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mittee, 72-Approved by all except South Carolina and Georgia, 73 - Yates
and Lansing desert their post, 74 - The southern states have a majority in the
convention, 75 - Abolition of slavery in the North, 76 - Movement against the
slave-trade, 77-Two classes of slave states, 78 - Jealousy of the speedy
preponderance of western states, 79- The equal rights of the western states
maintained, 80-Strife on the representation for slaves, 81 - A triple set of
parties prevent a decision, 82-Rash proposal of Morris, 83 - Taxation and
representation, 83-Slaves to be counted as three fifths in representation, 84
- Morris fears injury to commerce from the influence of western states, 85-
Representation in the second branch proportioned to numbers, 86 - Effect of
the decision on the political power of the South, 87 - The senate to vote by
states, 88.
The distribution of powers between the general government and the states,
89-Relation of federal legislation to that of the states, 90 - Property quali-
fication as a condition of holding office, 91-Qualification of the electors left
to the states, 92 - Extent of the jurisdiction of federal tribunals, 93-How
the new constitution was to be ratified, 94- Committee of five ordered to re-
port the resolutions of the convention in the form of a constitution, 95
Character of Rutledge, 95 - Industry of the committee, 96 - Anxiety of the
country, 97.
The ordinance of 1787, 98-Treaty with the Shawnees, 98- Monroe's jour-
ney to the West, 99- Report of a grand committee on the western territory,
99-Monroe's plan for a northwestern ordinance, 100 - Monroe and restric-
tions on slavery, 101 - Certain waters and carrying places declared free, 101 -
The Connecticut reserve, 101 The proposed five states in the northwest, 102
-Jealousy of the western states, 103, 104 - Kaskaskias, 103 - Urgent need
of a territorial government, 104 - Progress of the bill, 105- Rufus Putnam's
plan for colonizing the West, 105 - His appeal to Washington, 106 - Parsons
visits the West, 106 - Congress quiets the Indian title to a great part of Ohio,
107-Formation of the Ohio company, 108 - Parsons presents its memorial to
congress, 109-Effect of the memorial, 110-Power of the South, 110-
Cutler before congress, 110 - Carrington's report, 111 - Richard Henry Lee
on a new committee of seven, 112 - Ordinance for governing the territory of
the United States, 112-Its clauses, 112 - Clause on contracts, 113 - Grayson
and slavery, 114-Nathan Dane and King, 115 - History of the clause against
slavery, 116- Virginia accepts the ordinance with its exclusion of slavery, 117
-The rights of the free negro in New York and Virginia, 118.
THE CONSTITUTION IN DETAIL. THE POWERS OF CONGRESS. August, 1787. Report of the committee of detail, 119 - The constitution a government by
the people, 119 - Membership of a colony defined, 120 - Who are the people
of the United States, 121 - The new government a unity in plurality, 121 —
The tripartite division of powers, 121 - Election of the members of congress,
122-Continuous succession of the government provided for, 122-The new
government to be supported from the common treasury, 122-Number of
representatives, 123 Qualifications of membership, 123 - Discrimination
against the foreign-born, 124 - Property qualification rejected, 125 - The
quorum, 125- Qualifications of electors, 126 - To be established by each
state for itself, 128 - Relation of the slave-trade to representation, 128-Of
slavery, 129- Why slaves should not be represented, 130 The question
adjourned, 132 - Powers granted to the new government, 132 - Power to emit
paper money objected to by Hamilton, 132 - By Gouverneur Morris, 132-By
Mason, Gorham, Mercer, Ellsworth, and Randolph, 183 - By Wilson and Lang-
don, 134-Madison's vote decides that the power shall not be granted, 184-
How friends of paper money stand in history, 135 - Power of the states to emit
paper money, 136 - The power absolutely prohibited, 137-Power left to the
states to interfere with contracts, 138 - But not to interfere ex post facto, 138
-The term ex post facto defined, 139 - Power of the congress to encourage
manufactures by impost duties, 139 - Shall states or the United States encour-
age manufactures, 140-Power confined to the United States, 141 - States not
to treat with foreign powers or other states, 141 - Slaves and representation, 142
- Who are citizens, 143 - Fugitives from justice, 143 - Fugitive slaves, 144.
The assumption of the state debts, 145 - Jurisdiction over crimes, 145-
Power to subdue a rebellion, 146 - Power of declaring war, 146 - General pro-
positions of Madison, 146 - The army, navy, and militia, 147 - Clause on the
militia, 148-Compromise on the appointment of militia officers, 149-Power
to execute the powers granted, 149 - Treason, 149-State laws cannot shield
the traitor, 150-Commerce and the slave-trade, 151 - Exports exempted from
taxation, 152-Debate on continuing the slave-trade, 152 - South Carolina and
Georgia threaten to secede, 155 - Dickinson hints at a compromise, 156
North Carolina will join South Carolina and Georgia on the question, 156 - The
question committed, 157 - The questions of the slave-trade and of a navigation
act committed, 157 - The compromise of the committee, 158 - Final shape of
the compromise, 159 - Slave-trade abolished after twenty years, 159 - Doom
of slave-holding, 160 - Why the British failed in retaining the South, 160-
How slaves may emerge into the human character, 161 - Grant of power to regulate commerce, 162 - The admission of new states within the limits of the
United States, 162-The admission of new states from abroad permitted, 163
-Special provision for the admission of Vermont, 163 - Powers of congress
over the territory and other property of the United States, 164-Limit on the
taxation of slaves, 164.
THE PRESIDENT. July-September, 1787.
The choice of the president a difficult problem, 165 - How shall he be
chosen, 166-Shall he be re-eligible, 166 - The tenure of good behavior con-
sidered, 167- Question between the tenure of good behavior or the tenure for
seven years with perpetual re-eligibility, 168-Choice by the national legisla-
ture and re-eligibility incompatible, 168 - The choice of the president by the
aggregate people rejected, 169 - The choice by an electoral college, 169 - Ob-
jections started against it, 170-A triple executive proposed, 170 - Relation
of re-eligibility of the executive to the length of the period of office, 171-
Madison proposes the election by the people at large, 171-Jealousy of the
smaller states, 171 -Proposal that each person should vote for two candidates,
the highest to prevail, 172-Different plans proposed, 172 - The convention
votes for a single executive, to be chosen by the legislature for seven years,
and to be ineligible, 173 - The decision not accepted as final, 173 - Report of
the committee of detail, 173 - Antagonism of the smaller and the large states,
174-The choice of the president by the vote of the states negatived, 175 —
Subject referred to a committee of eleven, 176 - Opinions of Gouverneur Mor-
ris, 176-Of Sherman, 177 - Report of the committee, 177 - The president to
be voted for in the electoral colleges of the states, 178 - And the vote to be
counted by the senate, 178 - The plan of leaving so much power to the senate
objected to, 179 - Continued debate, 180 - Speech of Wilson, 181 - Of Hamil-
ton, 182-How the votes were to be counted, 182 - The mode of counting in
Massachusetts preferred to that of Virginia, 183 - A summary statement of the
matter, 184-Election of the vice-president, 186. Title of the president, 187
-The veto power, 187-Power of pardon, 188 -The president commander- in-chief, 188- Restraints proposed on the executive power, 188 - A privy
council proposed, 189 - The plan for a council rejected, 190 - Relation of the
president and the senate, 190-Power of war and peace, 191 - Over inter-
course with foreign states, 191 - Power of appointment, 191 - Power of
removing, 192 - Qualifications of the president, 192 - Impeachment of the
president, 193-State of the president while on trial, 194- Judgment in case
of impeachment, 194.
THE FEDERAL JUDICIARY. August-September, 1787.
Report on the federal judiciary, 195 - The judiciary and the veto power, 196
- Proposals of Pinckney, 196-Organization of federal courts, 197-Judges
not removable by address, 197 - Extent of the judicial power, 198- The
judiciary and unconstitutional laws, 198 - Senate to try impeachments, 199-
To cases beginning and ending in a state, 199 - The original jurisdiction of the
supreme court, 199 - Its appellate powers, 200- Method of choosing it, 201
-The supreme court and legislative encroachments, 201 - Protection against
erroneous judgments, 201 - By the court, 202-By congress, 203 - By the
good sense of the land, 203 - Methods of consolidating the union, 203 - Of
bankruptcies, 204 - Of money bills, 204 - Number of the house of representa-
tives, 204-How the constitution was to be ratified, 205 Randolph and
Franklin for another federal convention, 206.
12-17 September, 1787.
Final draft of the constitution, 207 - The constitution the institution of a
government by the people, 208 - Why the names of the thirteen states were
left out of the first clause, 208 - Federal and national, 208-The veto of the
president, 209- Of juries, 209-Motion for a bill of rights defeated, 210-
No title for the president, 210- Of encouraging American manufactures, 210
- Servitude and service, 211 - How to introduce the constitution, 211 - The
keeper of the purse, 211-Power to cut canals negatived, 212 - Of a univer-
sity, 212-No state to trespass on the rights of another state, 213-The
obligation of contracts, 214 - The distribution of representation, 214 - Slavery
not recognised as a legal condition, 215 - Modes of amending the constitution,
216-Mason dreads navigation acts, 217- Indecision of Randolph, 217-
Firmness of Pinckney, 218 - The constitution ordered to be engrossed, 218
Washington's remark to members of the convention, 219 - Speech of Franklin,
219-An amendment adopted at the wish of Washington, 220-Appeals of
Morris and Hamilton to every one to sign the constitution, 220 - Three refuse,
221-The constitution signed by every state, 221 - Prophecy of Franklin, 221
-The meditations of Washington, 222.
CONSTITUTION. 1787-1788.
THE CONSTITUTION IN CONGRESS AND IN VIRGINIA. September-November, 1787. The constitution received in congress, 225 - Opposed in congress, 226- Amendments desired by Lee, 227 - Is supported by New York, 228 - Proposi-
tions of New Jersey, 228 - Congress against Lee, 229 - A compromise agreed
upon, 229-Perseverance of Lee, 230 - Efforts of Washington in Virginia,
231-Opponents of the constitution in Virginia, 232 - Washington wins over
Randolph, 233 - Monroe writes in favor of adopting the constitution, 234-
The legislature of Virginia, 234 - The constitution referred to a state conven-
tion, 234-But amendments may be proposed in the state convention, 235
Plan for a second federal convention, 236 - A letter from Washington, 237.
GEORGIA. From 18 September, 1787, to 2 January, 1788.
Pennsylvania, 238 - Franklin presents the constitution to its legislature, 239
- Long debates upon it, 240 - Reception of the resolution of congress, 240 -
A convention called, 241 - Lee and Wilson in Pennsylvania, 241 - Prompt
meeting of the Pennsylvania convention, 242 - Speech of Wilson in favor of
the constitution, 242 - Opposed by Smilie, 245 - And by Whitehill, 246 - On
the want of a bill of rights, 247-Speech of Findley, 248 - The constitution in
the Delaware legislature, 249 - The Delaware convention ratifies the constitu-
tion, 250-Pennsylvania ratifies the constitution, 251 - Act of the legislature
of New Jersey, 252 - The New Jersey convention ratifies the constitution, 253
-The legislature of Georgia, 253 - Georgia unanimously ratifies the constitu-
tion, 254.
Letter of Sherman and Ellsworth to the governor of Connecticut, 255 - The
Connecticut convention, 256 - Speeches of Ellsworth and Johnson, 256-
James Wadsworth and answers to him, 257 - Wise conduct of Hancock, 258
- Massachusetts calls a convention, 258 - Condition of the state, 259 - The
elections, 260 - Samuel Adams, 260 - Opening of the convention, 261 -
Elbridge Gerry, 261 - Conduct of Samuel Adams, 262 - Objections to the
constitution, 262 - Property qualifications, 263 - Representation of slaves,
263-On a religious test, 263 - Period of office for senators, 264 - King
explains the constitution, 264-Dawes argues for protective duties, 264 - The
convention wavering, 265 - Washington on a second convention, 266 - Rally
of the friends of the constitution, 266 - Objections made and answered, 267-
The slave-trade, 268 - Hancock proposes resolutions, 269 - Supported by
Samuel Adams, 269 - Amendments referred to a committee, 270 - The com-
mittee report its approval of the constitution, 271 - Objections on the score
of the slave-trade, 271 - And for the want of a bill of rights, 272 - Stillman
speaks for the constitution, 272-In what words Hancock proposed the ques-