The Plays of William Shakspeare, Volumul 3F. C. and J. Rivington, 1823 |
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Pagina 405
... Camillo Old Shepherd ... Egistus . Pandosto . Garinter . Dorastus . Franion . Porrus . Bellaria . Faunia . Mopsa . Hermione Perdita Mopsa ......... The parts of Antigonus , Paulina , and Autolycus , are of the poet's own invention ; but ...
... Camillo Old Shepherd ... Egistus . Pandosto . Garinter . Dorastus . Franion . Porrus . Bellaria . Faunia . Mopsa . Hermione Perdita Mopsa ......... The parts of Antigonus , Paulina , and Autolycus , are of the poet's own invention ; but ...
Pagina 408
... CAMILLO , ANTIGONUS , Sicilian Lords . CLEOMENES , DION , Another Sicilian Lord . ROGERO , a Sicilian Gentleman . An Attendant on the young Prince Mamillius . Officers of a Court of Judicature . POLIXENES , King of Bohemia : FLORIZEL ...
... CAMILLO , ANTIGONUS , Sicilian Lords . CLEOMENES , DION , Another Sicilian Lord . ROGERO , a Sicilian Gentleman . An Attendant on the young Prince Mamillius . Officers of a Court of Judicature . POLIXENES , King of Bohemia : FLORIZEL ...
Pagina 409
... CAMILLo and ARCHIDAMUS . Archidamus . : Ir you shall chance , Camillo , to visit Bohemia , on the like occasion whereon my services are now on foot , you shall see , as I have said , great difference betwixt our Bohemia , and your ...
... CAMILLo and ARCHIDAMUS . Archidamus . : Ir you shall chance , Camillo , to visit Bohemia , on the like occasion whereon my services are now on foot , you shall see , as I have said , great difference betwixt our Bohemia , and your ...
Pagina 411
... CAMILLO , and Attendants . Pol . Nine changes of the wat'ry star have been The shepherd's note , since we have left our throne Without a burden : time as long again Would be fill'd up , my brother , with our thanks ; And yet we should ...
... CAMILLO , and Attendants . Pol . Nine changes of the wat'ry star have been The shepherd's note , since we have left our throne Without a burden : time as long again Would be fill'd up , my brother , with our thanks ; And yet we should ...
Pagina 420
... Camillo there ? Why , that's some comfort . - Cam . Ay , my good lord . Leon . Go play , Mamillius ; thou'rt an honest man . - [ Exit MAMILLIUS . Camillo , this great sir will yet stay longer . Cam . You had much ado to make his anchor ...
... Camillo there ? Why , that's some comfort . - Cam . Ay , my good lord . Leon . Go play , Mamillius ; thou'rt an honest man . - [ Exit MAMILLIUS . Camillo , this great sir will yet stay longer . Cam . You had much ado to make his anchor ...
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The Plays of William Shakspeare ... William Shakespeare,Samuel Johnson,George Steevens Vizualizare completă - 1785 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
Antigonus Antonio Autolycus Baptista Bass Bassanio BERTRAM Bianca Bion BIONDELLO Camillo CLEOMENES Count court daughter doth ducats Duke Enter Exeunt Exit eyes fair father fear fool forest of Arden fortune Ganymede gentle gentleman give Gremio hand hath hear heart heaven Hermione honest honour Hortensio i'the JOHNSON Kate Kath KATHARINA King knave lady Laun Launcelot Leon look lord Lucentio madam maid MALONE marry master means mistress musick Narbon Nerissa never Orlando Padua Petruchio Pisa play Polixenes poor pr'ythee pray queen ring Rosalind Rousillon Salan SCENE Servant Shakspeare Shep Shylock Sicilia signior Sirrah speak STEEVENS swear sweet tell thee There's thine thing thou art Touch Tranio unto Vincentio wife Winter's Tale word young