Stonewall: The Riots That Sparked the Gay RevolutionMacmillan, 2004 - 336 pagini In 1969, a series of riots over police action against The Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York City's Greenwich Village, changed the longtime landscape of the homosexual in society literally overnight. |
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Prologue | 1 |
Authors Note | 267 |
Acknowledgments | 273 |
Notes | 277 |
Bibliography | 311 |
Oral Histories | 319 |
Credits for the Photographs | 321 |
323 | |
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Termeni și expresii frecvente
arrested Arthur asked began Berkeley Barb blackmail Bob Kohler called Christopher Park Christopher Street club cops Craig Rodwell crowd dance Dick Leitsch door drag queens entrapment Evans felt fight fire friends gay bars Gay Liberation Front Gay Power Ginsberg going Greenwich Village happened homophile homosexual Hoose inside the Stonewall July June June 28 Kameny kids knew lesbian Lindsay looked Mafia Manford Marsha Marty Robinson Mattachine Society Mattachine-New York meeting Michael Scherker militant Murphy night NYMN O'Brien organization paddy wagon patrol wagon person picket Pine police officers political protest raid Randy Wicker recalls remembers Ronk seemed Seventh Avenue sexual Shaheen Sheridan Square Sixth Precinct Smith someone started Stonewall Inn Stonewall Inn's Stonewall Riots Stonewall's street youth talk thing told transvestites Truscott Village Voice walked wanted York City young