(The tabulation follows:) Budget subactivity and project Ships, submarines and boats; Vietnam laboratory assistance program Other Marine Corps systems; Special procedures for expediting equipment delivery---- Total Amount * $1,500,000 625,000 2,125,000 1 Southeast Asia related. CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES Senator ELLENDER. How many civilian employees will be paid from this appropriation during fiscal year 1971, and what is the total of their compensation and benefits? Admiral OweEN. It is estimated that 31,683 civilian man-years will be paid directly or indirectly from the R.D.T. & E.N. appropriation during the fiscal year 1971 at a cost of $427,815,000. Senator ELLENDER. On page 8 of the justifications, I note that the average GS grade for fiscal year 1971 is stated at 9.1 which is the same as for fiscal year 1970; however, the average GS salary goes up from $11,977 in fiscal year ar 1970 to $12,018 for fiscal year 1971. What accounts for this small increase in the average GS salary? Admiral OWEN. The increase in average yearly GS salary of $41 for fiscal year 1971 compared with fiscal year 1970 is due primarily to the fact that the fiscal year 1971 average salary reflects the impact of the July 1969 pay increase for a full 26 pay periods, whereas, the fiscal year 1970 average salary reflects the impact of the July 1969 pay increase for 25 pay periods. (The pay raise was effective on the first full pay period after July 1, 1969.) Senator ELLENDER. It is indicated that the average salary of ungraded positions for fiscal year 1970 was $8,805, and the average for fiscal year 1971 is stated at $8,912. What accounts for this increase! Admiral OwEN. The average yearly salary increase of $107 for fiscal year 1971 compared to fiscal year 1970 for ungraded positions is due primarily to the fact that the fiscal year 1971 average reflects the full year's impact of wage board increases granted throughout fiscal year 1970. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COST Senator YOUNG. Do you have any estimate of the amount of the operation and maintenance appropriation that is used to support the various R. & D. efforts? Admiral OWEN. It is the policy of the Navy that the R. & D. appropriation funds the entire cost of the R.D.T. & E. program except for facilities funded by the military construction appropriation, investment items common to other Navy programs procured and managed centrally, and military personnel. Funding in the amount of $127 million for fiscal year 1970 and $124 million for fiscal year 1971 will be provided to R.D.T. & E.N. field activities from the operation and maintenance appropriation for work and services supplied in support of operating forces. The field activities supply the work and services either because of their unique technical capability or because of the proximity of fleet units or other operational support organizations. About $52 million of the fiscal year 1970 amount and $50 million of the fiscal year 1971 amount funds fleet support effort of - the type which prior to fiscal year 1970 was funded from the R.D.T. & E.N. appropriation. This effort relates to the specifications and design of equipment in service to correct design deficiencies which appear during the service use subsequent to the completion of development. Because it is not truly development effort, it was considered more appropriate to fund this effort from the "Operation and Maintenance, Navy," appropriation in accordance with DOD funding policy. NUMBER OF PROJECTS IN RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Senator YOUNG. How many projects are included in your planned fiscal year 1971 research and development program, and how does this number compare to the number in your program for fiscal year 1970? Dr. FROSCH. There are 603 projects funded in fiscal year 1971 as compared to 627 in fiscal year 1970. PROJECT CANCELLATIONS Senator YOUNG. Have there been any research and development projects during fiscal year 1970 Dr. FROSCH. Yes, sir, several. I will submit a complete list for the record. (The information follows:) Project title Airborne RDO DF equipment__ Advanced mine craft (MSX) Search Improved A/C rearming. Tactical ECM system.. Manpack tactical transceiver Manpack long range transceiver_ [Deleted] Tactical msg and voice comm system.. TALOS time control radar__ Close con sonar.. Battlefield IFF. Medium range air surveillance radar. Helo decoy--- Big look... Improved fire bomb---- Bombardment rocket_. [Deleted] 5-" Sidekick polygon warhead... Basic point defense missile system... 1 Canceled in favor of high priority projects. NEW PROJECTS Senator YOUNG. How many new projects are in the planned program for fiscal year 1971? Dr. FROSCH. We plan to begin effort on 28 new projects in fiscal year 1971. Senator YOUNG. Please provide a tabulation for the record identifying each of these new projects, and indicate the total estimated cost of the project and the fiscal year 1971 request for each. Dr. FROSCH. I will be glad to do so. (The information follows:) ORGANIZATIONS PERFORMING NAVY R. & D. PROGRAM Senator ELLENder. Please submit a tabulation for the record giving the dollar amount of Navy R. & D. work performed by the various types of agencies for fiscal year 1969, and the estimates for fiscal years 1970 and 1971. Admiral OWEN. I will be glad to do so. (The information follows:) Senator ELLENDER. How many military personnel are assigned to the various Navy research and development efforts, and do you have an estimate of the military personnel appropriation cost of these personnel? Admiral OWEN. In fiscal year 1970 it is estimated that 7,873 military personnel man-years costing $58,675,000 will be devoted to Navy research and development efforts at R.D.T. & E. installations. For fiscal year 1971 the estimate is 7,602 military personnel man-years at a cost of $57,658,000. REIMBURSABLE PROGRAM Senator ELLENDER. On page 2 of the justifications, I note that you anticipate reimbursements totaling $80 million in this appropriation for fiscal year 1971. What are the major sources of these reimbursements? Admiral OWEN. The major sources of the estimated $80 million in reimbursable orders for this appropriation are provided in the tabulation which I am submitting for the record. (The information follows:) Source: Operation and maintenance, Navy appropriation.. Procurement of aircraft and missiles, Navy appropriation..... Navy industrial fund__ Shipbuilding and conversion, Navy appropriation_ Department of the Army. Department of the Air Force_ Other Department of Defense agencies. National Aeronautics and Space Administration. National Science Foundation. Atomic Energy Commission_. Other Government agencies (Non-DOD) Thousands $25, 600 30,000 7,200 6,400 3.100 200 1,800 700 300 2, 200 500 400 200 200 200 Non-Federal sources___ 1,000 Senator ELLENDER. I note in fiscal year 1969, you had reimbursements totaling $606 million, and you only estimate $80 million in reimbursements during fiscal year 1970. Please comment on this matter. Admiral OWEN. This drop in the estimated new orders of $526 million for fiscal year 1970 compared to fiscal year 1969 results from the conversion of approximately 14 facilities to the Navy Industrial Funding system. In fiscal year 1970, orders which are placed at the laboratories are picked up as reimbursements to the working capital fund. whereas in fiscal year 1969 they were reimbursements to the research and development appropriation. Specifically, it is a change in accounting mechanics. NAVY LABORATORIES Senator YOUNG. On page 73 of the justifications, I note it is estimated that approximately $765.5 million of your total program for fiscal year 1971 will be performed in Navy laboratories and other facilities, of which $704.6 million is for installations operated by the Navy and $60.7 million is for installations operated by the contractors. Please provide a statement for the record listing all of the Navy's major laboratories and research installations and indicate their locations and the primary mission of each. Admiral OWEN. I will be glad to provide that information. (The information follows:) NAVY RESEARCH INSTALLATIONS Name of installation, location, and primary mission Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center, West Palm Beach, Fla.: Provide a deepwater test and evaluation facility. Acoustic measurement, testing sonars, and providing accurate underwater surface and air tracking data on ships and weapons in support of the United States. Naval Aerospace Medical Center, Pensacola, Fla.: To conduct research in aviation and space medicine, aviation psychology, aviation physiology, and allied fields, to evaluate aeromedical equipment, to support Naval Air Training Command in selection, indoctrination, and instruction of nonmedical aviation personnel, and to provide professional and consultant services in aviation medicine matters. Naval Aerospace Recovery Facility, El Centro, Calif.: Develop, test and evaluate parachutes and related systems, human escape methods and systems retardation and recovery systems, rescue survival and personal safety equipment. systems for retardation and recovery of ordnance, aircraft missile and capsule assemblies and logistic aerial delivery. Naval Air Development Center, Johnsville, Pa.: Conduct research, design. development, test, and evaluation of aeronautical systems and components, perform research and development in aviation medicine. Naval Air Engineering Center, Philadelphia, Pa.: Conduct a program of re search, development, test and evaluation, system integration, limited prodne tion, and fleet engineering support in launching, recovery, and landing aids for aircraft, and in ground support equipment for aircraft and airborne weapons systems. Naval Blood Research Laboratory, Chelsea, Mass.: To conduct research and methods for the long-range preservation of blood and blood products and evaluation of its clinical usefulness in hospitals in operational areas. Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory, Port Hueneme, Calif.: Research, development, test and evaluation of techniques, equipment and materials best suited for construction, maintenance and operation of shore activities, advanced bases, amphibious devices and undersea structures and related work as assigned. Naval Dental Research Institute. Great Lakes, Ill.: To conduct research. development, test and evaluation in dental and allied sciences emphasizing prob. lems of dental and oral health in Naval and Marine Corps population and problems of fleet and field dentistry. |