Imagini ale paginilor

10. The Rod and Gun: late American Sportsman. Weekly. West Meriden, Ct., and New York.

11. Forest and Stream. Weekly. New York.

12. The Spirit of the Times. Weekly. New York.
13. The Popular Science Monthly. New York.
15. Turf, Field, and Farm. Weekly. New York.
16. Field and Stream. Weekly. Chicago.

17. The Engineering and Mining Journal.

Weekly. New York.

18. Live Stock Journal. Monthly. New York and Buffalo.

19. The Poultry World. Monthly. Hartford.

20. The Iron Age. Weekly. New York.

21. The Railroad Gazette. Weekly. New York. 22. The Metal Worker. Weekly. New York.

E. Netherlands.

1. Archives néerlandaises des Sciences exactes et naturelles publiées par la Société hollandaise des Sciences a Harlem. Occasionally. La Haye.

F. Switzerland.

1. Bibliothèque Universelle et Revue Suisse. Archives des Sciences physiques et naturelles. Monthly. 8vo. Geneva,

G. Italy.

1. Rivista Scientifico-industriale compilata da Guido Vimercati. Monthly. 8vo. Florence.

H. Denmark.

1. Tidsskrift for Fiskeri. Semi-annual. Copenhagen.


[The Roman Letters refer to the Summary at the beginning of the Volume.]

[blocks in formation]

Abel, Prof., 479, 488.

Abercrombie, Hon. Ralph, 104.
Abney, Capt., 140.

Absorption and fluorescence, 170.

of ammonia, etc., from solu-
tions of the soil, 383.

of hydrogen by metals, 208.
phenomena, new, 141.

Accidental or subjective colors, 189.

Alcohol, detection of fusel-oil in, 560.
in wine, etc., to determine, 212.
poisonous properties of, 559,
preparation of absolute, 538.

Alcoholic preparations, restoring their red
color, 312.

Aleau and Vetillart, Messrs., 541.
"Alert" and "Discovery," English expedi
tion, cxix.

Aleurites triloba, oil from, 534.

Aleutians and North Pacific, tides of,


Acetate of ammonia as a preservative, 446. Alexander, Prof. J. H., 181.

Acid in the gastric juice, 221, 315.

removal from the soil, 380.

Acids, action of weak, 232.

Acipenser ruthenus, 352.

Acoustics, xlix.

Adam, Mr. Lucien, cliii.

Adami, C. Ludwig, 591.

Adams, Capt., 439.

Mr., Ixix.

Algæ, list of North American, 363.
Alix, Mr., cciv.

Alleghany City, observatory at, 10.
Allen, Mr., 139.

Mr. J. A., ccix.

Allman, Prof., clxxix.

Alloy, new silver-like, 537.

Allport, Mr., 419.

Al Sufi, Persian astronomer, xxx.

Adaptation of screw propulsion, new, Aluminium electrodes, property of, 196.

[blocks in formation]

Affinity, chemical, 211.

Africa, cxxix., clxiii., clxvii.

opening the interior of, ccli.

Agaric, male and female orgaus in, cexii.

resin in, 371.

Agassiz, Mr. Alexander, 581.

M'Crady, and Fritz Müller,
Messrs., 34S.

Age of the crystalline rocks of the Appala-
chians, 236.

Agricultural text-books, rewards for, 380.
Agriculture and rural economy, ccxx., 379.
Air, action of, in certain cases, 570.

and oxygen for divers, 470.

[blocks in formation]

forest trees, work on, 377.

Palestine exploration, cxxix.
Society of Civil Engineers,

turkey, introduction of, 354.
Amherst Agricultural College, 381.
Amiote, Father, 203.

Ammen, Commodore Daniel, cexlix.
Ammonia, absorption by solutions of the
soil, 383.

on the colors of flowers, 376.
Ammonia-water for washing, 455.
Ammonites, clxxxii.

diffusion between dry and moist, 120. Ammonium and its derivatives, 224.

flow of, through orifices, 186.
temperature of, xxxviii.

Airy, Prof., 41, 51.

Aitken, Mr. W. C., 591.

Alaska Commercial Company, cli.

Icelandish Commission to, 576.
Albertis, Dr., 338.
Albumen for printing, cclxxxv.

in urine, picric acid a test for,

Albuminoids of the seed, transfer into the
plantlets, 365.

sulphocyanate in soil, ccxxii.

Amory, Mr., lxxiii.

Ampere theory of magnets, lxxi.
Amphiaxus, cxcix.

Amsler's planimeter for meteorological
calculations, 79.

Amsterdam and St. Paul's Islands, vegeta-
tion of, 362.

Amulets, cranial, 332.
Anæmia, pernicious, 564.
Anæsthesia from chloral. 563.
Analyses of fertilizers, 382.

[blocks in formation]

physiology, ccxxiii.

remains in the lignite of the Sas-
katchewan district, 311.

Animals among the ancients, domesticat-
ed, 352.

and plants, rapid development
of introduced, 306.

in Rodriguez, extinct, 353.

[blocks in formation]

Attar of roses, ccxix.

Attraction and repulsion from radiation, 119, 173.

Atwater, Prof., ccxxi.

living, corresponding to those of Aughey, Prof. Samuel, 362.

prehistoric ages, 308.

Anthropological journals, clxxv.

society, German, clxi.

Antifouling composition, Jesty's, 478.
Antiquity of human remains, 331.

of the caverns of the Ohio Val-
ley, 309.

Antiseptic effects of salicylic acid, 530.
Appalachians, age of rocks in the, 236.
Apparatine, cclxxxvi.

Apparatus and objectives, microscopic,

[ocr errors]

for recording signals automat-
ically, 470.

Aquaria, change of water in, 426.
Aquarium, new, at Yarmouth, 440.
new Westminster, 422.

Archæological Association of Indiana, cliii.
collection from Costa Rica,

Archæology of the Mammoth Cave, 327.
Arctic Regions, the, cxix.

fisheries of, 439.

auroras of, 95.

Aurora and ground-currents, 27.

Borealis, electric discharges of

[blocks in formation]

magnetic disturbances and Bach, Mr., 1xxx.

Areas of cold air, movement of, 85.

of irregular figures, 33.

Areschoug, Prof. J. E., ccxvii.

Argelander, Mr., 60.

Prof. W. A., 591.

Armstrong, Mr., lxxxiv.

Army Signal-office, xli.

Arrow in a human tibia, 355.

Arsenic in tissues, detection of, 559.

Articulata, mineral substances in, 350.

Artificial caoutchouc, 542.

vanilla, 217, 457.

Arzberger and Zulkowski, Messrs., xlvii.

Ascherson, Mr., 363.

[blocks in formation]


Babcock, Mr. H. H., 378, 574.
Babirussa, 334.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

pressure, xxxviii.

Bertin, Mr., lxx.

Bertrand, Mr. A., clxxiii.

pressure in European Russia, Berzelius and Kokscharof, Messrs., 206.

[blocks in formation]

Batrachiaus and reptiles of Florida, cci.
tailed, cc.

Bats and their young, ceix.

Baudelot, Prof. E., 591.

Baudrimont, Mr. E., clx., 355, 366.
Bauer, Mr., lxxxii.

Prof., 557.

Baumann, Mr., xci.

Baumgarten, Dr. G., 175.

Baumhauer's meteorograph, xxxvii.
Bawins, Mr., 426.

Baye, Mr. de, clvii.

Beale, Dr., cxliv.
Beau, Mr. T. H., cxxv.

Beardslee, Capt. L. A., cxxiv., 490.
Beatty, Dr. Geo. D., cxl.

Bechamp and Estor, Messrs., cxlix.
Bechler, Mr. G. R., 275.
Beck, Messrs., cxxxviii.
Becker, Carl L. C., 591.
Becquerel, Messrs., 86.

Mr., lxx., lxxiv., 120, 517.

Bedborough, Mr., 424.
Beddoe, Dr., clvi., clxvi.
Beddome, Mr., clxxxiii.
Bees and ants, exci.

wasps, and ants, habits of, 349.
Beetz, Mr., lxxi., 164, 166.
Behm and Wagner, Messrs., 575,
Behrmann, Dr., xxix.
Belenet, Mr. A., 386.

Belgian exhibition of 1876, 583.
Bell, Mr., 192.

Bellefonds, M. Linant de, cxxx.
Bellomayer, Capt., 304.
Belluno, earthquake of, 65.
Belt, Mr., cviii.

Besanez, Mr. Gorup, xcii.
Bessel, Mr., 26.

Prof., 177.

Bessels, Dr. E., cxxvi., 261, 262.
Bessemer process, cclxiii.

works, ccxxxiii.

Bettelli, Mr., 560.

Bettendorff, Mr., 232.
Bianchini, Mr., 22.
Bibra, Mr., lxxxii.
Bickee, Prof. P. H., xxii.
Biela's comet, xxix., 49.
Biermann, Mr., 464.
Bikkers, Dr. A. W., clxxiii.
Binney, Mr. Wm. G., 573.
Binnie, Mr., 94.

Bird, Dr. Golding, cxxxvi.
Bird, fossil, ceiii.

Birds and reptiles, 357.

barnacles on, 338.

flight of, 340.

migration of, 340.

Birnie, Lieut. Rogers, Jr., 293.

Bishop, Mr., xxii.

Black coloring of copper alloys and sil-

ver, 526.

printing color, new, 528.

Bladderwort a carnivorous plant, 374.
Blandford, Mr., xxxv., xxxix., 17.
Blast, a monster, 508.

Bleaching of linen, rapid, 524.
Bleaching-powder, 219.

processes, cclxxxi.

Blochmann, Mr., lxxx.
Blood, cxl.

diameter of the red globules,


gases in the coagulation of, 317.
gases of, 318,

pigment scales of, 319.

Blue dye-stuff, new, 527.

Ridge, pyrite deposits in, 210.
Bodman, Mr. Chas., 577.

Boehm, Mr., xcii.

Boeklund, Mr., xxvii.

Bogota Observatory, xxi.

Bohlken's washing-machine, 452.

Boiler incrustation, preventing, 487.

Boillot, Mr., 215.

Boisbaudran, Mr., liv., lv.

Bolau, Dr., ccx.

Bolton, Prof. H. C., 585.


[blocks in formation]

Breitenlohner, Mr., 82.

Bremen & Co., Messrs., 470.
Bremer, Mr., lxxxviii.

Bresina, Mr., 1.

Bretschneider, Mr., ccxxiii.

Bretton, M. le Baron de, cliv.

Brewer, Prof., ccix.

Bricks, preservation of, 465.

Brightwell, cxlvii.

British Arctic Expedition, cxvi.

Association, 1.

[blocks in formation]

on plants, 375.

Canada, fish commissioner's report, 405.
Canal across the Isthmus of Panama,

Canals in the ear of man and the mam-
malia, functions of, 311.

Candolle, Alphonse de, ccxi., ccxii.

Cane-sugar solution, cclxxxv.
Canis ursinns, ccx.

Cannon, monster, of England, 486.

Parliament, sums voted for scien- Caoutchouc, artificial, 542.

tific instruction by, 580.

Broca, Dr. Paul, cliv., clv., clviii.

Bronze, production of patina on, 521.

Bronzes, new phosphor, 535.

Brooke, Sir Victor, 337.

Brooks, Dr. William K., 572.
Prof., 31.

Brown, Col. Horace, cxxviii.
Dr., xxxiv.

vulcanizing, 539.

Capron, Mr., lxvii.

Carapa-tree, oil from, 534.

Carbolic and salicylic acid, 569.

Carbon, boron, and silicon, specific heat

of, 213.

cells, making of, 162.

hydrate of, 214.

Carbonated water, preparation of, 447.

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