In view of their urgency, such actions must take place at the level of the President of the European Parliament, who must be instructed to make personal representations to the diplomatic missions or national authorities of the States responsible for the violations of human rights. The definition of the cases to be referred, the scope of the President's powers and the conditions under which they are to be exercised in his absence should be the subject of proposals from the Committee on the Rules of Procedure and Petitions. These proposals might accord the Bureau and the President considerable freedom of action in this field. It would be preferable for the rules governing this intervention procedure to be specified in internal directives laid down by the Bureau (Rule 54 (3) of the Rules of Procedure). Proposal No. 3: Agreement to carry out joint missions of enquiry to certain countries where the human rights situation is of concern. The conditions for the setting up of fact-finding missions-to which category enquiry missions would belong-have already been the subject of various decisions by the Bureau, annexed to the Rules of Procedure. Enquiry missions will be set up under the aegis of the Bureau. Problems of both financing and appointing the members will be handled by that body; at this level, it should be possible to specify how the opinion of the Working Group, particularly as regards the appointment of members, would be taken into account. Proposal No. 4: Invitations to Members of the European Parliament to give evidence to the United States Congressional Hearings on human rights issues. The texts of the Treaties and the Rules of Procedure of the European Parlia ment allow Members of the European Parliament to accept any invitations to take part in such hearings. Proposal No. 5: Possibilities for the Working Group to organize hearings in Europe on human rights issues, and more particularly to invite members of Con gress as witnesses. Rule 40(2), second subparagraph, of the Rules of Procedure provide that: "By a special decision of the committee, any other person may be invited to attend and to speak at a meeting." Pursuant to Rule 41 (6), this provision also applies to subcommittees appointed pursuant to Rule 39 (2); it follows that subcommittees may organize hearingsthey must simply comply with the rules drawn up by the Bureau as regards any specific expenditure incurred. It seems reasonable to assume that the provisions applicable to subcommittees also apply, by analogy, to working parties set up by decision of the Bureau. HEARINGS CONSIDERED The Committee on the Rules of Procedure and Petitions might be invited to give its opinion, in the context of the study it is currently undertaking on subcommittees and working parties, on the specific problems of hearings which might be organized by the Working Group. 6. The Working Group assumes that the question of human rights will be reg. ularly included on the agenda of the half-yearly interparliamentary meetings between the European Parliament and the United States Congress and that it will periodically be the subject of an exchange of views. In this connection, the continued activity of the Joint Working Group will provide the necessary basis for further concerted action by the two parliamentary institutions. 7. The Directorate-General for Research and Documentation has drawn up a note on the definition of human rights normally guaranteed by constitutions and international laws (Doc. PE 49.103) and a summary of the acts of the European Parliament and parliamentary questions in the field of human rights in recent years (Doc. PE 49.405). These fundamental studies will certainly make it easier to take up definite and clear positions on this matter. 8. The Working Group and the European Parliament's delegation proposed, at the 11th meeting in London, that Mr. Martin Ennals, Secretary-General of Amnesty International, should be invited to address the participants on the subject of human rights. SUMMARY OF RESOLUTIONS OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND PARLIAMENTARY QUESTIONS ON HUMAN RIGHTS IN RECENT YEARS No./Doc. 297/72-- 202/73___. 374/73 4/74/rev... 84/74--- 299/74--. 379/74_. 412/74-- 485/74. 487/74_-_. 36/75--. 152/75--. (Paper by the EP Delegation) EP REPORTS AND RESOLUTIONS ON HUMAN RIGHTS Author and title Mr. Jozeau-Marigne-Report on the motion for a resolution --Mr. Bertrand, Mr. Lucker and four other group chairmen— -Sir Tufton Beamish and others-Motion for a resolution on Debates: 14 February 1974. Mr. Amendola-Motion for a resolution on behalf of the Communist and Allies Group on the execution of Salvador Puig Antich. Debates: 14 March 1974. Mr. Wieldraaijer-Report on behalf of the Committee on Social Affairs and Employment, on petition No. 1/73 on the proposals for an International Charter of Migrants' Rights and on petition on proposals for a European Migrant Workers' Charter. Debates: 12 June 1974. Mr. Vernaschi-Motion for a resolution on behalf of the Legal Mr. Concas-Report on behalf of the Legal Affairs Committee Mr. Lucker and others-Motion for a resolution on the pres- Mr. Radoux-Report on behalf of the Political Affairs Com- Debates: 9 April 1975. Lord Mansfield-Interim report on behalf of the Legal Affairs Committee on the protection of the rights of the individual in the face of developing technical progress in the field of automatic data processing. Debates: 21 February 1975. Mr. Lucker, Mr. Fellermaier, Mr. Durieux, Mr. Kirk, Mr. de la Malene-Motion for a resolution on the situation of refugees in Indochina. Debates: 10 April 1975. Mr. Lucker, Mr. Fellermaier, Mr. Durieux, Mr. Amendola— Debates: 20 June 1975. EP REPORTS AND RESOLUTIONS ON HUMAN RIGHTS-Continued No./Doc. 160/75---- 189/75-- 269/75, 270/75, and 271/75. 354/75- 376/75--- 377/75- 390/75- 429/75-- 526/75-- 46/76 48/76____ 56/76_____ Author and title Mr. Albers-Report on behalf of the Committee on Social Affairs and Employment on the communication from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council concerning an action programme in favour of migrant workers and their families. Debates: 24 September 1975. Communist and Allies Group-Motion for a resolution on the violations of democratic freedoms in Indonesia. Referred to the Political Affairs Committee on 10 July 1975.1 Mr. Fellermaier, Mr. Amendola and Mr. Ansart, Mr. Bertrand and Mr. Berkhouwer-Motions for resolutions on the situation in Spain. Debates: 25 September 1975. Mr. Dondelinger-Report on behalf of the Committee on Social Affairs and Employment on the proposal from the Commission of the European Communities to the Council for a regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No. 1612/68 on the extension of trade union rights to workers moving within the Community. Debates: 13 November 1975. Mr. Giraudo-Motion for a resolution on behalf of the Political Mr. Durieux-Motion for a resolution on behalf of the Political Debates: 13 November 1975. Mr. Rivierez-Report on behalf of the Legal Affairs Committee on the primacy of Community law and protection of fundamental rights. Debates: 15 June 1976. Mr. Lucker-Report on behalf of the Political Affairs Committee on the motion for a resolution by Mr. Fellermaier on the retention of Santiago de Chile as the seat of the Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities to Latin America. Debates: 18 December 1975. Mr. Yeats and Mr. Durieux-Motion for a resolution on equal pay for men and women in the Member States of the Communtiy. Referred to the Committee on Social Affairs and Employment on 11 February 1976.2 Mr. Fellermaier, Mr. Bertrand, Mr. Durieux, Mr. de la Malene and Mr. Amendola-Motion for a resolution on the protection of the rights of the individual in the face of developing technical progress in the field of automatic data processing. Debates: 8 April 1976. Mr. Amendola and Mr. Ansart-Motion for a resolution on behalf of the Communist and Allies Group on the situation in Spain.3 Mr. Boano-Report on behalf of the Political Affairs Committee on the motion for a resolution tabled by Mr. Amendola and Mr. Ansart on behalf of the Communist and Allies Group (Doc. 2/76), on the threat to the lives of Mr. Corvalan and other Chilean political prisoners. Debates: 13 May 1976. 1 This motion for a resolution was shelved since it was no longer applicable. 2 Work in progress. 3 Withdrawn 8 April 1976. No./Doc. EP REPORTS AND RESOLUTIONS ON HUMAN RIGHTS-Continued Author and title 100/76-----------Mr. Faure-Interim report on behalf of the Political Affairs 167/76_ 228/76---- 229/76-- 321/76__ 353/76____ 424/76-- 557/76__ 21/77 43/77-- 89/77--- 90/77-- 107/77--- 4 Work in progress. Committee on the motion for a resolution tabled by Mr. Amendola and Mr. Ansart on behalf of the Communist and Allies Group (Doc. 415/75) and Mr. Bertrand on behalf of the Christian-Democratic Group (Doc. 449/75), on the situation in Spain. Debates: 12 May 1976. Sir Derek Walker-Smith-Motion for a resolution on behalf of the European Conservative Group on the trial of mercenaries in Angola. Referred to the Political Affairs Committee on 15 June 1976.* Mr. Bertrand and Lord Bethel-Motion for a resolution on the ill-treatment of Vladimir Bukovsky. Debates: 9 July 1976. Mr. Berkhouwer and others-Motion for a resolution on the respect of democratic freedoms and human rights in Argentina. Debates: 9 July 1976. Mr. Jozeau-Marigne-Report on behalf of the Legal Affairs Mr. Bertrand and Mr. Fellermaier-Motion for a resolution on Mr. Espersen-Motion for a resolution on behalf of the Social- Debates: 16 November 1976. Mr. Jozeau-Marigne-Report on behalf of the Legal Affairs: Debates: 10 February 1977. Mr. Espersen-Motion for a resolution on behalf of the Social- Mr. Patijn-Report on behalf of the Political Affairs Com-- Mr. Johnston-Report on behalf of the Political Affairs Com mittee: On the motion for a resolution tabled by Mr. Fellermaier Debates: 11 May 1977. Mr. Radoux-Report on behalf of the Political Affairs Committee on the preparatory meeting of 15 June 1977 in Belgrade. Debates: 11 May 1977. Sir Derek Walker-Smith-Motion for a resolution on behalf of the Legal Affairs Committee on the protection of human rights with reference to citizens of the German DemocraticRepublic. Referred to the Political Affairs Committee on 10 May 1977. WRITTEN QUESTIONS ON HUMAN RIGHTS TO THE COUNCIL OR COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES (SELECTION) Movement of foreign workers recruited for industries in the Community countries. Equal pay for men and women, period of work, average amount of overtime. Social security for migrant workers. Participation of Greek trade unions in European economic cooperation. European social charter.. Turkish minors working in the Charleroi region. Free movement of workers. Social security for migrant workers. Social security under the EEC-Turkey Association Agreement. Discrimination with regard to press activities in France. Situation of Turkish workers in the Community countries. Free movement of workers within the Community... Protection of motherhood... do.. Equal pay for men and women. Free movement of persons and capital.. Discrimination against women with regard to access to the job market. Coordination of special measures for foreigners with regard to movement and residence, justified on the grounds of public order, safety, and health. Direct or indirect discrimination with regard to work done by women and their access to employment. Candidatétures for the office of trade union representative in France. Implementation of the freedom of establishment for foreigners on Luxembourg and France. Social security for workers.. Illegal child labour in Italy.. Checks at frontier posts between member states.. Employment in the Federal Republic of Germany of Dutch girls of school age commuting between the Netherlands and Germany. Representation of trade union organizations within the Community. Truancy and illegal labour by workers' children of school age. Organization within the Community of trade union sections of multinational undertakings. C56 May 11, 1970 Report on the treatment of political prisoners detained in Greek prisons. Relations with Uruguay.. C20 Feb. 14, 1970 C56 May 11, 1970 Listening tables in the Commission building in Brussels. C68 June 10, 1970 214/70 do... Social policy with regard to workers from 3d countries entering the EEC. C133 Nov 5, 1970 218/70 221/70 Supplies to Euratom and European countries of uranium from Namibia. C140 Nov. 26, 1970 270/70 Vredeling.... 303/70 Cousté.. |