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[blocks in formation]

ment, 317

Social workers, manpower, 95

Summer domestic programs, 105, 171
Vietnam health and education, 106, 141

ftn. (p. 347)
Youth opportunity, 385
Tasman, Abel Janszoon, 538
Taussig, Dr. Helen B., 49

Tawes, Gov. J. Millard, 122 [1, 2], 494 [1−2,

Tax Adjustment Act of 1966, 17 n., 132, 654

Taxation and Development Standards, Com-
mission on Codes, Zoning, 394
Taxes, 8 [14, 18], 17, 26 (pp. 48, 52), 96,
100, 110, 155, 444, 494 [2], 501 [7]
Automobile, 6 (p. 5), 8 [14], 17, 26 (pp.
49, 52), 155
Aviation, 26 (p. 54)

Business, 121 [3], 444, 445 [21], 596, 631,
642 [6], 654 [6]
Collection, 6 (p. 5), 26 (p. 52)
Corporate, 6 (p. 5), 17, 26 (pp. 49, 52),
34 (p. 102), 124 [13], 155, 444, 445
Depreciation allowances, 26 (p. 52), 444,
445 [4, 7, 14, 22], 451, 596
District of Columbia, 27
Excise. See Excise taxes
Federal-State revenue sharing, 121 [9],
635 [19]

Foreign investments in U.S., 607 [14], 612
Income. See Income taxes

Increase, 27, 88 [22], 121 [10], 155, 158 [4,

9], 201, 236 [12], 247 [16], 277 [8],
334 [8], 415, 445 [9, 20-21], 474
[1], 494 [16], 501 [20], 516 [9],
577 [14], 578 [3], 610 [11], 628 [5],
630 [5], 635 [12], 642 [6], 654 [6, 11]
Investment incentive plan, 26 (p. 52), 34
(p. 104), 444, 445 [4, 6, 22], 473, 492
[1], 494 [2], 596, 631, 642 [6], 654
Legislation, 26 (p. 49), 141 [3], 473


Medicare, 155, 444

Military personnel, 389, 571

Payroll, 26 (p. 53)

Political contributions, voluntary deduc-
tions, 6 (p. 7), 241

Poll, 96

Private foundations, 34 (p. 107)
Real estate, 30

Reduction and reform, 6 (p. 5), 8 [14],
26 (p. 52), 34 (pp. 100, 107), 324
Revenues, 26 (p. 50), 520, 577 [14], 635

Social security, 26 (p. 53), 34 (p. 102),
155, 444

State and local, 121 [3]
Surtax, proposed, 635 [18]
Trust fund, 26 (50)
Withholding, 34 (p. 102)
Taylor, H. Ralph, 207 n.
Taylor, Hobart, Jr., 248 n., 431
Taylor, Hobart, III, 477 [2]

Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D., 65 [6], 124 [2],
482 n.

Taylor, Bishop Prince Albert, Jr., 504
Tchaikovsky International Music Competi-
tion winners, 440
Teachers, 26 (p. 64)
Employment, 105

Exchange programs, 45, 406
Shortages, 27, 89, 216, 347
Summer Teaching Corps, 45

Teacher Corps. See National Teacher

Teacher of the Year Award, 165
Teaching aids, import tariffs, 601
Teague, Repr. Olin E., 100, 495, 505
Technical assistance to developing nations,

6 (pp. 3, 8), 11, 22, 26 (pp. 58, 60), 34
(p. 105), 41, 45, 54, 62, 77, 243, 331, 420
See also Economic assistance; Foreign as-
sistance; Military, U.S.; specific coun-


Technological progress, 258, 306, 337, 462,

Technology, Automation, and Economic

Progress, National Commission on,
III, 258

Technology, Federal Council for Science
and, 222

[ Main references are to items except as otherwise indicated ]

Tejera-Paris, Enrique, 366


Excise taxes, 6 (p. 5), 8 [14], 17, 26 (pp.
49, 52), 155

U.S.-Venezuela submarine cable, 366
Television, 27, 403, 629

Addresses. See Messages to the American

President's use, 52 [4]

"The President's Country" program, 270
"Today" program, 295

Television Service, Armed Forces Radio
and, 648

Tennessee, 320 [14], 391

Gov. Frank G. Clement, 122 [1, 2], 494
[1, 2], 599 ftn. (p. 1358)

Tennessee Valley Authority, 49, 233, 351-
352, 374, 382, 509, 518, 520
Tennessee Valley Authority Act of 1933, 233
Tenzer, Repr. Herbert, 510, 512
Teran, José Fernandez, 639
Ter Horst, J. F., 338 [4]

Terry, Gov. Charles L., Jr., 427–428, 515
Terry, Luther L., 315 n.

Texas, 320 [14], 401 [7], 427-428

Chamizal boundary and highway, 177, 597
Gov. John B. Connally, 121 [1], 277 [6],

415-416, 417 [3], 520, 630 [2], 635
[14], 638–639, 641, 650 n.
Texas, University of, mass shooting at, 363-

Texas Instruments, Inc., 144 n.
Textile industry, 516 [15]

Thailand, 41, 133, 516 [1], 554-555, 557-558
Bases, U.S., 401 [13]

King Bhumibol Adulyadej, 554 n., 555 n.,
557 n., 558 n.

Prime Minister Thanom Kittikachorn,
549, 554, 557 n.

Queen Sirikit, 554 n., 558 n.

Vietnam assistance, 555, 557
Visit, 554, 555, 557-558

Thanksgiving Day proclamation, 534

"The President's Country" television pro-

gram, 270

Thieu, Chief of State. See Nguyen Van

"This America," prologue and epilogue, 497
Thomas, Repr. Albert, 71, 134
Thomas, Helen, 455

Thompson, Repr. Frank, Jr., 504
Thompson, Llewellyn E., 501 [1]
Thomson, George, 506

Thoreau, Henry David, 116, 202
Thorium stockpiles, 218
Thornton, Charles, 637 n.
Thurmond, Sen. Strom, 516 [9]
Tire safety, 98, 449, 576
Titan launch vehicle, 625
Tobacco shipments to India, 153–154
Tobin, Austin J., 517
Tobriner, Walter N., 162, 646
"Today" television program, 295
Todd, Repr. Paul H., Jr., 431-433
Todd, Mrs. Paul H., Jr., 432
Tollefson, Harold M., 536
Toly, Caroline, 257
Toly, Lucille, 257
Toly, Michael T., 257
Tonkin, Gulf of, 94
Resolution, 88 [17]

Toxicological information, 279-280, 307
"Toxicological Information, Handling of,"
President's foreword to report on, 279
Tower, Sen. John G., 635 [14]
Townsend, Lynn Alfred, 240
Townsville, Australia, 547, 570
Mayor A. J. Smith, 547

Toy safety, 140, 576

Trade, General Agreement on Tariffs and,
Kennedy Round negotiations, 471, 486,

Trade, international, 6 (p. 9), 34 (p. 103),
94, 444, 471

Cuba, U.S. opposition, 608

Developing nations, 34 (p. 104)

GATT negotiations, Kennedy Round, 34
(p. 104), 471, 486, 503
Latin America, 125, 254

North Vietnam, U.S. opposition, 441, 608
Nuclear materials, 32

Trade agreements program, 471
United States and

Communist China, 338 [12]

Eastern Europe, 6 (pp. 3, 9), 200, 247
[9], 272, 503, 528

Korea, 566

Mexico, 177
Philippines, 461

Soviet Union, 6 (p. 3), 272

[ Main references are to items except as otherwise indicated]

Trade Committee, Joint Mexican-U.S., 177
Trade and Development, United Nations

Conference on (UNCTAD), 94
Trade Expansion Act of 1962, 471
Trade union movement, 429
Trading with the Enemy Act, 303
Traffic accident prevention. See Safety
Traffic Safety, President's Committee on, 98
Traffic Safety Bureau, National, 449
Trails in national forests and parks, 82
Training. See Occupational training
Trans World Airlines, Inc., 256 n., 322
Transit Authority, New York, 8 ftn. (p. 19)
Transit Authority, Washington Metropoli-
tan Area, 262

Transport Workers Union of America, 8 ftn.
(p. 19), 373 ftn. (p. 808)
Transportation, 26 (pp. 60-61), 34 (p. 105),
187, 237, 240, 394, 580 [5], 583
Air, 64, 225

Atlantic-Pacific sea-level canal, 384
Federal aid, 187, 442

Highway. See Highways

Message to Congress, 98

National Capital Region, 27, 68, 84, 262
Oceanic, 229

Rail rapid transit systems, 27, 68, 84, 240,
262, 353, 442
Research, 26 (p. 61), 98

Urban, 26 (p. 61), 30, 98, 353, 394, 428,


User charges, 26 (p. 53), 34 (p. 105), 225,
401 [2], 403
Transportation, Department of, 6 (pp. 3,
6-7), 26 (p. 61), 34 (p. 105), 98, 187,
240, 449, 474 [19], 523, 580 [5, 14]
Transportation Day, National Defense, 187
Transportation Safety Board, National, 98
Transportation Week, National, 187

Americans abroad, 503, 528
Americans within U.S., 240

Foreigners in U.S., 34 (p. 104), 503, 528
Government employees, allowances, 234
National Capital visitors, 90

Travel, President's plans

Asia, 373 [16], 492 [4], 501 [11, 15, 17,

19], 505, 516 [1, 19]

Europe, 8 [11], 141 [13], 610 [9]

Germany, 610 [9]

Travel, President's plans-Continued
Laos, 514

Manila Conference, 492 [4], 501 [11, 15,
17, 19], 516 [1, 19]

Mexico, 630 [2, 10], 635 [14]
Philippines, 505

South America, 373 [16]

United States, 320 [20], 338 [15], 401
[7], 474 [6]
Vietnam, 501 [4]

See also Visits to foreign countries; spe-
cific cities and countries
Treasury, Department of the, 75, 204, 390,
445 [14], 630 [4, 5], 654 [11]
Treasury, Secretary of the (Henry H.
Fowler), 8 [18], 83, 116, 121 [3], 133,
137 n., 139, 182, 236 [8], 239, 277 [8],
379, 401 [19], 444, 445 [2], 451, 472–
473, 486, 523, 612, 630 [2], 631, 635 [2],
636, 645

Asian Development Bank report, 14
Balance of payments report, 6 (p. 5)
Letters, 15, 73, 447

Treaties, proposed

Nuclear weapons control, 411, 483
Outer space exploration, 411, 474 [18]
Treaty of Washington (1871), 448
Tri Quang (Thích), 236 [4]
Tribbitt, Sherman W., 515

Tropical Medical Center, American Samoan,


Troubadors Drum and Bugle Corps, Bridge-
port, Conn., 178

Trued, Merlyn N., 277 [5]
Truman, President Harry S., 22, 62, 86, 88

[17], 168, 175, 183, 228, 273, 311-312,
433, 437, 504, 508–509, 516 [6], 561, 565
Birthday, telephone greeting, 211
Birthday proclamation, 212
Interest rate statement, 419
Korean policy, 6 (p. 8)

Truman, Mrs. Harry S., 22, 168

Truman, Harry S., Center for the Advance-
ment of Peace (Jerusalem), 22, 212

Truman, Lt. Gen. Louis W., 348
Truman doctrine, 212

Trust funds, 26 (pp. 50, 52, 54)
Truth in lending, 394
Truth in packaging, 394, 576
Tuberculosis, 271, 293, 433

[ Main references are to items except as otherwise indicated ]

Tugwell, Rexford Guy, 270

Tulsa, Okla., 415

Mayor James M. Hewgley, Jr., 415

Tunisia, assistance, 11 n.

Tunnell, James M., Jr., 515

Tupper, Repr. Stanley R., 396-398, 644 n.

Turkey, 6 (p. 7), II n., 41

President Cemal Gursel, 146, 460

Tuss McLaughry Award, 7
Twain, Mark, 164

25th Infantry Division, 348
Tydings, Sen. Joseph D., 189
Tyler, Ralph W., 210 n.
Typhoons, Philippines, 461
Typhus, 395

U-235, 48 n.

U Nyun, 557

U Thant. See United Nations

UAW Social Justice Award, 235 n.

Udall, Repr. Morris K., 579

Udall, Stewart L. See Interior, Secretary of

UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on
Trade and Development), 94
Underdeveloped countries. See Developing

Unemployment, 34 (p. 97), 110 n., 121
[5], 141 [3], 155, 158 [3], 275, 395,
401 [2], 426

Children of unemployed, aid, 26 (p. 63),

Crime, relationship to, 116

Depressed areas, III

Insurance, 6 (p. 5), 26 (p. 62), 34 (p.

106), 111, 235, 237, 318, 394
Machinery industry, 445 [5]
Minority groups, 111

Negroes, 34 (p. 100), 111-112, 196, 475
Reduction, 17, 26 (p. 49), 33, 34 (p. 96),

111, 132, 140, 155, 189, 235, 237, 347,
394, 415, 429, 431, 437, 444, 477 [2],
588, 635 [8]

Unskilled workers, 111-112
Youth, 34 (p. 100), 111-112, 235
UNESCO (United Nations Educational,
Scientific, and Cultural Organization),
519, 556

UNICEF (United Nations Children's
Fund), 41

United Air Lines, Inc., 256 n., 322

[blocks in formation]

328 n., 359

Queen Elizabeth II, 342, 359

Relations with U.S., 448, 359

Southern Rhodesia dispute, 243

U.S. Ambassador David K. E. Bruce, 236

Vietnam peace efforts, 654 [1]

United Nations, 125, 246, 483-485, 492 [1]
Charter, 94, 212, 338 [9, 12], 483, 540, 549
Communist China, question of member-
ship, 141 [7], 338 [9]

Developing nations, aid, 41, 62, 427
General Assembly, 32, 94, 566, 643
India, support, 152

Korean conflict role, 565-566
Message to Congress, 94
Nuclear weapons in space, 411
Secretary General (U Thant), 39 n., 153,
236 [9], 249 n., 443, 474 [5], 504
Vietnam peace efforts, 654 [1, 13]
Security Council, 39, 52 [5], 65 [13], 88
[15], 607 [10]

Southern Rhodesia dispute, role, 243
U.S. participation and support, 6 (p. 8),
26 (p. 59), 32, 94, 130, 152, 498
U.S. Representative (Arthur J. Gold-
berg), 8 [2], 39, 52 [5], 65 [13],
86, 88 [23], 130, 209, 217, 236 [9],
272, 338 [5], 397, 411, 443, 475, 477
[6], 503, 580 [4], 607 [2, 10], 643,
Vietnam conflict role, 6 (p. 10), 52 [5],
65 [13], 94, 607 [10], 654 [1]
Water resources development, 427
United Nations Children's Fund, 41
United Nations Conference on Trade and
Development (UNCTAD), 94
United Nations Day, 217

[ Main references are to items except as otherwise indicated ]

Trade Committee, Joint Mexican-U.S., 177
Trade and Development, United Nations
Conference on (UNCTAD), 94
Trade Expansion Act of 1962, 471
Trade union movement, 429
Trading with the Enemy Act, 303
Traffic accident prevention. See Safety
Traffic Safety, President's Committee on, 98
Traffic Safety Bureau, National, 449
Trails in national forests and parks, 82
Training. See Occupational training
Trans World Airlines, Inc., 256 n., 322
Transit Authority, New York, 8 ftn. (p. 19)
Transit Authority, Washington Metropoli-
tan Area, 262

Transport Workers Union of America, 8 ftn.
(p. 19), 373 ftn. (p. 808)
Transportation, 26 (pp. 60-61), 34 (p. 105),
187, 237, 240, 394, 580 [5], 583
Air, 64, 225

Atlantic-Pacific sea-level canal, 384
Federal aid, 187, 442

Highway. See Highways

Message to Congress, 98

National Capital Region, 27, 68, 84, 262
Oceanic, 229

Rail rapid transit systems, 27, 68, 84, 240,

262, 353, 442
Research, 26 (p. 61), 98

Urban, 26 (p. 61), 30, 98, 353, 394, 428,

User charges, 26 (p. 53), 34 (p. 105), 225,
401 [2], 403
Transportation, Department of, 6 (pp. 3,
6-7), 26 (p. 61), 34 (p. 105), 98, 187,
240, 449, 474 [19], 523, 580 [5, 14]
Transportation Day, National Defense, 187
Transportation Safety Board, National, 98
Transportation Week, National, 187

Americans abroad, 503, 528
Americans within U.S., 240

Foreigners in U.S., 34 (p. 104), 503, 528
Government employees, allowances, 234
National Capital visitors, 90

Travel, President's plans

Asia, 373 [16], 492 [4], 501 [11, 15, 17,

19], 505, 516 [1, 19]

Europe, 8 [11], 141 [13], 610 [9]

Germany, 610 [9]

Travel, President's plans-Continued
Laos, 514

Manila Conference, 492 [4], 501 [11.5
17, 19], 516 [1, 19]

Mexico, 630 [2, 10], 635 [14]
Philippines, 505

South America, 373 [16]

United States, 320 [20], 338 [15], an
[7], 474 [6]
Vietnam, 501 [4]

See also Visits to foreign countries; e
cific cities and countries
Treasury, Department of the, 75, 204, 390
445 [14], 630 [4,5], 654 [11]
Treasury, Secretary of the (Henry H
Fowler), 8 [18], 83, 116, 121 [3], :3
137 n., 139, 182, 236 [8], 239, 277 18).
379, 401 [19], 444, 445 [2], 451, 472–
473, 486, 523, 612, 630 [2], 631, 635 (2)
636, 645

Asian Development Bank report, 14
Balance of payments report, 6 (p. 5)
Letters, 15, 73, 447

Treaties, proposed

Nuclear weapons control, 411, 483
Outer space exploration, 411, 474 [18]
Treaty of Washington (1871), 448
Tri Quang (Thich), 236 [4]
Tribbitt, Sherman W., 515

Tropical Medical Center, American Samoan,


Troubadors Drum and Bugle Corps, Bridge-
port, Conn., 178

Trued, Merlyn N., 277 [5]

Truman, President Harry S., 22, 62, 86, 88

[17], 168, 175, 183, 228, 273, 311-312,
433, 437, 504, 508–509, 516 [6], 561, 565
Birthday, telephone greeting, 211
Birthday proclamation, 212
Interest rate statement, 419
Korean policy, 6 (p. 8)

Truman, Mrs. Harry S., 22, 168

Truman, Harry S., Center for the Advance-
ment of Peace (Jerusalem), 22, 212
Truman, Lt. Gen. Louis W., 348

Truman doctrine, 212

Trust funds, 26 (pp. 50, 52, 54)
Truth in lending, 394

Truth in packaging, 394, 576
Tuberculosis, 271, 293, 433

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