Anthology of the Best French Short Stories for Children

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Nicolae Sfetcu - 42 pagini

The stories for children of this anthology were selected with love and attention specifically to meet the requirements of each child, parent, grandparent, teacher, or educator ... Whether it's a love story, a story of Christmas or a short story of goodnight - this anthology of stories contains certainly what you're looking and you like. I hope you will be happy to enter the fantastic world of immortal fairy tales in your spare time, for fun, or for homework for school. The anthology includes a wide range of fairy tales with princesses and kings, animals and frantic supernatural phenomena for all tastes.
 I brought together in this anthology some of the most beautiful short stories of the classical French literature for children. The first edition will be continued over many years to come, with other stories at least as beautiful, written by the most famous French authors.



The snails and the ants by Jules Lemaître 1853 1914
Joliette by Jeanne Marie Leprince de Beaumont 1711 1780
Urashima Tarō and the Ocean Goddess by Claudius Ferrand 18681930
The Raven King by JeanFrançois Bladé 1827 1900
The two hunchbacks and the dwarfs by FrançoisMarie Luzel 1821 1895
The Fairies by Charles Perrault 1628 1703
The duck by Jules Lemaître 1853 1914
The monster Yamata by Claudius Ferrand 18681930
The fisherman and the traveler by Jeanne Marie Leprince de Beaumont 1711 1780
About the editor and translator
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