Meditation as a path to God-Realization. A study in the spiritual teachings of Swani Prabhavananda and his assessment of Christian spirituality

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Università gregoriana, 1979 - 159 pagini
This study on Meditation as a Path to God-realization is a modest attempt to under stand the idea-forces behind Hindu meditation as interpreted by Swami Prabbavananda. A study in his spiritual teachings will surely reveal the precious contents of Hindu meditation. An Indian Christian experience cannot disregard the salient features of Hindu meditation. The relative lack of study on Hindu-Christian meditation is an indication of the need for a new approach to Indian Christian thought. Within the Indian Church there is now a growing concern for dialogue with Hinduism. The consensus that there can be no fruitful dialogue based on doctrines alone is also growing. A dialogue with Hinduism demands a clear notion of its cardinal point of spirituality, namely meditation. It is with this hope that the present study is undertaken.

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