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volving the deed was enabled, by a remarkable series of facilities, to gain access to his victim. This Balthazar Gérard-half fanatic and whole villain-while serving in the office of the Secretary to Count Mansfeld, Governor of Luxemburg, fabricated, for future uses, copies of Mansfeld's seals. Consulting with divers Jesuits, he was advised to lay his scheme before Parma. The Governor encouraged the prosecution of the design, but would advance no money to his needy subordinate. Gérard assumed a false name, and, by pretending to be a jealous Calvinist, and by suggesting the use that might be made of the counterfeit seals in his possession, he gained a footing in the service of the States. He soon made for himself the opportunity he desired, and standing in a dark recess, he shot Orange as he went from the dinner-table to his own apartment. The wound was almost instantly followed by death; and thus foully was ended the important life of William the Silent.


Grammatical Questions.

1. Give the genitive singular and the nominative plural of Horn, Form, Sturm, Wetter, Nacht.

2. Give the imperfect indicative (first person sing.) and the past participle of figen, segen, legen, lügen, liegen, siegen.

3. What cases are governed by zufolge, vermöge, gemäß, ungeachtet?

4. Give the derivation of Geschichte, Aufgabe, Kunft, Unverstand.


Theme for an Essay in German: The Power of Conscience.


Afternoon Paper.



Translate into English:

Die Thore der Hauptstadt öffneten sich. Der Consul zog ein mit seinen Legionen; aber Marius, spöttisch erinnernd an das Achtgefeß, weigerte sich die Stadt zu betreten, bevor das Gesez es ihm gestatte. Eilig versammelten sich die Bürger auf dem Markt um den caffirenden Beschluß zu fassen. So kam er denn und mit ihm die Schreckensherrschaft. Es war beschlossen nicht einzelne Opfer auszuwählen, sondern die namhaften Männer der Optimatenpartei sämmtlich niedermachen zu lassen und ihre Güter einzuziehen. Die Thore wurden gesperrt ; fünf Tage und fünf Nächte währte unausgeseßt die Schlächterei. Einzelne Entkommene oder Vergessene wurden auch nachher noch täglich erschlagen, und Monate lang ging die Blutjagd durch ganz Italien. Der Consul Gnäus Octavius war das erste Opfer. Seinem oft ausgesprochenen Grundsatz getreu lieber den Tod zu leiden als den rechtlosen Leuten das geringste Zugeständniß zu machen, weigerte er auch jeht sich zu fliehen, und im consularischen Schmuck harrte er des Mörders, der nicht lange säumte. Selbst mit dem Tode seiner Opfer ruhte die Rache des Marius uicht. Er verbot die Leichen zu bestatten; er ließ-worin freilich Sulla ihm vorangegangen war-die Köpfe der getödteten Senatoren an die Rednerbühne auf dem Marktplaß heften; einzelne Leichen ließ er über den Markt schleifen, und er umarmte öffentlich den Menschen, der ihm, während er bei Tafel saß, den Kopf des Antonius überreichte.


Translate into German :

There is no king in the world, who can so experimentally testify of God's providence and goodness, neither is there any who rules so many free people, so many true Christians: which renders thy government more honourable, thyself more considerable, than the accession of many nations filled with slavish and superstitious souls. Thou hast tasted of prosperity and adversity; thou knowest what it is to be banished thy native country, to be overruled, as well as to rule and sit upon the throne. If after all these warnings thou dost not turn unto the Lord with all thy heart, but forget him who remembered thee in thy distress, and give up thyself to follow lust and vanity, surely great will be thy condemnation.


Those who are able may write an Essay in German on Railways.


Grammatical Questions.

1. Give the gender and meaning of the following words: Bericht, Gedicht, Andacht, Verdacht, Gift, Mitgift, Muth, Demuth, Dienst, Verdienst.

2. Write the dative plural of Mann, Frau, Altar, Hut, Brod.

3. Write the first person plural in the present, imperfect, and perfect of the following verbs: sterben, springen, laufen, untergehen.

4. Give the meaning of zweifach, zweierlei, Zwieback. 5. Translate: They slander each other. They love one another.

[blocks in formation]

2. How long would a column of men 2145 feet in length take to march through a street 3 furlongs long at the rate of 75 paces in a minute, each pace being 23 feet.

3. Two casks containing each six gallons are filled one with a fluid A and the other with a fluid B, one gallon is drawn off from each cask and poured into the other; after this operation has been performed 3 times, find how much of the fluid A still remains in the cask which was originally filled with it.

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4. To what base are tabular logarithms in common use calculated? mention briefly any advantages belonging to this system. If x be the logarithm of (a) to a base (b), and y the logarithm of (b) to a base (a), prove xy-1. Hence, given logo 2=3010300, find, without the tables, log, 10 to three decimal places. Find, by the aid of the tables




(2) In what time 2500l. will amount to 37007. 12s.
at the rate of 4 per cent. per annum com-
pound interest, payable yearly.

5. Prove

(1) (a+b−c)2 (a−b+c)+(a+b+c) (a+b−c) (b+c− a) =4bc(a+b−c).

(2) √4+3 √—20+√/4-3 √—20=6.

6. Find all the roots of the following equations:

(1) +8=(x+2)(5x+8).

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coefficient in the expansion whole number, and prove 1.3 5 ~~ (2n − 1)


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Find the coefficient of x' in (1-2x+3x2)3.


8. If (a) (b) and (m) are positive integers, prove




a+ is greater than than (+)". If a, b, c, are posi


tive integers and unequal, prove (ab+ac+bc) (a+b+c) greater than 9abc.

9. If two triangles have two angles of the one equal to two angles of the other each to each, and one side equal to one side, viz., the side opposite to one of the equal angles in each, then shall the other sides be equal each to each, and also the third angle of the one equal to the third angle of the other.

ABCD is a quadrilateral of which the sides AB, CD are parallel and A and C opposite angles, bisect the angles BAD, ADC by lines AF and DF meeting in F, bisect the angles ABC, BCD, by lines BK, CK meeting in K, show that FK is parallel to AB and CD, and equidistant from them.

10. Define similar rectilineal figures. Show that if two triangles have the sides about each of their angles proportional, the triangles will be similar according to the definition.

A, B, C, D are four points in a straight line taken in order, through A and C draw any two lines AM, UN parallel to each other, through B and D draw any

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