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[ Main references are to items except as otherwise indicated ]

National Transportation Safety Board, 98
National Transportation Week, 187
National Trust for Historic Preservation,


National Visitor Center, Washington, D.C.,


National Water Commission, 82
National Wild Rivers System, 82

National Youth Administration, 49, 228, 417

National Youth Conference on Natural
Beauty and Conservation, 295, 653

National ZIP Code Week, 470
National Zoological Park, 267
NATO. See North Atlantic Treaty Orga-

Natural Beauty, Citizens' Advisory Commit-
tee on Recreation and, 202, 653
Natural Beauty, President's Council on Rec-
reation and, 202, 653

Natural Beauty and Conservation, National
Youth Conference on, 295, 653

Natural Beauty and Conservation Year Proc-
lamation, Youth for, 653

Natural resources conservation.

See Con-

[blocks in formation]

Negroes, 183, 196, 646
Education, 196

Equal rights, 30, 235, 248, 320 [17], 396,
408, 436, 484

Employment, 34 (p. 98), 248, 475
Government employment, 96, 136, 248
Housing, 196, 417 [4]
Infant mortality, 395, 433

Unemployment, 34 (p. 100), 111-112,
196, 475

Voting rights and participation, 66, 96,
196, 277 ftn. (p. 631), 403, 436
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 5, 148 n., 149
Neighborhood Health Centers, 594
Neighborhood legal services, 394, 594
Neighborhood Youth Corps, 111, 172, 189,
236 [13], 385 n., 594

Nelsen, Repr. Ancher, 586
Nelson, Dr. Russell, 208 n.
Netherlands, 133

Princess Beatrix, 118
Queen Juliana, 118
Nettinga, Rev. James Z., 19

Neuberger, Sen. Maurine B., 299, 599 [1]
Neustadt, Richard E., 256-257, 322, 360, 612
Nevada, Gov. Grant Sawyer, 407

Nevins, Jim, 332 n.

New Deal, 235, 330, 351, 386, 429
New Frontier, 330

New Guinea, 345

New Hampshire, 320 [14]

Gov. John W. King, 396-399

New Jersey, 320 [14], 391

Gov. Richard J. Hughes, 77, 121 [1], 155,

216, 428, 504, 536

[blocks in formation]

[ Main references are to items except as otherwise indicated ]

[blocks in formation]

News conferences-Continued
December 2, 635

December 6, 642

December 21, 650

December 31, 654
Newton, Quigg, 208 n.
Ngo Dinh Diem, 88 [23]

Nguyen Cao Ky (Prime Minister of South
Vietnam), 53-54, 56 n., 520, 549, 552
News conference remarks on, 52 [2], 65
[7], 88 [19, 21], 188 [2, 4], 236 [4],
277 [21]

Nguyen Dang Thuc, 549 ftn. (p. 1261)
Nguyen Van Thieu (Chief of State of South
Vietnam), 52 [2], 53-54, 56 n., 549,


Ambassador Guillermo Sevilla-Sacasa,
263, 478

Assistance, 11 n., 41

Canal route mapping, 384

President René Schick Gutiérrez, 263, 264,
367, 369

Nichols, Frances, 223

Nickel, 572 n.

Nickerson, Eugene H., 512

Nicklin, George F. R., 546

Nike X missile, 642 [16]

Nimitz, Fleet Adm. Chester W., 1, 80
Nitze, Paul H. (Secretary of the Navy), 456,

Nixon, Richard M., 401 [1, 12, 17], 577
[2, 13, 15], 580 [16], 610 [1]

Noble, Bob, 358 n.

Noble, Jeanne L., 315 n.

Nominations. See Appointments and nom-


Norris, George W., 49, 382, 518
North Atlantic Treaty, 142, 163

North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 124
[11], 141 [6, 12], 142, 200, 228, 236
[5-6], 247 [8], 261, 395, 482, 486, 503,
506, 577 [6], 610 [8]

Anniversary, 163

Brussels conference, 273

French withdrawal, 158 [13], 607 [5]

Joint Declaration, 142 n.

Secretary General (Manlio Brosio), 506

[ Main references are to items except as otherwise indicated ]

North Atlantic Treaty Organization-Con.
U.S. participation, 445 [24], 607 [3], 654

U.S.-U.K.-German discussions, 506

North Carolina, 95

Gov. Dan K. Moore, 122 [1, 2], 491 n.,
492 [1], 650 n.

North Cascades Park, Wash., 82
North Dakota, 157

Gov. William L. Guy, 312, 491 n., 492

[blocks in formation]


Germany, 474 [9]

Outer space, 209, 272, 411

Proliferation, 32, 70, 411, 450, 480, 486,
560, 654 [4]

Test ban treaty, 32, 411, 450, 483, 503, 560,

Vietnam conflict, 501 [14]
War, 480, 483, 642 [15, 20]
Nugent, Patrick J., 338 ftn. (p. 750), 417

Nugent, Mrs. Patrick J. (Luci Baines John-
son), 65 [10], 72, 168, 240, 257, 338 ftn.
(p. 750), 413, 417 [1,8], 484, 513

Nurse Training Act, 95

Nurses, 89, 95, 253, 580 [10]

Nurses Association, American, 490
Nursing homes, 27, 509, 515, 580 [7]

Nutritional program, Project Head Start, 45
101st Airborne Division, Army, 348, 353
121St Aviation Company (Air Mobile
Light), USA, 107
173rd Airborne Brigade, 348

O'Brien, Lawrence F. See Postmaster Gen-


O'Brien, Mrs. Lawrence F., 470
O'Brien, Repr. Leo W., 522
Obscene literature, 611

Occupational training, 26 (pp. 55, 63-64),
34 (pp. 99, 103), 111, 127, 258, 422, 429,

District of Columbia, 586

Federal aid, 95, 100, 586

Foreign assistance, 34 (p. 105)
Government employees, 404

Handicapped persons, 26 (p. 63), 111, 127
Health personnel, 26 (p. 62)

Law enforcement personnel, 116
Minority groups, 136

Older persons, 253, 270
Prisoners, III, 116, 588
Scientists, 95

Unemployed workers, 588
Veterans, 26 (p. 64), 100

Work-experience program, 26 (p. 63), 111
Work-study program, 95, 111, 172, 189
Work-training programs, 588
Young people, 105, 172, 588
Oceanic fish resources, 569
Oceanic research, 229, 326, 461
Oceanographer research ship, 326
O'Connor, Frank D., 510-513
O'Connor, Lawrence J., Jr., 268
Odegaard, Charles, 208 n.
Ohakea, New Zealand, 538

O'Hara, Repr. Barratt, 228
O'Hara, Repr. James G., 431

Democratic State convention, 417 [10]
Gov. James A. Rhodes, 122 [1, 2], 124
[2, 4, 8, 10], 434, 599 [3]

Ohio River Basin, 427

Oil depots in North Vietnam, bombing, 338

Oklahoma, 157, 416, 417 [1]

Gov. Henry Bellmon, 401 [7], 415-416,
417 [1], 491 n., 492 [1, 10]
Okun, Arthur M., 33

Old Man of the Mountain, N.H., 392
Older Americans Act of 1965, 95

[blocks in formation]

O'Malley, John, 641

O'Malley, Mr. and Mrs. John, 641
O'Malley, Sgt. Robert E., 641
Open arms program, 501 [2]

Open housing (nondiscrimination), 6 (pp.
3, 5), 30, 196, 247 [10], 375, 474 [14],

Opera Association, Metropolitan (New
York), 466, 482

Operation Medicare Alert, 169 n., 253
Operation TAP (Talent for America's Prog-
ress), 619

Opium stockpiles, 283 n.

Opportunity, equal. See Equal opportunity
Oregon, Gov. Mark O. Hatfield, 124 [7]
Oregon Dunes National Seashore, Oreg., 82
Organization of African Unity, 243
Organization of American States, 16, 125,
273, 341, 386 n.

Dominican Republic, mission to, 277 [3,

Secretary General (José A. Mora), 386,

U.S. Representative (Ellsworth Bunker),
501 [1]

U.S. Representative (Sol M. Linowitz),
635 [14]

Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development, 343

Organization of the Executive Branch of the
Government, Commission on, 190, 438,


Organized crime, 116, 204-205, 487
Orioles (Baltimore Baseball Club, Inc.), 509
Orphans, Philippine, 495

Orwig, LaVerne, 428

Outer Space Committee, United Nations,
277 ftn. (p. 631)
Overhage, Carl, 424 n.

Owen, Henry D., 277 [5]
Owens, Hugh F., 416

Pachios, Hal, 399

Pacific area, U.S. troops in, 37

Pacific Council, Asian and, 542, 564-565

Pacific Northwest power projects, 269

Packaging and labeling, 6 (p. 6), 34 (p.

108), 140, 576

Page School, Capitol, 270

Pago Pago, American Samoa, 537
Paine, Thomas, 542, 634
Pakistan, 148, 153, 277 [17]
Assistance, II n., 41

Indian relations, 41, 148, 153-154

President Mohammed Ayub Khan, 247
[7], 273, 514

Palmer, Joseph, 2d, 141 [12]
Palmerston, Lord, 359

Pan American Airways, 64

Pan American Health Organization, 45, 386
Pan American Highway, 175

Panama, Isthmus of, 411

Panama, sea level canal study, 384
Parcel post bill, 470

Paris, France, report on Ho Chi Minh state-
ment, 320 [18]

Park, Chung Hee (President of Korea), 492
[4], 514, 516 [1], 549, 561-562,

Park, Mrs. Chung Hee, 561-562, 566a
Park, Tai Wan, 564

Park Association, National Recreation and,

[ Main references are to items except as otherwise indicated ]

Park Police, United States, 27

Park Service, National, 27, 411 n., 579

National, 26 (60), 82, 119, 202, 398, 448,

518, 522, 524, 579

State and local, 26 (p. 60), 398
See also specific parks

Parsons, Irene, 89

Participation certificates, Federal, 596
Participation Sales Act of 1966, 182, 199 n.,

Pasteur, Louis, 166

[blocks in formation]

Government employees, 26 (pp. 55, 56),
34 (p. 103), 108-109, 158 [10], 299,
333, 453, 630 [6, 8]

Military personnel, 26 (p. 55), 158 [10],
333, 389

Police, 27, 526

See also Wages
Payroll taxes, 26 (p. 53)

Peace, Harry S. Truman Center for the Ad-
vancement of, 22, 212

Peace Corps, 6 (p. 7), 12, 26 (p. 59), 93,
125-126, 149, 154, 257, 339, 388, 406,
417 [6], 455, 489, 497, 629
Anniversary, 93

Congressional support, 93

Exchange program, 45, 46, 332 n., 406, 455

India projects, 149, 154

School-to-school program, 332, 455

Vietnam projects, 93

Volunteers, 93, 126, 332 n., 455

Peace Corps, Director (Jack Hood Vaughn),

12-13, 332 n., 455
Swearing in, 93

[blocks in formation]

Pearl Harbor Day proclamation, 634
Pearson, Drew, 52 [5], 155, 158 [10]
Pearson, Lester B. (Prime Minister of Can-
ada), 269, 400, 417 [5]
Pearson, Mrs. Lester B., 400
Peck, Mr. and Mrs. Gregory, 156
Pedernales River, 232
Peking, 94, 246

Pell, Sen. Claiborne, 19, 396-399
Pelley, James, 434

Pennsylvania, 157, 391, 428

Gov. William W. Scranton, 121 [1], 122
[1, 2], 407, 428, 501 [20]

Pennsylvania Avenue Commission, 27
People-to-people, 339

Perakis, Katherine M., 581
Perkins, James, 533, 627
Perrin, Robert, 431

Personal income, 6 (p. 4), 17, 34 (pp. 96,
99), 166, 312. 398, 413, 434, 444, 472
Increase, 155, 189, 235, 237, 240, 373 [17],

403, 415, 420, 428, 431-432, 444, 477
[3], 479, 494 [1], 504, 512, 516 [19]
Indians, American, 193
Negroes, 196

[blocks in formation]
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