Exploring the Epistle of James: An Expository CommentaryKregel Academic, 16 dec. 2003 - 208 pagini Books in the "John Phillips Commentary Series" are designed to provide pastors, Sunday school teachers, and students of the Scripture with doctrinally sound interpretation that emphasizes the practical application of Bible truth. Working from the familiar King James Version, Dr. Phillips not only provides helpful commentary on the text, but also includes detailed outlines and numerous illustrations and quotations. Anyone wanting to explore the meaning of God's Word in greater depth--for personal spiritual growth or as a resource for preaching and teaching--will welcome the guidance and insights of this respected series. |
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Pagina 5
... God's Word is likened to a gift ( 1 : 17-18 ) B. God's Word is likened to a graft ( 1 : 19-22 ) C. God's Word is likened to a glass ( 1 : 23-27 ) PART 4 : THE CHRISTIAN AND HIS BRETHREN ( 2 : 1-13 ) A. Partiality : a sin against the ...
... God's Word is likened to a gift ( 1 : 17-18 ) B. God's Word is likened to a graft ( 1 : 19-22 ) C. God's Word is likened to a glass ( 1 : 23-27 ) PART 4 : THE CHRISTIAN AND HIS BRETHREN ( 2 : 1-13 ) A. Partiality : a sin against the ...
Pagina 13
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Pagina 14
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Pagina 22
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Pagina 28
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Termeni și expresii frecvente
Abraham adultery Alexander Whyte apostle asked behavior believers Bethel Bible Bill Sikes blessed brethren brother burden Caiaphas Christ Christian comes command David dead death Elijah epistle EPISTLE OF JAMES evil Exod Fagin faith father friends George Verwer gift give God's Word grace hand hath healed heart heaven Hebrew Holy Spirit human hymn Israel James James's Jerusalem church Jewish Jews John kind king King Saul king's hospitality knew living looked Lord Jesus Lord's Luke lust Luther Matt means mercy mind Mosaic Law Moses never Old Testament patience Paul peace person Peter Pharisees poor pray prayer preached priest promise prophet Rahab religion rich righteousness Satan Saul says Scripture Sikes sins Solomon soul speak synagogue teaching tells temptation thee things Thou shalt told tongue truth unto wealth wisdom wise woman wrote Zwingle