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monarch of Spain, was in itself an insuperable objection, as also the consideration that the Prince, proposed and supported by the powers of the European Continent, would naturally more incline towards the views of his protectors than towards those of South America, which ought to avoid all connexion with European continental politics; that Great Britain was the power from which South America had most to fear, and most to expect. As, however, this was a mere project, it was not to be altogether rejected, but hopes of success are to be left to France, with a view of inducing her to favour South American interests in Europe to a certain extent, and thus gradually to overcome the reserve of the cabinets with respect to the new independent governments.

It is at the same time suggested, that the Envoys in Europe should put the communications from Paris into the hands of the British Ministry, whose good opinion and protection South America is most

anxious to conciliate.

From the general stile of the above proposal, it appears somewhat more than probable, that it was a concerted plan with all the crowned heads, to counteract the effects on Europe, which must ensue from beholding the whole Continent of America one vast republic. We venture to say the whole, because, we consider his most faithful Majesty to be but an atom, when compared with the republics by which he will be surrounded. He cannot reign as King in the Brazils long, after every other polluted vestige of royalty is banished from that great Continent. He may stand a chance to reign as King in Portugal, some few years, if he will give the Portuguese a similar constitution to that which the Spaniards have obtained, but on no other terms. The farce of keeping it a secret to Great Britain, must be easily seen through: the parties knew well how the subject would have been handled by the British press, if its government had been an avowed agent in the business. It is, no doubt, one of the measures of the Holy Alliance, and it appears, the attempt was made on the pretence of supporting the Catholic religion. Yes, yes, the Catholic religion is the religion for monarchy, where the Pope has not too much controul. The despots of Europe are alarmed at the progress of republicanism, just as much as the Christian priests are at the progress of reason in the minds of men. They both know well, that their existence depends upon the ignorance and slavish disposition of the people. It was truly said by the Duc de Cazes, that the governments of Europe must discountenance, as far as possible, all republican Look to the United governments. This will not do now. States of America-she bids defiance to all European powers

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to injure her. She has completely put a stop to commerce with France, until the latter acquiesces in the proposals of the former relating to commerce. The United states form the Polar star to all the other republics of America. She can spread out her wings and shelter the whole Continent. Every year adds strength and importance to the Continent of America, and decay to that of Europe. And this state of things will, and must continue, whilst Europe remains under the controul of monarchical governments, and America consists of republican governments. Monarchy, vice, and decay. Republics, virtue, and prosperity. Take your choice, inhabitants of Europe, the consequences are as certain as any other law of nature. But on reflecting seriously on this proposal from the French government, it is one of the most barefaced tricks that has happened for some time. The offer to Dr. Franklin, whilst ambassador at France from the United States, was the act of an individual, and he perhaps insane; but here is the Duc de Cazes, a prime minister of France, no doubt making the proposal to the American envoy seriously, with the knowledge and consent of all the Bourbon family. It would have been a fine step to enable old Louis to assist his brother Ferdinand to recover the other parts of South America. His most Christian Majesty, his most Catholic Majesty, and his most Faithful Majesty, would have cut and sliced the different provinces of South America nicely, and our poor Defender of Faith would have looked foolish enough after the loss of his colonies in the North, to have seen his holy brothers making such figures in the South. Let us hope that men are not much longer to be ruled by robbers, but that every community of men, however small, will discover the necessity of managing their own affairs, by the delegation of government to their own representatives only. A monarchical government can never be truly said to represent the will and interest of the people. It is an anomaly in nature. The monarch fancies that the more money he spends, and the greater dazzle and splendour he makes, the more prosperous must be the affairs of the nation; but the great mass of the people who have to support this dazzle and splendour, are reduced to want and wretchedness by the taxation which must ever attend it. The system never could have been carried on as long as it has, since the invention of printing; but it has so happened, that where a monarchy has been firmly established, the people have not dared to open their mouths but to flatter it. To murmur against it has been treason—it is

now sedition, and he who is a firm and stedfast opposer of it, must be content to act and do the best he can in a prison. This unsuccessful effort of the French government to get a monarchical footing in South America, is a proof of its decayed state. The despots of Europe shall be taught that men are no longer to be bartered like sheep, such as they were at the late Congress of Vienna, where so many thousand souls were taken from one part, of one despot's dominion, for which he received an equivalent in another quarter, from another despot. The infamous affair of selling the Parguinotes cannot sleep-it is continually brought up, even in Parliament. Here is a pretty proof of the religious disposition of the English government; the Parguinotes were Christians, and our pious Ministers sold them all to Mahomet. They would have sold them to Satan, if he had been reigning any where on the borders of Europe, for some paltry interest and influence elsewhere, or to have made their peace with him in the next world.



Notwithstanding all that has been said to hush the subject of the late discontents in the Third Regiment of Guards, there was evidently something more than met the public eye in that affair. We were told with a degree of indifference and carelessness, that it was nothing political, but merely a murmuring about duty, and being shut up in barracks. Thus much is acknowledged, that the men were disarmed after showing a disposition of refusal to give up their arms and ammunition. We were further told that they attempted to bring over the First Regiment to their views. It may be some time before we get at the truth of this business, but the following general order, from the Commander-in-chief, will excite more suspicion on the subject than existed before:


Horse Guards, 24th June, 1820. It had been the intention of the Commander in Chief to await the

issue of an investigation into the circumstances attending the recent occurrences in the 1st Battalion of the 3d Regiment of Guards, before his Royal Highness should circulate to the army any observations, which the nature of these occurrences, and his sense of duty to the service, might suggest; but the exaggerated rumours which have agitated the public mind upon this occasion, being calculated to weaken the confidence, which the army, and the nation in general, have ever reposed in the British Guards, his Royal Highness feels it incumbent upon him to take this method of declaring, that the King places the most firm reliance upon the loyal attachment, good order, and discipline, which have always distinguished, and rendered the different corps of his Majesty's Guards, an object of just pride and boast to the Country; and that his Majesty could never permit himself to believe, that a casual departure from the principles of discipline in any one Battalion, the instigators of which will be reprobated and punished, as they may be found to deserve, could afford any just grounds for entertaining a suspicion, calculated to sully the reputation earned, in the face of the world, by the gallant services of all the regiments composing this distinguished body of troops.

Highly, therefore, as the Commander in Chief must reprobate any dereliction of the strict principles of subordination, which some discontented and evil disposed individuals may have originated in the 1st Battalion of the 3d Guards, it is still a satisfaction to reflect (and it is with pride his Royal Highness indulges the feeling) that the disposition of the other regiments of Guards remains firm in a becoming sense of what is due to discipline and authority; and that they are incapable of bartering their high character, for a participation in discontents which were equally frivolous as they were groundless.

This order to be read at the head of every regiment and corps in the army, and entered in the Orderly Books.

By command of his Royal Highness the Commander in Chief. HENRY TORRENS, Adjutant-General.

We must confess, that before the appearance of this document, the subject had almost gone from our mind, but it has had the effect to revive it, and much to strengthen our former suspicions on this head. His Royal Highness intended to wait the issue of an investigation; but to allay the public fears, and the disposition which might appear in other parts of the army, has thought it best to express his opinions upon it, before the investigation takes places. This is the tenor of the general order, and we may rest assured, that the Commander-in-chief knew the particulars of what had happened when he dictated this general order, as well as he will when a Court Martial may have been held on the subject. There

was a sufficient cause to march the men out of London to a sea-port town, where they might be ready for embarkation, in case of circumstances requiring it. This has altogether a queer look for the boroughmongers. His Royal Highness acknowledges that there were instigators amongst the troops! Instigators to what? Quirago was an instigator to the Spanish army. The instigators in the Guards must have instigated to something. All prominent characters in the cause of reform, are called instigators. To say that it was about duty, or pay, it is folly. Would the men have resisted the orders of their officers on so trifling an occasion as this? Would they have been disposed to stake their lives on the ground of complaint, about the loss of an indulgence? No, it is not likely. Besides, why need they communicate with the battallions of the First Regiment of Guards, about an indulgence which did not affect them? His Royal Highness says, "that the other Regiments of Guards are incapable of bartering their high character, for a participation in the discontents which were equally frivolous as they were groundless." This means a great deal. An obstinate army is a very awkward machine to direct and keep in motion. It is a monster that has often destroyed its keepers. His Royal Highness must not depend too much upon the high character of his army. They are men. They are men whose friends and relatives are involved in the general wreck and suffering. They correspond with their friends, and they must feel with their friends. Whatever change takes place in a government, the soldier loses nothing by it. If he has a choice of masters, he will follow that which holds out the greatest future benefit to him, particularly, if the prospect be not clouded. It is well known, that during the time that Despard strove to rouse the people, there were both committees and sub-committees, formed in the Foot Guards, to join and support him. The individuals were not punished-no, because it was a serious affair to make public to the army. Why had not the Commander-in-chief stated in his general order what the fault was, that the Third Regiment of Guards had committed? If it was as trifling as he represents, though rather vaguely and dubiously, it certainly would have been prudent to have stated what it was, that if other regiments had similar cause to complain, they might see the folly of it in the consequence and pretended disgrace incurred by this Regiment of Foot Guards. Woe be to the boroughmongers when a few regiVOL. JII.-No. 11.

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