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T. Who were struck dead for telling lies?
C. Ananias and Sapphira.

T. Does God feel just so now, towards lying, as he did then?

C. He does, for he is the same yesterday, to-day, and forever.

T. Are you not sorry for your little school-mate? she' thought to gain something by lying, but it was a great mistake. She has hurt herself, for no person will believe one who will tell a lie; and more than this, she has displeased God. We are distressed for her. Do you think she will ever tell a lie again?

(To the little girl.) Do you wish ever to tell another lie? Do you wish to obey God's holy commands, which were given to make us happy? Then you must always speak the truth.-God always speaks truth, and he loves the truth; he spoke the truth when he said, he that speaketh lies shall perish. But if you are sorry you have disobeyed God and wish never to do it again, we hope he will forgive you. (Let the children repeat)—

When every eye around me sleeps,
May I not sin and not be seen?
No; for a constant watch God keeps
Of every thought that dwells within.
O could we children tell a lie,
Or cheat in play, or steal, or fight,
If we remembered God is by,
And has us always in his sight?

It is thought that this kind of moral suasion will in most cases, supersede the necessity of rewards and punishments in the infant school. Where every generous and kind feeling is encouraged and all that is averse is frowned upon by the whole school, causes for correction will seldom occur; but in cases of repeated crimes, such as falsehood, disobedience, foul words, passionate crying, tyrannical or malicious temper, when kind instruction has failed of effecting a reformation, a judicious punishment should be inflicted. Infants are much affected by sensible things; a moment's pain will make a lasting impression on their feelings. But such corrections as

suddenly thumping the head, pinching the ear, pulling the hair, cuffing, or striking with a ruler, have so much the appearance of wrong feeling in the teacher, that they should be carefully avoided. A child is a rational being, capable of comprehending the motive of the teacher which should be expressed to them in the following manner. Teacher. I feel very unhappy to see you naughty. Though you told me you did not intend ever to do this again, you have very soon forgotten your good resolution. I am afraid to trust you now. I must punish you so that you will not forget, but ever remember to avoid this fault. It will be far better for you to suffer punishment than to do this. The more you do it, the more you will be apt to do it, and you will soon grow so hardened that you will not feel sorry for your fault. And this will lead you to many other faults, so that you will become a very wicked child and then you will be very unhappy. This will be This will be a great evil; for one wicked child will make other children wicked and unhappy. The word of God tells us we must correct children for bad conduct while they are so young that there is hope they will leave their faults and become good, and when I correct you I shall ask God to make it good for you that you suffer, that you may learn obedience. After such instruction a very small smooth stick dispassionately applyed for two or three minutes to such part of the child as will not by the means receive the least injury, will usually induce submission, and cause a proud, obstinate or impertinent humor to give place to a docile, sweet, affectionate temper. The child will feel humbled in view of the trouble his own conduct has procured to himself and his kind teacher. He will see and feel that he is under a lawful and benevolent government, and must submit and will feel a grateful affection to the teacher, who has wounded her own feelings so much, solely for his benefit.

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To the infant who is very sensitive to pain such correction will seem intolerable, yet it is thought to be really less suffering, than when the tender feelings are wounded through a protracted mortification, or the imagination tortured with fearful threatenings.



THAT a teacher may be qualified to enter on her work with a prospect of success she must have a familiar acquaintance with a good system of discipline and instruction. Also a thorough knowledge of the several branches of instruction which are to be taught, with philosophy enough to discover the most simple element of these branches, which is the place where the instruction of infants should commence; here they must grasp the clue which will lead them onwards with sure and delightful progress.

Some successful experience in the business of teaching is also requisite, as a mere knowledge of systems and sciences will not warrant success. The teacher's own mind must be disciplined to labor patiently, to guide her own conduct systematically, to arrange her thoughts and to control her feelings, and with simplicity devote herself to the promotion of happiness on those pure principles which insure the final fruition of blessedness and glory everlasting.

"The teacher-Oh let him be some man of God, whose heart, warm with the consciousness of God's forgiving love, delights to dwell on his Redeemer's goodness, and prompts him, with the genuine warmth of actual experience to be telling of his salvation from day to day. Let him be one who will not tire of that theme, because it is the truth he lives on himself, and which he feels to be fruitful of peace and joy. Correct sentiments, though necessary, are not sufficient; there must be a breathing vitality about his religion, an animating energy about his piety, that shall make him, with God's blessing, the spiritual father of a numerous race. must be a man of prayer; no human power can accomplish the work before him; he must look, and steadfastly look, to those everlasting hills, from whence cometh his help. With prayer must he gird himself for his work, in the spirit of prayer must he carry it on; in the incense of prayer must the offering of his day's exertion


ascend before the throne. He must be a man mighty in the scriptures; line must be upon line, precept upon precept; the word of God must be in his mouth, in all its varied fitness, a word of instruction, a word of reproof, a word of warning, a word of encouragement.

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It is important to gain an entire command over the attention of the children with respect to three objects. 1st, To the teacher. 2d, To the various signals. 3d, To instruction.

1st, As it respects herself, the teacher may best gain a command over the attention of her pupils, by first securing their confidence and affection. Her daily conduct must show them that she is deeply interested in their happiness, that her motive is invariably love and kindness, and that due forbearance and strict impartiality guide all her decisions.

2d, In order to gain attention to the various signals adopted for the use of the school, there must be a previous systematic arrangement of them. The ringing of the bell, the sound of the whistle, the clap of the hands, and stamp of the foot, must each have its appropriate Which arrangement must be observed with strict regularity on the part of the teacher, and prompt obedience required of the pupils.


The definite meaning of the various signals may be made familiar to the children by occasionally exercising them for this purpose.

3d, Attention to instruction may be gained by arresting the curiosity of the pupils.

The wakeful curiosity of children may be engaged by first telling them some amusing circumstance or pleasing part of the subject about to be communicated. Next, to preserve the attention which is thus awakened, everything which will tend to distract the attention must be * Dr. Mayo's Sermon.

carefully avoided, such as unintelligible language, a tone of authority, affectation, or flattery; also a manifest indifference in the teacher to the subject communicated. Her own feelings must move, if she would awaken and interest the feelings of her infant pupils. After every precaution the teacher may sometimes perceive that the attention of her little flock with respect to instruction is lost. At such times the subject should be dropped and some new, pleasing exercise introduced, or if fatigue is the occasion of listlessness, they are only to be required to sit entirely still for a few moments.


WHEN the pupils have been engaged any time with lessons which require an exertion of the mental faculties, recourse is had to manual exercise, which form a pleasant contrast, and thus prevent fatigue and languor.

It is designed, when practicable, that the bodily exercise should have some signification, that in every way instruction may be imparted.

For example-Can you tell me what there is in your arms which keeps them straight?


How can you bend your arm at the elbow if there is a bone in it?

There is a joint in the bone, made to turn.

Are there joints in your fingers too?

There are.

Let me see you use your joints.

(The children, holding up both hands, begin with moving rapidly first the finger joints, at the same time repeating,) -Finger joints, finger joints,-(then,) wrist joints, wrist joints, (and so on to the shoulder joints; then clap hands.) Have you bones and joints in all parts of your bodies? We have.

How many ways can you turn your head? your your feet?


Do your head, hands, and feet, move as you wish them?

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