The Right to Life in International LawBertie G. Ramcharan BRILL, 27 sept. 2021 - 383 pagini |
I The Concept and Dimensions of the Right to Life | 1 |
II The Drafting History of Treaty Provisions on the Right to Life | 33 |
III The Satisfaction of Survival Requirements | 63 |
IV The InterRelationship Between the Right to Life and the Right to Development | 84 |
V The InterRelationship Between the Right to Life and the Right to Peace | 97 |
Illusion and Reality | 114 |
Peremptory Norms of Jus Cogens | 120 |
VIII The Obligations to Respect and to Ensure the Right to Life | 160 |
X The Concept of Arbitrary Deprivation of Life | 221 |
Controls on Permissible Deprivations | 245 |
XII International Legal Standards on Capital Punishment | 284 |
International Measures Against Arbitrary or Summary Killings by Governments | 297 |
Annexes | 315 |
Selective Bibliography | 351 |
369 | |
IX Protection of the Right to Life by Law and by Other Means | 182 |
Alte ediții - Afișează-le pe toate
The Right to Life in International Law Bertrand G. Ramcharan Nu există previzualizare disponibilă - 1985 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
accordance acts adopted amendment American Convention Amnesty International application arbitrary deprivation armed conflicts Article Assembly basic capital punishment Civil and Political Commission on Human concept constitutes Convention on Human Council of Europe Court Covenant on Civil death penalty Declaration of Human derogation draft duty economic effective ensure European Commission European Convention force Geneva Conventions governments groups Human Rights Committee imposed individual Inter-American international community International Covenant international human rights international law International Law Commission jus cogens killings law enforcement officials non-derogable norms nuclear obligation organizations paragraph parties peremptory norm person police Political Rights present principles protected by law protection of human Protocol provisions recognized Report resolution respect responsibility right to development right to peace rights and freedoms rights and fundamental rules Secretary-General sentence session social standards summary executions supra note survival requirements torture treaty U.N. Charter United Kingdom United Nations United Nations Charter Universal Declaration