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from Your Government

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Department of Agriculture

USE OF AIRCRAFT IN FORESTRY Prepared by the Forest Service, Department of Agriculture. 9 p. Processed. Single copies free from the U. S. Forest Service.

Department of Labor


Report on 1948 Women's Bureau Conference. 210 p. (Bulletin No. 224.) Free from the Women's Bureau.


Prepared by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 1948. 20 p. U. S. Government Printing Office. (Occupational Outlook Series, Bulletin No. 929.) 15 cents.

Federal Security Agency


Prepared by Children's Bureau, Social Security Administration, in cooperation with the Bureau of Human Nutrition and Home Economics, U. S. Department of Agriculture. U. S. Government Printing Office, 1948. 15 p. 5 cents.


By Joseph W. Mountin and Evelyn Flook, Public Health Service. U. S. Government Printing Office, 1947. 71 p. (Miscellaneous Publication No. 35.)

20 cents.


By Katherine Glover, Children's Bureau, Social Security Administration. U. S. Government Printing Office, 1948. In The Child, 13: 18-20, 31, August 1948. Single copies, 10 cents; annual subscription, $1. Describes a "try-out of democracy" in the nursery and play school.

THE PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE AND YOU Prepared by the Public Health Service. U. S. Government Printing Office, 1947. [12] p. 10 cents. Contains such vocational information as duties, qualifications, and opportunities.

National Archives


A 30 x 31-inch facsimile of the original Congressional resolution proposing the articles of Amendment to the Constitution which are known as the Bill of

Rights, prepared by the National Archives. Suitable as a wall chart or bulletin display. U. S. Government Printing Office. 55 cents.

Superintendent of Documents

CHILDREN'S BUREAU AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO CHILDREN Price List 71, 29th Edition. U. S. Government Printing Office, 1948. 8 p. Free.


Price List 65, 28th Edition. U. S. Government Printing Office, 1948. 10 p. Free.


Price List 33A, 1st Edition. Washington, U. S. Government Printing Office, 1948. 8 p. Free.

Office of Education

School Life Reprints


Administration of School Health Services. (May 1948.)

Duty of Teachers To Promote Ideals and Principles of American Democracy. (February 1948.)

Education for the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Years. (June 1948.)

Education of Georgia Supervisors. (March, April, June, 1948.)

A Future for Aviation Education. (May 1948.)

Some Implications of Scientific Methods of Secondary Education. (July 1948.)

Fellowship Opportunities and Teaching Positions in Other Countries (January 1948)

Citizens' Federal Committee on Education Material (January 1948)

Educational Plant Needs (January 1948) Some Highlights in 1947 Legislation for Exceptional Children and Youth (March 1948)

Parent Education Programs (March 1948)

Deaf Children Under Six Go to School (March 1948)

Office of Education
Printed Bulletins

School Bus Maintenance (Bulletin 1948,
No. 2), 15 cents.

Statistics of Land-Grant Colleges and Universities, Year Ended June 30, 1947 (Bulletin 1948, No. 8), 15 cents.

Teaching Elementary Science (Bulletin 1948, No. 4), 15 cents.

Processed Materials

Demonstration Workshop on Teacher Education for Health. (September 1948.) Experimenting in Elementary Science. Elementary Education Division Education Brief No. 12. (August 1948.)

Film Catalogs of the United States Government. Visual Aids Section.

Government Monographs on Occupations. Vocational Education Division Miscellany 3296. (July 1948.)

Office of Education Publications on Health Education, Physical Education, and Recreation. Secondary Education Division Bibliography. (July 1948.)

A Partial List of 16mm Film Libraries. Visual Aids Section.

Regional Conferences on Zeal for American Democracy. Pointers, Zeal for American Democracy Program.

Summary Report of 1948 Regional Conferences, Trade and Industrial Education. (August 1948.)

Work of the Visiting Teacher. Elementary Education Division Selected References No. 16. (July 1948.)

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Published each month of the school year, October through June. To order SCHOOL LIFE send your check, money order, or a dollar bill (no stamps) with your subscription request to the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. SCHOOL LIFE service comes to you at a school-year subscription price of $1.00. Yearly fee to countries in which the frank of the U. S. Government is not recognized is $1.50. A discount of 25 percent is allowed on orders for 100 copies or more sent to one address within the United States. Printing of SCHOOL LIFE has been approved by the Director of the Bureau of the Budget.




Federal Security Administrator Acting Commissioner of Education Executive Assistant to the Commissioner Chief, Information and Publications Service JOHN H. LLOYD... Assistant Chief, Information and Publications



Address all SCHOOL LIFE inquiries to the Chief, Information and Publications Service, Office of Education, Federal Security Agency,

Washington 25, D. C.

THE Office of Education was established in 1867 "for the purpose of collecting such statistics and facts as shall show the condition and progress of education in the several States and Territories, and of diffusing such information respecting the organization and management of schools and school systems and methods of teaching, as shall aid the people of the United States in the establishment and maintenance of efficient school systems, and otherwise promote the cause of education

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DDRESSING a selected group of leaders of schools and colleges both in this country and abroad, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, upon occasion of his inauguration as president of Columbia University on Columbus Day, October 12, said, "If this were a land where the military profession is a weapon of tyranny or aggression-its members an elite caste dedicated to its own perpetuation a lifelong soldier could hardly assume my present role. But in our Nation the Army is the servant of the people, designed and trained exclusively to protect our way of life. Duty in its ranks is an exercise of citizenship. Hence, among us, the soldier who becomes an educator or the teacher who becomes a soldier enters no foreign field but finds himself instead engaged in a new phase of his fundamental life purpose the protection and perpetuation of basic human freedoms."

Volume 31, Number 3

President Eisenhower's address, his first public statement on American education since he became the thirteenth President of Columbia University, has been widely quoted. Because of its appeal for liberal education, academic freedom, and education for democratic citizenship, and believing that its content will challenge all teachers and educational leaders, SCHOOL LIFE presents these selected excerpts from the whole address:

"Today's challenge to freedom and to every free institution is such that none of us dares stand alone. For human freedom is today threatened by regimented statism. The threat is infinitely more than that involved in opposing ideologies. Men of widely divergent views in our own country live in peace together because they share certain common aspirations which are more important to them than their differences. But democracy and the police state


have no common purposes, methods, or aspirations. In today's struggle, no free man, no free institution can be neutral. All must be joined in a common profession that of democratic citizenship; every institution within our national structure must contribute to the advancement of this profession."

"Democratic citizenship is concerned with the sum total of human relations. Here at home this includes the recognition of mutual dependence for liberty, livelihood and existence of more than 140 million human beings. Moreover, since we cannot isolate ourselves as a nation from the world, citizenship must be concerned, too, with the ceaseless impact of the globe's 2 billion humans upon one another, manifested in all the multitudinous acts and hopes and fears of humanity.

"The educational system, therefore, can scarcely impose any logical limit upon its functions and responsibilities in preparing students for a life of social usefulness and individual satisfaction. The academic range must involve the entire material, intellectual and spiritual aspects of life."

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"I do not suggest less emphasis on pure research or on vocational or professional training; nor by any means am I suggesting that curricula should be reduced to the classical education of the nineteenth century. But I deeply believe that all of us must demand of our schools more emphasis on those fundamentals that make our free society what it is and that assure it boundless increase in the future if we comprehend and live by them.

"Love of freedom, confidence in the efficacy of cooperative effort, optimism for the future, invincible conviction that the American way of life yields the greatest

human values-to help the student build these attitudes not out of indoctrination but out of genuine understanding, may seem to some to be education in the obvious.

"Of course, the reverse is true. There is a growing doubt among our people that democracy is able to cope with the social and economic trials that lie ahead. Among some is a stark fear that our way of life may succumb to the combined effects of creeping paralysis from within and aggressive assault from without.

"Fear of the future with a concomitant sense of insecurity and doubt of the validity of fundamental principles is a terrible development in American life-almost incredible in the immediate aftermath of America's most magnificent physical and spiritual triumphs. Only by education in the apparently obvious can doubt and fear be resolved."

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"Historical failures in the application of democratic principles must be as earnestly studied as the most brilliant of democracy's triumphs. But underlying all must be the clear conviction that the principles themselves have timeless validity. Dependence by the country upon the schools for this vital service implies no infringement of academic freedom.

"Indeed, academic freedom is nothing more than a specific application of the freedoms inherent in the American way of life. It follows that to protect academic freedom, the teacher must support the entire free system which, among other things, guarantees freedom for all."

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veys and publications have been major contributions to the advancement of teacher education programs in the United States during the past generation. His last bulletin, “Teaching as a Career," was only recently announced in SCHOOL LIFE.

Features Office of Education

FEATURED in the October 1948 issue of The Phi Delta Kappan is an article on "The Organization and Functions of the Office of Education" by Andrew H. Gibbs, Research Assistant, Division of School Administration, Office of Education. Editor of The Phi Delta Kappan, official national organ of Phi Delta Kappa, professional fraternity for men in education, is Rolfe Lanier Hunt. Phi Delta Kappa national office is located at 2034 Ridge Road, Homewood, Ill.

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