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71st Congress, 2d Session

(December 2, 1929-July 3, 1930)


VOL. 2





Note. The reports missing from this volume will be found in the bound volumes of Senate private


474. Travel pay for certain soldiers discharged in Philippines.

475. Relief of unemployed persons within United States.

477. Commemoration of termination of Civil War at Appomattox, Va.

478. Loan of War Department equipment to American Legion.

479. Acquisition of land in Montgomery County, Ala., for Maxwell Field.

482. Exchanging of lands adjoining Catoosa Springs, Ga., Target Range.

483. Construction at Fort McKinley, Me.

484. Sanitary fireproof hospital at Togus, Me.

485. Procurement of motor transportation in Army.

486. Repealing expiration date of act relating to War Department contracts.

487. Expenditures for upkeep of property under control of Secretary of War.

488. Toll bridge across Ohio River near Evansville, Ind.

489. Extending time for building bridge across Ohio River at Evansville, Ind.

490. To legalize bridge across Hudson River at Stillwater, N. Y.

491. High-school building for Indian children, Browning, Mont.

492. Guardians for incompetent war veterans in District of Columbia.

494. Extending time for building bridge across Ohio River at Cannelton, Ind.

496. Payment of claim of Iowa tribe of Indians, Oklahoma.

497. Payment of expenses of Federal Farm Loan Board by United States.

498. Detail engineers to assist Latin-American Republics in highway matters.

499. To give war-time rank to retired officers and former officers of Army.

500. Amend U. S. Code so as to provide compensation for acting postmasters.

501. Defacing stamps on Government-stamped postal cards.

502. Charges for extra services in postal service.

503. To establish Cheyenne Bottoms Migratory-Bird Refuge.

504. Railroad bridge across West Pearl River at Talisheek, La.

506. Bridge across Columbia River at or near Arlington, Oreg.

507. Bridge across Mississippi River at or near Carondelet, Mo.

510. Method of electing classes A and B directors of Federal reserve banks.

511. Establishment of national hydraulic laboratory in Standards Bureau.

512. Authorizing California to bring suit in Court of Claims for Indians.

513. Commission to study proposals for national system of express motorways.

517. Dam and dike to prevent flow of tidal waters into Stock Slough.

518. Dam and dike to prevent flow of tidal waters into Beaver Slough.

519. Dam and dike to prevent flow of tidal waters into Larson Slough.

520. Lease of oil and gas deposits under railroad and other rights of way.

521. Defining preserve, jam, jelly, etc.*

522. Amend merchant marine act relative to interest on construction loans.

523. Easement over St. Charles Rifle Range, St. Louis County, Mo.

528. To establish two institutions for confinement of U. S. prisoners.

529. Employment of Federal prisoners.

530. Bridge across Ohio River at Carrollton, Ky.

531. Bridge across French Broad River in Jefferson County, Tenn.

532. Payment of benefits within Newlands irrigation project, Nev.

533. To reorganize administration of Federal prisons.

534. Bridges across Peedee and Waccamaw rivers at Georgetown, S. C.

535. To establish hospital for defective delinquents.

536. To amend law relative to Federal probation officers.

537. Parole of United States prisoners.

538. Public Health Service to provide medical service in Federal prisons.

539. Age limit of persons confined in Industrial Reformatory at Chillicothe.

540. Payment of interest by United States on trust funds of Indian tribes.

541. Merger of gaslight companies in District of Columbia.

542. Better protection of lands within Superior National Forest.

544. Preferred right of homstead entry to discharged soldiers, etc.

545. Providing for uniform administration of national parks.

546. Granting land to Wrangell, Alaska.

547. Proposed Apostle Islands National Park, Wis.

548. Addition of lands to Yosemite National Park, Calif.

549. Use old Business High School to relieve congestion in schools of D. C.

550. Issuance of additional mailing receipts and fixing fees therefor.

551. Promote agriculture of U. S. by expansion of foreign field service.

552. Removing timber on revested and reconveyed lands in Oregon.

554. Enabling postmasters to designate employees to act for them.

555. Convey to Waltham, Mass., Government land for street purposes.

556. Admission of Chinese wives of certain American citizens.

557. Issuance of certificates of arrival to aliens who were born in U. S.

558. Handling of short paid metered permit mail matter of first class, etc.

559. Pay of Federal employees removed for breach of contract.

560. District of Columbia appropriation bill, 1931.

561. Sale of old post-office and courthouse building, etc., at Syracuse, N. Y.

562. Sale of post-office site in Binghamton, N. Y.

563. Sale of post-office site in Akron, Ohio.

564. To sell present post-office site and building at Dover, Del.

565. Convey to Trenton, N. J., portion of site of present Federal building.

566. Dedicate portion of old post-office site at Wichita, Kans., for streets.

567. Accept title to real estate for inspection station at Babb-Piegan, Mont.

568. Increase in White House police force.

569. Transfer of Government-owned land at Dodge City, Kans.

570. Authorizing Smithsonian Institution to extend natural history building.

571. Pave road at Hospital no. 90, Muskogee, Okla.

573. Collection of postage on mail accorded directory service.

574. Amending rural post roads act of 1916 rel. to roads across public lands.

575. Sale of lands in Elko County, Nev., to Western Pacific Railroad.

580. Disposal of unproductive land on Federal irrigation projects.

581. Approval of Congress to Rio Grande compact of Feb. 12, 1929.

582. Relief of certain Indians of Montana, etc., rel. to fees of attorneys.

583. Five-year construction and maintenance program for Fisheries Bureau.

586. Extend time for payment of charges due on Indian irrigation projects.

587. Establishing additional land offices in Montana, etc.

588. Granting relief to water users on Chinook Division, Milk River project.

589. Establishing Carlsbad Caverns National Park, N. Mex.

590. Extending provisions of R. S. 2455 to coal lands in Alabama.

591. Sale of land in D. C. acquired for sewage pumping station.

592. Sale of portion of D. C. land acquired for school site.

593. Disposal of combustible refuse from communities adjacent to D. C.

594. Operation of public bathing pools in District of Columbia.

595. Closing certain streets and alleys in Reno section of D. C.

596. Closing portions of streets and alleys for school purposes in D. C.

600. Increase of salaries of commissioners of District of Columbia.

601. Erection and operation of public bathhouses at Hot Springs, N. Mex.

602. Addition of lands to Fremont National Forest, Oreg.

603. Bridge across Ohio River at or near Henderson, Ky.

604. Bridge across Hudson River at Stillwater, N. Y.

605. Additional district judge for southern district of California.

606. Additional circuit judge for fifth judicial circuit.

607. Additional judge for southern district of New York.

608. Additional circuit judge for third judicial circuit.

610. Transferring prohibition enforcement duties to Justice Department.

611. To create Textile Foundation.

614. Citizenship and naturalization of married women, etc.

615. Elimination of Michigan avenue grade crossing in D. C.

616. Grant certain oil and gas prospecting permits and leases in Wyoming.

617. Construction of underpass under railroad tracks near Fern place, D. C.

618. Increasing pay of mail carriers of village delivery service.

619. Classification of expenditures contributing to postal deficit.

620. Adding lands to Zion National Park, Utah.

621. Addition of lands to Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah.

622. Sixth Pan American Child Congress, Lima, Peru.

623. Authorizing Kentucky to acquire and construct certain bridges.

624. Bridge across St. Francis River in Craighead County, Ark

625. Demurrage on undelivered C. O. D. parcels.

626. Prevention of improper practice before Patent Office.

627. Lease of Choctaw and Chickasaw lands.

628. Carrying out certain obligations to Indians rel. to refund of taxes.

629. Purchase of land for Indian colony near Ely, Nev.

630. Right of way through Casa Grande Ruins National Monument.

631. Consolidation and acquisitions of control of railroad properties.

632. Amend interstate commerce act to protect interests of R. R. employees.

634. Providing for construction of roads on Blackfeet Indian Reservation.

635. Construction of roads on Rocky Boy Indian Reservation.

636. To provide for assistant chief of naval operations.

637. To increase salaries of certain first-class postmasters.

638. Bridge across Ohio River at New Martinsville, W. Va.

639. Bridge across Ohio River at Moundsville, W. Va.

640. Bridge across Ohio River at New Martinsville, W. Va.

641. Bridge across Ohio River at or near Moundsville, W. Va.

642. Bridge across Ohio River at or near Wellsburg, W. Va.

643. Books for adult blind.

644. Appointment of assistant commissioner of education.

645. Amend act relating to vocational rehabilitation.

647. Construction of roads on Fort Belknap Indian Reservation.

648. Additional judge for district of Minnesota.

649. Bridge across Ohio River at Evansville, Ind.

650. Declaring transfer of St. Charles bridge over Missouri River not sale.

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