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Miss Hughes has, since the above was written, gone into the country, and her brother writes, on the 6th of August, 1831:

"She travelled about seventy miles without any support to her back but a low iron railing, with a degree of ease and convenience which excited the most grateful feelings, when she compared her situation with a similar journey she made to Worthing, four years ago, even be. fore the time that her leg was shortened by the curvature of her spine, and also with her state a few weeks ago, when she was unable to sit up, even for a short time, without inconvenience and pain. Gloria Deo in excelsis."



'I vouch that all the particulars of this narrative wherein my name is mentioned, and which came under my observation, are I believe it to be another sign of the power of the prayer of faith in the mouth of a simple child. It was her own prayer ' and her own faith, helped, no doubt, by the instruction of her pious visitors, and most of all by the account of Christ's mira'cles in the Gospel. And if every sick person will in like manner pray in faith (which is the gift of God), let them be assured that their prayer will be heard for God longs exceedingly to glorify the name of his holy child Jesus, by stretching out his hand to heal.

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'Aug. 16, 1831.'

EDWARD IRVING, A. M. 'Minister of the National Scotch Church, London.'

"The subject of this interesting narrative is a little girl between ten and eleven years of age. In August 1830 she was seized with a disease, which first commenced in the knee, attended with much pain and difficulty in walking: no particular medical aid was called in, but blisters and poultices were applied, with embrocations, by the advice of friends; yet without effect: and on December 28th following, the child became so unable to move, and in so much pain, both in the knee and also the hip, that she was taken to Mr. a person eminent for the treatment of such disorders: he pronounced it a confirmed hip complaint, and ordered blisters, with perfect rest on an inclined plane. About six weeks afterwards she was again taken to him; during which time the disorder had made such rapid progress, that he expressed much astonishment, and felt it his duty to give his candid opinion of the case to the mother; adding, that her deformity and helplessness would be so great, if she ever did rise from her couch, that the preservation of her life was not to be desired: he also declined undertaking the treatment of the case, unless they would consent to her being laid on a board with a hole to admit the head, and a weight to the foot, to prevent the least movement of the leg and body. This, owing to the severity of the remedy, and natural impatience and wilfulness of the child's disposition, could not be consented to: he therefore only cut an issue in the hip. Her back now began to be much affected, and the spine became very much incurvated. A Dr. was brought by a relation to see her, in the month of April:

he pronounced the disorder to be in the spine; ordered perfect rest on an inclined plane; and said it would be a long time before she would move, if she ever did again. It was at one time feared that she was sinking into a decline, but she rallied a little from this state of debility. Her friends were never able, either through force or persuasion, to keep her in the recumbent posture necessary to help forward her recovery; and notwithstanding the extreme pain that any movement of the limb occasioned, she would move, and draw herself up on the couch, leaning from one side to the other. All this greatly aggravated the disease, and increased her deformity; so that her back bone, be sides being incurvated, was bowed out; the knee of the diseased limb was turned inwards; and the heel had begun to contract-it was much wasted, and had always a dry burning heat upon the skin; added to which, it was considerably longer than the other. She was carried from room to room by two persons, one keeping her legs in a hori. zontal position whilst the other carried her body; and so completely powerless was the limb, that it appeared to be united to her body only by the flesh, the joint having lost all firmness; she lifted it with her hands when she moved her body upon the couch, and that was always attended with considerable pain. She had no regular medical attendance at all, on account of family circumstances; indeed, the plan was suggested of her being placed under the care of a respectable nurse at the hospital, as she would have the advantage of the best advice, and be more compelled to observe the remedies that might be proposed. Inquiries were made respecting this plan as late as July 9th. "In the month of June, a surgeon of the name of

paid her a visit: his opinion of the case was the same as that of the others; also adding, that he could not say to what extent her deformity might not be, if she recovered; contraction of the limb, he said, would no doubt take place; and perfect quiet on an inclined plane was all that was recommended. The poor child was in the sad condition above described when (about the latter end of May) a lady of Mr. Irving's congregation, being acquainted with part of the family, and hearing of the afflicted child, called to see her. It was during this visit that the seed of faith appeared first to fall into the child's heart. She spoke to her of the power and will of Jesus to heal the souls and bodies of all who come to him, as he did when on earth, and as he empowered his believing people to do in his name when he had ascended to the Father, and had received all power both in heaven and on earth; but, above all, she urged her to seek strength from God to bear with meekness and patience her great affliction, her want of resignation and submission being extreme, owing to the great natural activity of her mind and body, and her turbulence of temper. All the soothings and attentions of her mother failed to reconcile her in any degree to her present situation and the sad prospect for the future, and she would often cry, and wring her hands in agony, at the recollection of her inability to move. If left a few minutes alone, she would disturb the whole house. Her murmurings and complainings indicated to a remarkable degree actual rebellion of heart against God for visiting her with such an affliction. To the surprise of her friends, she spoke

with much pleasure of the visit of the lady above mentioned, and wished she might come again to see her. This wish was shortly complied with; and before taking leave, she engaged in prayer with her. Her whole conduct and character had begun to undergo a gradual change: she became tractable and patient, enjoying the society of that part of her family who, on account of their piety, had before been irksome to her. She began to take much interest in subjects concerning the truth as it is in Jesus, and searched the Scriptures herself with much earnestness. Those parts relating to the miracles and healings she seemed to have examined attentively, as she once remarked that she perceived it was not always necessary that the persons on whom they were performed should have faith.

"Her aunt, who had lately become an attendant at Mr. Irving's church, having heard him announce on Sunday, July 10th, the miraculous restoration of Miss Hughes, in answer to prayer, was induced to request him to call on her niece, which he did on Monday the 11th. He first put a few questions concerning her knowledge of Jesus Christ her Saviour, and her faith in him, as the healer of the soul and body. Being satisfied with her answers, he asked her if she thought she could pray to Him; she replied, Yes; he then offered up a short and simple prayer, telling the Lord he had brought her to him, and beseeching him to heal her. She was much pleased and impressed with this visit; and from that time her faith appeared much to strengthen; frequently expressing her belief that she should be healed. On Friday morning, the 15th, she appeared in higher spirits than usual, and told her mother she was sure she should recover. No kind of abatement of the disease or of pain had, however, taken place; and, as she expressed it, her leg was as though it did not belong to her, having no power at all to move it, but with her hands, and that with much pain. About eleven o'clock in the forenoon of this day, her aunt, who was sitting below, heard a noise in her room, and ran up stairs, fearing that she was impatient at being left: she found her in a state of excitement and agitation: said, she could not tell her, nor any person, what had happened; however, when more composed she related the following circumstance to her mother:-She said she had, all the morning, felt her heart more lifted up into communion with God than she had ever before experienced, and whilst reading Hebrews xi. and Mark xi. 23 she felt her faith much strengthened: if faith, she thought, did such mighty works in former days, why should it not now?' Upon this her heart was much drawn towards God in prayer for faith, and she was constrained to say aloud, 'I will not let thee go except thou bless me.' Upon this, much strength came upon her, wherewith she was raised up, and enabled to stand upright, holding by the top of her bedstead. At first, she says, her diseased leg trembled violently, yet without pain; but it soon became steady, and she stepped first on a chair, and then on the ground; first moving with a heavy, laboured step, but it became gradually lighter and more free, and she walked across the room; she hesitated whether or not she should go down stairs, but thought she would return to her bed to put on her stockings. It pleased the Lord, however, only to shew her the power of faith, in answer to her prayer; for

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when on her bed she became in every respect the same as before she rose. At first she was much cast down, but her faith at length revived, and, although Saturday and Sunday she suffered much pain, she continued to say she should be restored. Monday morning she described a peculiar sensation in the limb, down to the toes; she said it was 'like life entering into the bones.' Mr. Irving called on her again that day, and prayed with her. In the evening, whilst the family were at tea, she begged to be carried up stairs, and seemed in high spirits. She had been reading the healing of the impotent man at the pool of Bethesda, and when laid on her bed, asked her mother what was the meaning of the word impotent; on being told it was weak, infirm, she said, 'Well, that is all that I feel now, and I think I can walk.' Her mother, being alarmed at the idea of seeing her attempt such a thing, ran out of the room, and sent her aunt, who told her to do just what she felt enabled: she immediately threw aside the bed-clothes, stepped out of bed, and walked across the room; swung her leg backwards and forwards; sat down and stood up with ease, and freedom from all pain. Upon examination, it was found that it was, in every respect, just the same as the other, and her spine perfectly straight. From that time every particle of disease left her, and she daily gains bodily strength. From perfect inactivity for seven months, her legs and feet were at first rather stiff and awkward, but the one leg was as much so as the other, and not the slightest sensation of pain or fatigue accompanied the effort.

"Her heart was filled with joy, and her mouth with praise, the whole evening, and, indeed, night, for she could not sleep from excess of joy, frequently exclaiming at the goodness and mercy of the Lord in having done such a work upon one so unworthy. The meeting between herself and her brother, a little boy of about nine years of age, was very affecting: he came into the room whilst she was standing up, and, having gazed at her from head to foot, apparently doubting his own eyes, he threw himself into her arms, quite overcome with wonder and joy. She told him that it was the Lord who had been pleased to hear the prayer of faith, and to raise her up. Being left alone in the room together a few minutes, their voices were heard singing a hymn; and when her friends returned, the little boy was kneeling by her bed-side, whilst she offered up a prayer aloud.

"Her aunt sat by her bed-side, for she could not sleep, and she gave frequent vent to the feelings of her overflowing heart in exclamations upon the goodness and mercy of God, hoping she should devote her life to him. 'Oh!' she said, 'we should live a life of faith; we must be separate from the world, and live to God.' The next morning she was up, and walking about her room, at five o'clock; indeed, she ap peared not able to keep still. On Wednesday she walked up and down stairs, and all about the house and garden, alone. She said frequently, that her strength was in the Lord; and so, indeed, it appeared, for they could not get her to taste food; excess of joy seemed to sustain her. On the Sunday following she walked to church with her family, where thanksgivings were offered to God for the blessed manifestation of his goodness and his power."

"The following are the answers of Dr. Harrison, written down from his verbal dictation this 25th day of July, 1831:

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'Paralytic of her lower limbs. A number of deranged internal 'symptoms, all proceeding from an incurvation of the back bone-evidently proceeding from that source-of which I have not the slightest 'doubt. Have no doubt that she could be recovered, although this ' is a very bad case; but that the recovery must be a work of great time: 'not less than six months-probably more.'

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"The surgeon who attended her also said, He considered her case 'past medical aid, and her life not desirable, under the circumstances— something supernatural; almost a miracle; certainly human skill had 'not done it. He was greatly obliged in being informed of the re'covery; he should note it down as a peculiar instance.''


Six Sermons on the Study of the Holy Scriptures, &c.; two Disser-. tations, &c.; with an original Exposition of the Book of Revelation. By the Rev. S. Lee, Arab. Prof. Cam. 1830. OUR notice was attracted to this volume by the exposition of the Apocalypse it contains, and which professes to shew "that the whole of that remarkable prophecy has long ago been fulfilled." Had such an assertion been made by a common person we might have disregarded it, as proceeding from ignorance, or love of paradox, and not have been at the pains to examine this exposition; but Professor Lee is entitled to claim a hearing: the least point of respect which should be paid to the first Oriental scholar of Cambridge, is entertaining and discussing the arguments he may adduce. But we would go beyond mere respect to his station, and endeavour to impress our readers with a favourable opinion of Professor Lee, as a theologian and as a man, by extracting a passage from his Preface containing some admirable remarks, in order that they may come to the examination of his comment upon the Apocalypse with prepossessions in his favour; that they may not merely do him justice, but desire rather to extenuate his errors, and attribute them to some unaccountable prepossession, of which he himself is not conscious, to be lamented and deprecated rather than visited with the severity of censure. The Professor has been recommending in his preface an extended course of theological reading to the students, and in suggesting its beneficial results observes: "In the first place, then, a deep and accurate acquaintance with the Holy Scriptures, their evidences, authority, and sanctions, cannot but have a most salutary effect on the mind of the student, and tend to keep him in an habitual state of assurance, that without the favour of their Divine Author

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