED. Experience shows that defining words gives a high degree of interest to spelling and reading, provided the definitions are reduced to the comprehension of the pupils; this, together with the great advantage which must result from the early acquisition of correct language, renders it an important branch of infant education. Short lessons are preferred in this exercise and should be well understood before others are given. The teacher may ascertain whether the definition of a word is well understood, by obtaining answers to such questions as are annexed to a few words at the beginning of this lesson. Abandon, to leave and forsake. What should you forsake? All that is wicked. Abase, to cast down and bring low. conduct? Abhor, to dislike very much, to hate What should we abhor? Abluent, that which washes clean. With what do we wash? What is used with water? Above, in a high place, over head. Can you tell me of something that is over head? Abreast, side by side. How do you stand when you rise to read? Abroad, out of the house. Where do you like to go? Abscond, to hide one's self. What do some persons do, to keep away from others? Absorb, to suck up. What will the sponge do, when put in water? Absurd, very foolish. What is it to say, I cry for food because I am sleepy? Abundance, a great plenty. Can you mention anything which you have in abundance? Abuse, to treat with rudeness. What is it to push and strike another? Aborigines, first inhabitants of a country. What are the Indians? Absent, away. What can you say of the children who are not in school. to-day? Accelerate, to make anything go faster Access, the way to approach a thing Accommodate, to supply one with things which he wants Accost, to speak first to Accurate, without any fault Accumulate, to increase, to gain more Acid, sour Acquire, to gain a thing by our own labor Act, something done Acute, sharp, ending in a point Adapt, to fit one thing to another Add, to join one thing to another Adjacent, that which lies next to another Adjourn, to put off to another day Admit, to let in Adverse, contrary Admire, to wonder, to regard with affection Aerial, belonging to the air Affection, love, kindness Afflict, to give pain, and make another unhappy Affliction, pain and sorrow Aged, many years old Agent, one who acts for others Agile, nimble, ready Agony, violent pain Alarm, sudden surprise Alabaster, a kind of soft marble Aloft, on high Alternate, by turns, one after another Amiss, wrong, improper Amity, friendship Amputate, to cut off Anchor, a heavy iron to hold a ship Angel, a ministering spirit Anguish, great pain Anil, the plant from which indigo is made Animate, to quicken, to give life Annex, to join one thing to another Anoint, to bathe with oil Annoy, to vex another Annual, that which occurs every year Anon, that which comes soon Anonymous, without a name Anti, opposite 1 Antipodes, those people on the other side of the globe who have their feet directly opposite to ours Antler, a branch of a deer's horn shape their work Aperture, an open place Apostle, one sent to teach Appal, to be frightened, or to grow faint Apparel, clothes Arbor, a place covered with branches of trees Arrear, behind Ascend, to move upwards Ascent, a way to go up, a high place Assassin, a secret murderer Asylum, a safe place Atlas, a book of maps Atmosphere, the air round the earth Atom, a thing extremely small Aurora, morning Avenue, an alley of trees before a house-passage of any kind Azure, a faint blue color Balcony, a frame in front of a house or other building Balmy, fragrant Bane, poison Banish, to condemn a person to leave their own country Bard, one who makes poetry Bath, a place to wash in Battle, to contend in fight Bauble, a trifling thing Behold, to look upon Belch, to raise wind from the stomach Belle, a lady much admired Belfry, a place to hang a bell Berry, a small fruit with many seeds Besom, a broom Beverage, a drink Blade, a spire of grass, a leaf |