The Plays of William Shakespeare, Volumul 4A. Leathley, 1766 |
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Pagina 25
... whofe fake ? E. Dro . Mafter , knock the door hard . Luce . Let him knock , till it ake . E. Ant . You'll cry for this , minion , if I beat the door down . Luce . What needs all that , and a pair of stocks in the town ? Adr . ( within ) ...
... whofe fake ? E. Dro . Mafter , knock the door hard . Luce . Let him knock , till it ake . E. Ant . You'll cry for this , minion , if I beat the door down . Luce . What needs all that , and a pair of stocks in the town ? Adr . ( within ) ...
Pagina 32
... whofe Claim the States of France refifted , on account of his being a Proteftant . This , I take it , is what he means , by France making War against her Heir . Now as , in 1591 , Queen Elizabeth fent over 4000 Men , under the Conduct ...
... whofe Claim the States of France refifted , on account of his being a Proteftant . This , I take it , is what he means , by France making War against her Heir . Now as , in 1591 , Queen Elizabeth fent over 4000 Men , under the Conduct ...
Pagina 39
... whofe hard heart is button'd up w up with fteel : A fiend , a fairy , pitilefs and rough ( 3 ) , * Sere , that is , dry , withered . A wolf , of Stigmatical in making ] That is , marked or ftigmatized by nature with deformity , as a ...
... whofe hard heart is button'd up w up with fteel : A fiend , a fairy , pitilefs and rough ( 3 ) , * Sere , that is , dry , withered . A wolf , of Stigmatical in making ] That is , marked or ftigmatized by nature with deformity , as a ...
Pagina 40
... whofe fuit ? S. Dro . I know not at whofe fuit he is arrefted , well but he's in a fuit of buff , which ' refted him , that I tell . Will you fend him , miftrefs , redemption , the money in his defk ? Adr . Go fetch it , fifter ...
... whofe fuit ? S. Dro . I know not at whofe fuit he is arrefted , well but he's in a fuit of buff , which ' refted him , that I tell . Will you fend him , miftrefs , redemption , the money in his defk ? Adr . Go fetch it , fifter ...
Pagina 49
... Adr . Go bear him hence ; fifter , ftay you with me . [ Exeunt Pinch , Antipholis and Dromio . Say now , whofe fuit is he arrefted at ? Vo L. IV . C SCENE SCENE X. Manent , Officer , Adriana , and Courtezas. OF ERRORS . 49.
... Adr . Go bear him hence ; fifter , ftay you with me . [ Exeunt Pinch , Antipholis and Dromio . Say now , whofe fuit is he arrefted at ? Vo L. IV . C SCENE SCENE X. Manent , Officer , Adriana , and Courtezas. OF ERRORS . 49.
Alte ediții - Afișează-le pe toate
The Plays of William Shakspeare: In Fifteen Volumes. With the Corrections ... William Shakespeare Vizualizare completă - 1793 |
The Plays of William Shakspeare: In Fifteen Volumes. With the Corrections ... William Shakespeare Vizualizare completă - 1793 |
The Plays of William Shakspeare: In Fifteen Volumes. With the Corrections ... William Shakespeare Vizualizare completă - 1793 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
againſt anfwer Antipholis Beat Beatrice becauſe Benedick Bertram blood Bora Borachio brother Claud Claudio coufin Count doft Dogb doth Dromio Duke Enter Exeunt Exit eyes fafe faid fame fatire Faulc Faulconbridge Faule feems fenfe fent ferve fhall fhame fhew fhould fince firft flander fome foul fpeak fpeech France ftand ftill ftrange fuch fure fwear fweet give hath hear heav'n Hero himſelf honour houfe Hubert huſband itſelf James Gurney jeft John King King John knave lady lefs Leon Leonato Lord Madam mafter marry mean Melun moft moſt muft muſt myſelf Narbon never obferve paffage Parolles Pedro pray prefent Prince purpoſe reafon reft SCENE Shakespeare ſhall ſhe Signior ſpeak tell thee thefe THEOBALD theſe thine thofe thou art uſe WARBURTON whofe wife word worfe