State Versus Local Control of Elementary Education (Finance)U.S. Government Printing Office, 1915 - 83 pagini |
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Pagina ii
... Monthly record of current educational publications , January , 1913 . * No . 2. Training courses for rural teachers . A. C. Monahan and R. H. Wright . 5 cts . * No . 3. The teaching of modern languages in the United States . Charles H ...
... Monthly record of current educational publications , January , 1913 . * No . 2. Training courses for rural teachers . A. C. Monahan and R. H. Wright . 5 cts . * No . 3. The teaching of modern languages in the United States . Charles H ...
Pagina iii
... Monthly record of current educational publications , March , 1914 . * No . 8. The Massachusetts home - project plan of vocational agricultural education . R. W. Stimson . 15 cts . No. 9. Monthly record of current educational ...
... Monthly record of current educational publications , March , 1914 . * No . 8. The Massachusetts home - project plan of vocational agricultural education . R. W. Stimson . 15 cts . No. 9. Monthly record of current educational ...
Pagina iv
... Monthly record of current educational publications , May , 1915 . No. 15. Monthly record of current educational publications . Index , Feb. , 1914 - Jan . , 1915 . No. 16. Monthly record of current educational publications , June , 1915 ...
... Monthly record of current educational publications , May , 1915 . No. 15. Monthly record of current educational publications . Index , Feb. , 1914 - Jan . , 1915 . No. 16. Monthly record of current educational publications , June , 1915 ...
Alte ediții - Afișează-le pe toate
State Versus Local Control of Elementary Education: (finance) Theodore Leander MacDowell Vizualizare completă - 1915 |
State Versus Local Control of Elementary Education: (finance) Theodore Leander MacDowell Vizualizare completă - 1915 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
20 mills 25 cents 50 cents aid is granted annually apportionment Arizona attendance board of education bonds issued Colorado commissioner Connecticut county tax current educational publications distribution district tax districts containing erecting exceed exceeding expenses graded school Hampshire Idaho indebtedness Indiana Iowa Jersey Kansas Kentucky legislation less localities Louisiana maintain schools maintenance of schools Maryland Massachusetts maximum tax Mexico Michigan Minnesota Missouri moneys are withheld Montana Monthly record Nebraska Nevada North Dakota number of teachers officers Ohio Oklahoma Oregon payment Pennsylvania public schools pupils purchase rate or amount record of current refunding bonds restriction Rhode Island rural school salaries school age school boards school buildings school districts school fund school moneys school population school purposes school term schoolhouses sinking fund South Carolina special levy specified support of schools tax in districts teachers employed Tennessee tion township Utah Vermont Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming York