A Year in PrayerXulon Press, 2005 - 736 pagini Planning on PRAYING?Let A YEAR-IN-PRAYER be your day-to-day guide.Pray to the Lord according to His own understanding. Allow the Bible to escort you before the throne of God! |
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Termeni și expresii frecvente
abide according Behold believe beloved blameless Blessed bread brethren called children of God Christ Jesus Chronicles Colossians commandments Corinthians darkness Day-to-Day Guide DAY death deceit Deuteronomy disciples dwell earth Ephesians evil EXPRESS eyes faith Father flesh forgive fruit Galatians gentleness give thanks glory godliness gospel grace hand hate hear heard heart heaven Hebrews Holy Spirit hope iniquity Isaiah Israel Jesus Christ John judgments keep kingdom lest light live longsuffering Lord Jesus Christ Luke lusts Matthew meditate mercy endures forever mind mouth peace Peter PETITIONS A Day-to-Day Philippians Praise the LORD prayer PRAYING preach Proverbs Psalms receive rejoice repentance Revelation righ righteousness Romans saints salvation saved Savior SCRIPTURES seek the LORD servant sing praises sins soul speak SPECIAL PETITIONS statutes steadfast supplication teach tender mercies teousness Thessalonians things Timothy TODAY'S REQUEST trust truth understanding walk whoever wicked wisdom word wrath yourselves