The Plays of William Shakespeare ...: With the Corrections and Illustrations of Various Commentators, Volumul 14J. Johnson, 1803 |
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Pagina 10
... measure is , however , ftill faulty . MALONE . ? as the earldom was . ] Thus the folio . The quarto 1600 , and that without date , read - as the kingdom is . STEEVENS . York means , I fuppofe , that the dukedom of York was his ...
... measure is , however , ftill faulty . MALONE . ? as the earldom was . ] Thus the folio . The quarto 1600 , and that without date , read - as the kingdom is . STEEVENS . York means , I fuppofe , that the dukedom of York was his ...
Pagina 12
... Henry the Fifth difperfed the followers of Cade . JOHNSON . fith- ] i . e . fince . So , in Meafure for Measure : " Sith ' twas my fault to give the people scope . " STEEVENS . K. HEN . Peace thou ! and give king Henry 12 THRID PART OF.
... Henry the Fifth difperfed the followers of Cade . JOHNSON . fith- ] i . e . fince . So , in Meafure for Measure : " Sith ' twas my fault to give the people scope . " STEEVENS . K. HEN . Peace thou ! and give king Henry 12 THRID PART OF.
Pagina 48
... Measure : " How I may formally in perfon bear me . " MALONE . Methinks , ' tis prize enough to be his fon . ] The old quarto reads - pride , which is right , for ambition , i . e . We need not aim at any higher glory than this ...
... Measure : " How I may formally in perfon bear me . " MALONE . Methinks , ' tis prize enough to be his fon . ] The old quarto reads - pride , which is right , for ambition , i . e . We need not aim at any higher glory than this ...
Pagina 54
... measure to your woes , I come to tell you things fince then befall'n . After the bloody fray at Wakefield fought , Where your brave father breath'd his latest gasp , Tidings , as fwiftly as the posts could run , Were brought me of your ...
... measure to your woes , I come to tell you things fince then befall'n . After the bloody fray at Wakefield fought , Where your brave father breath'd his latest gasp , Tidings , as fwiftly as the posts could run , Were brought me of your ...
Pagina 75
... measure of revenge . EDW . O Warwick , I do bend my knee with thine ; brother to the erle of Warwick , a valiant young gentleman , and of great audacitie . " Holinfhed , p . 664. In this action at Fer- rybridge , which happened on the ...
... measure of revenge . EDW . O Warwick , I do bend my knee with thine ; brother to the erle of Warwick , a valiant young gentleman , and of great audacitie . " Holinfhed , p . 664. In this action at Fer- rybridge , which happened on the ...
Alte ediții - Afișează-le pe toate
The Plays of William Shakespeare: With the Corrections and ..., Volumul 14 William Shakespeare Vizualizare completă - 1809 |
The Plays of William Shakespeare: With the Corrections and ..., Volumul 14 William Shakespeare Vizualizare completă - 1809 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
againſt alfo anſwer battle becauſe blood brother BUCK Buckingham cauſe circumftance CLAR Clarence Clifford crown curfe daughter death doth DUCH Duke of York Earl Earl of Richmond Edward IV ELIZ Enter Exeunt expreffion faid fame father fays fcene fecond feems fhall fhould firft firſt flain foldiers folio fome forrow foul fpeak ftand ftill fubject fuch fuppofe Glofter grace GREY hath heart himſelf Holinfhed Houfes houſe huſband JOHNSON King Edward King Henry King Henry VI King Richard King Richard III laft Lancaſter lord Haftings MALONE Margaret meaſure moft moſt muft MURD muſt myſelf obferved old play paffage perfon prefent prince quarto queen Rape of Lucrece reaſon reft RICH Richmond Saint Albans ſay ſcene Shakspeare Shakspeare's ſhall ſpeak ſpeech ſtand STEEVENS thee thefe theſe thoſe thou thouſand ufed unto uſed Warwick whofe word