Guess What I Discovered on the Way to Church?Xulon Press, 2007 - 428 pagini In your walk of faith, as a believer, have you ever felt that there was something missing? Have you ever wondered why the Church is so different from the Congregation in the Brit Chadasha/New Testament? Clearly, Scripture reveals that we are to walk as Yahushua/Jesus walked, but if we are honest with ourselves, we'd have to admit that our faith walk is not the same as Yahushua's, is it? What's missing and when were these things changed/replaced? Who is responsible for those changes that took us down the road to Rome, leaving Jerusalem behind? As you study your Hebrew roots and begin to "connect the dots," so to speak, a fuller picture will emerge of our Hebraic foundation and our Hebrew Savior, Rabbi Yahushua. This is a journey that will change your life forever! Are you ready for the challenge? If so, then read on! Diane L. Otto was born and raised in Franklin, Pennsylvania. She gave her heart to YHWH at 17, married at 18 and moved to California where she and her husband, John, had their five children. In California, during the eighties, she attended World Reaching Faith Bible School, receiving her Minister's License. She served as a Prison Chaplain in California and Georgia receiving recognition for her work. She was on the Aglow Board and was an Aglow speaker, as well as giving seminars on reaching out to the cults. She continued her education with the Christian Writer's Guild, the Institute of Jewish-Christian Studies and Scriptural Hebrew in the nineties. She received her ordination as a Rebetzin with the Union of Nazarene Yisraelite Congregations. Currently, she's teaching Scriptural Hebrew at Lion of Judah Academy and is studying for her MBA in Theology at Lion of Judah University. In the meantime, she and her husband are restoring an 1870 historical home in Virginia, while enjoying their fourteen grandchildren. |
Din interiorul cărții
Rezultatele 1 - 5 din 49
Pagina x
... Shaul / Paul's Mission ........ 181 Once an Yisraelite Always an Yisraelite ........ .... 182 Shaul / Paul's Olive Tree .. 182 Be Not Arrogant ..... 185 The Prodigal Son ......... .... 185 We are Our Brother's Keeper ...... .... 188 ...
... Shaul / Paul's Mission ........ 181 Once an Yisraelite Always an Yisraelite ........ .... 182 Shaul / Paul's Olive Tree .. 182 Be Not Arrogant ..... 185 The Prodigal Son ......... .... 185 We are Our Brother's Keeper ...... .... 188 ...
Pagina xii
... Shaul / Paul Know What was Right or Wrong ?. .... 259 Redemption by Faith or Works ? ......... ...... 260 Torah is Set - Apart , Just , Good and Spiritual .... 261 Chapter IX ......... ........ 263 More Torah in the Brit Chadasha ...
... Shaul / Paul Know What was Right or Wrong ?. .... 259 Redemption by Faith or Works ? ......... ...... 260 Torah is Set - Apart , Just , Good and Spiritual .... 261 Chapter IX ......... ........ 263 More Torah in the Brit Chadasha ...
Pagina xiii
... Shaul / Paul Kept the Seventh Day Shabbat ..... Brit xiii Guess What I Discovered On the Way to Church ?
... Shaul / Paul Kept the Seventh Day Shabbat ..... Brit xiii Guess What I Discovered On the Way to Church ?
Pagina xiv
Diane Otto. Shaul / Paul Kept the Seventh Day Shabbat ..... Brit Chadasha / NT Instructions for New Believers Is Shaul / Paul the Founder of Christianity ? ............. The Hebraic Meaning of Breaking Bread ... ...... Counting the ...
Diane Otto. Shaul / Paul Kept the Seventh Day Shabbat ..... Brit Chadasha / NT Instructions for New Believers Is Shaul / Paul the Founder of Christianity ? ............. The Hebraic Meaning of Breaking Bread ... ...... Counting the ...
Pagina xxii
Ne pare rău, conținutul acestei pagini este restricționat.
Ne pare rău, conținutul acestei pagini este restricționat.
Preface | xxi |
Introduction | 27 |
Chapter V | 29 |
Chapter II | 33 |
Chapter VI | 47 |
Chapter VIII | 55 |
Chapter X | 63 |
Conclusion | 69 |
Chapter IV | 233 |
Chapter V | 241 |
Chapter VI | 249 |
Chapter VIII | 257 |
Chapter IX | 263 |
Chapter X | 269 |
Conclusion | 277 |
Introduction | 283 |
Chapter I | 81 |
Chapter III | 87 |
Chapter IV | 93 |
Chapter V | 99 |
Chapter VII | 121 |
Chapter VIII | 127 |
Chapter X | 133 |
Conclusion | 139 |
Introduction | 145 |
Chapter II | 151 |
Chapter IV | 157 |
Chapter VI | 165 |
Chapter X | 181 |
Chapter XI | 193 |
Conclusion | 205 |
Chapter I | 211 |
Chapter III | 225 |
Chapter II | 289 |
Chapter III | 299 |
Chapter IV | 317 |
Article | 325 |
Chapter I | 333 |
Chapter III | 339 |
Chapter V | 349 |
Chapter VII | 355 |
Chapter VIII | 361 |
Chapter IX | 379 |
Chapter X | 385 |
Conclusion | 389 |
Chapter I | 395 |
Chapter II | 405 |
Chapter III | 411 |
Conclusion | 417 |
Termeni și expresii frecvente
Abba Abba's Name Abba/Father Avraham Avraham/Abraham Beit of Yahudah Beit of Yisrael Beit of Yisrael/Ephraim believe Beresheeth/Genesis Brit Chadasha Brit Chadasha/NT called Christianity Church Fathers clearly commandments Covenant declares Devarim/Deuteronomy Easter Elohim emet/truth Ephraim Ephsiyah/Ephesians eternal faith of Yahushua Feasts Galutyah/Galatians Gentile Gilyahna/Revelation Greco/Roman Hebraic mind-set Hebrew faith Hebrew language Hoshea/Hosea Ivrim/Hebrews Jehovah's Witnesses Jewish keep in mind keep Torah King James Version lost sheep Luka/Luke Ma'aseh Shlichim/Acts Mattityahu/Matthew means Moshiach Moshiach/Messiah Moshiach/the Messiah Name of YHWH nations nations/Gentiles pagan Qorintyah Alef/1 Corinthians redeemed reveals Romiyah/Romans Ruach haKodesh Ruach/Spirit salvation Savior says Scriptural Name Scripture set-apart seventh day Shabbat Shaul Shaul/Paul Shemoth/Exodus speak Strong's TaNaK TaNaK/OT Tehillim/Psalms tells ten Lost Tribes ten Northern Tribes Torah/Law understand verse worship Yaakov/Jacob Yahrushalayim/Jerusalem Yahudaism/Judaism Yahushua's Names Yehchezkel/Ezekiel Yeshayahu/Isaiah YHWH and Yahushua's YHWH's Name YHWH's truths YHWH's Word YHWH/Yahuah YHWH/Yahuah's Name Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah Yisrael/Israel Yisraelites Yochanan Alef/1 John Yochanan/John