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Desist orders




269, 284

215, 284


Results of product or service, misrepresenting. See Advertising falsely
or misleadingly.

Retailer, representing self falsely as wholesaler or manufacturer. See
Advertising falsely or misleadingly; Assuming or using misleading
trade or corporate name; Misrepresenting business status, etc.
Securities, of enterprise, making false claims in respect of. See Advertising
falsely or misleadingly; Misrepresenting business status, etc.; Offering
deceptive inducements to purchase.

Service, misrepresenting. See Advertising falsely or misleadingly.
Short measure quantities:

Charging freight on basis full measure, on short measure deliveries.
See Charging, etc.

Delivering. See Delivering, etc.


See also, Passing off.

Advertising and instructions of competitor..

Facilities of competitor...

Product of competitor..

Trade name of-


Product of competitor. --

Size, misrepresenting. See Advertising falsely or misleadingly; Mis-
representing business status, etc.


Charging freight, on basis full measure, on short measure deliveries.
See Charging, etc.

Delivering short measure. See Delivering, etc.

Source of:

Product, misrepresenting. See Advertising falsely or misleadingly;
Misbranding or mislabeling.

Supply, cutting off, of dealers. See Maintaining resale prices.


Charging freight on basis full measure, on short measure deliveries.

[blocks in formation]

Staff, misrepresenting facts as to. See Advertising falsely or misleadingly;
Misrepresenting business status, etc.


In competitor, acquiring unlawfully. See Acquiring stock, etc.
Of enterprise, making false claims in respect of. See Advertising
falsely or misleadingly; Misrepresenting business status, etc.;
Offering deceptive inducements to purchase.

Successes, claiming falsely. See Advertising falsely or misleadingly;
Claiming indorsements or successes not secured.

Supplies, cutting off, of dealers. See Maintaining resale prices.

Tests, using misleading, to demonstrate own and competitive products.
See Misrepresenting products.

Trade marks or trade names, using unfair practices in respect of. See
Assuming or using misleading trade or corporate name; Misbranding
or mislabeling; Naming product misleadingly.

Understanding. See Agreement.

Undertakings, declining to carry out. See Declining, etc.

[blocks in formation]

Charging freight for full measure quantities, on short measure


Claiming indorsements or successes not secured;

Combining or conspiring;

Declining performance of undertakings unfairly;

Delivering short measure quantities;

Disparaging or misrepresenting competitors or their products;

Maintaining resale prices;

Misbranding or mislabeling;

Misrepresenting business status, advantages or connections;

Misrepresenting prices;

Misrepresenting products;

Naming product misleadingly;

Offering deceptive inducements to purchase;

Passing off;


Union labor, claiming manufacture by falsely. See Misbranding or mis-

United States Government connection, claiming falsely. See Advertising
falsely or misleadingly; Assuming or using misleading trade or corporate


Values, misrepresenting.

See Advertising falsely or misleadingly, and,

in general, Unfair methods of competition.

Well known persons or concerns, misrepresenting connections with. See
Advertising falsely or misleadingly; Misrepresenting connections with.
Wholesaler. See Dealer or dealers.

[blocks in formation]

336 (382), 337, 342 (389), 348 (395, 396), 352, 357, 362,
368, 371 (419), 375 (424), 377 (427), 379, 381, 390, 396,
400 (450), 401 (453), 403 (455), 408, 409 (465), 410, 411
(469), 414, 415 (475), 417 (477), 421 (485), 428 (491),
429, 432 (497), 434 (501), 435 (502), 438 (506), 440
(509), 441, 443 (514), 448, 451 (531), 453 (534), 455,
456 (538), 458 (541), 463 (549), 468 (558, 559), 472
(565), 475 (571), 482 (582), 487, 488 (589), 491 (594),
501 (613), 504 (618), 506 (622), 507, 512, 513 (635).

24925°-31-VOL 13-42

[blocks in formation]

(390), 343, 347, 353, 354, 356, 360, 364 (412), 365, 366, 369,
370, 381-383, 386-388, 391 (440), 393 (443), 400 (449), 405,
411 (468), 412 (470, 471), 413, 415 (474, 475), 418 (480),
421 (484), 425, 427, 429, 430 (495), 431, 432 (498), 433, 439
(500), 445 (518, 519), 447 (522), 449 (525), 450 (529), 451
(530, 531), 453 (533, 534), 454, 457 (539), 458 (541), 461,
462 (547), 465 (553), 467, 470 (562), 482 (582), 484 (584),
485 (587), 487, 488 (590), 493 (598), 497 (604), 504 (619),
511 (631), 514 (637).

[blocks in formation]

Direct dealing (see also above, Business status, etc.)------- 491 (594)
Domestic product being imported...

Free products or incidents...


355, 377 (427),

398 (446), 411 (468), 413, 420, 421 (485), 437, 471, 502,
504 (619).

Government connection, inspection, sponsorship, or use..

(425), 386, 417 (478), 497 (604)

Through depiction...

Guarantee or money back...

497 (604)

471, 487

Indorsements and testimonials-

Authorities, authoritative publications, organizations, etc...


457 (540)


349, 367, 375 (425), 386, 417 (478)

[blocks in formation]

374, 382, 391 (441), 393 (442, 443), 401 (452), 412 (471),
421 (485), 425, 427, 429, 435 (503), 438 (505), 439, 440
(510), 443 (515), 446 (521), 449 (525), 452, 456 (537), 460
(544), 462 (548), 465 (553, 554), 470 (562), 471, 472 (564),
481 (580), 485 (586, 587), 487, 489, 495 (601), 498 (607),
499 (608), 502, 503 (616), 508 (625), 509 (627, 628), 513
(634), 518 (645).

[blocks in formation]

Qualities of product 361, 389, 405, 411 (469), 416, 449 (526), 450
(528), 463 (550), 475 (571), 499 (608), 502, 511 (631), 514

Quality of product___


393 (443), 431, 460 (545), 492 (597), 510 (630)
Reservations specially made..........
Results of product or service---- 351, 389, 405, 421 (485), 449 (525),
449 (526), 450 (528), 463 (550), 475 (571), 487, 492 (597),

Source or origin of product-

Maker 399, 402, 407 (462), 419 (481), 420, 430 (494), 449 (527),
466 (556), 478 (574, 575), 484 (585),500 (611), 503 (617), 507
Manufacturer as seller.



(385), 358, 371 (420), 424, 459, 477, 478 (574, 575), 481
(579), 483, 498 (606), 508 (626), 509 (628), 510 (630),
514 (638), 515 (639, 640), 517, 518 (644).
Through depiction..

[blocks in formation]

478 (574, 575)



440 (508)



Appropriating trade name or mark of competitor: (see also Simulating)

407 (461), 409 (466)


Assuming or using misleading trade or corporate name:
See also Naming product misleadingly.

[blocks in formation]

336 (382), 337, 342 (389), 348 (395), 352, 362, 368, 371 (419),
375 (424), 377 (427), 379 (428, 429), 400 (450), 401 (453),
403 (455), 408 (463, 464), 409 (465), 410, 411 (469), 414,
415 (475), 417 (477), 428 (491), 429, 441, 443 (514), 448, 455,
463 (549), 472 (565), 482 (582), 488 (589), 491 (594), 501
(613), 506 (622).

[blocks in formation]


Claiming indorsements, sponsorships, or connections falsely or mis-

[blocks in formation]

Agreeing upon or adopting uniform prices, terms, dis-
counts and differentials..


"Blacklisting" and disseminating names of "irregular”

dealers or "turndowns".


Compiling, publishing, and distributing average or
standard production costs for translation into uni-
form selling prices...


Seeking and securing-

Cooperation of members in reporting those refused
products as "irregular" dealers... ----


Soliciting and securing cooperative promises and
assurances of members not to sell to "turndowns". 423

Contracting on exclusive and tying basis..

Discriminating in price---

466 (555)


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