Imagini ale paginilor

[Main references are to items except as otherwise indicated ]

Magnuson, Sen. Warren G., 221, 240, 269,
290, 326, 449, 520, 567, 568

Mahon, Repr. George H., 47°, 494 [8],
628 n.

Mahoney, George P., 494 [11]

Jaier, Henry W., 394 n.

fail service to military personnel in Viet-
nam, 37, 322, 389, 571,651
faiman, Theodore H., 194
laine, 320 [14]

Gov. John H. Reed, 121 [1, 5, 6], 124,
[1-3, 7-8, 10], 320 [1], 397-399,
491 D., 492 [1, 10]

aize shipments to India, 52 [1]
alaria, 6 (p. 8), 45, 166, 461

alaysia, 559-560, 563, 568

King Nasiruddin, 559 n., 560 n.

rime Minister Abdul Rahman, 559 n.,
560 n.

Jacen Zaharah, 559 n., 560 n.

isit, 559-560

. Adam, 484

nutrition research, 45

natos, Mike N., 478, 520
chester, N.H., 397

favor Roland S. Vallee, 397
panese dioxide, 572 n.
panese stock piles, 390

, the Philippines, releases, 550-551
Conference, 401 [12], 461, 492
(1, 4), 501 [15], 514, 516 [13], 521,
5-532, 550-551, 554, 561, 563-566a,
3,570, 577 [15-16], 578 [1], 607

tament, 580 [16]

unique, 577 [15]

aration of Goals of Freedom, 549
tanation on Peace and Progress in
Asia and the Pacific, 549
statement, 549

age to the American people, 553

ment, 516 [1]

rat (Southeast Asia Collective De-
Treaty), 88 [17]

Tomas C., 247 [2], 266, 397, 401
474 [17]

ace flights, 40, 135, 371, 485, 618,

See Gemini space flights

Manned space flights-Continued

See also Astronauts; Space research and

Manning, Bayless, 373 ftn. (p. 808)
Manpower, National Advisory Commission
on Health, 169, 208, 301, 490, 536
Manpower, President's Committee on, 111,

Manpower Development and Training Act

of 1962, 26 (pp. 62-63), 111, 172, 250
Manpower Development and Training
Amendments of 1966, 111 n., 588
Manpower resources, 34 (p. 103), 112, 275,

Consultative committee, Federal-State-
local, 536

Development, 26 (p. 55), 111, 235, 275,
536, 588

Reports of the President, 111, 250, 275
Mansfield, Sen. Mike, 164 n., 174 n., 187,

188 [10], 221, 223, 237, 277 [12, 17],
334 [1], 396-397, 399, 401 [15], 445
[24], 470, 492 [9], 505, 518, 520, 522-
524, 531, 628, [1,15]

Vietnam conflict proposals, 8 [12], 607

Mansfield, Mrs. Mike, 397
Ma'o, Chief Tima, 537
Marciano, Rocky, 385 n.

Marcos, Ferdinand E. (President of the
Philippines), 417 [9], 492 [4], 495, 501
[2], 505, 514,516 [1], 548–551, 577 [16]
Visit, 458-459, 461

Marcos, Mrs. Ferdinand E., 458-459, 550-


Margain, Hugo B., 174, 639

Marine Corps, Hoffman brothers in, letter,

Marine Corps Commandant (Gen. Wallace
M. Greene, Jr.), 516 [9], 641
Marine Resources and Engineering, National
Council on, 326

Marine Resources and Engineering Devel-
opment Act of 1966, 326 n.
Mariner IV spacecraft, 40, 249
Marines, Women, 8 [16]

Maritime Administration, 98, 523
Maritime Administrator (Nicholas John-
son), 277 [5], 278

Maritime Commission, Federal, 98


[ Main references are to items except as otherwise indicated ]

Liskany, Michael, 435

Liverpool, Earl of, 359

Prices, 357, 592, 630 [14]

Screwworm eradication, 357

Llano, Texas, 417 [15]

Loan Bank Board, Federal Home, 473, 530,
642 [3, 19]

Loane, Archbishop Marcus, 545
Loans, 444

Bank policies, 444, 473

Business, 26 (pp. 55, 63, 66), 141 [3, 5],
155, 199, 445 [5]
College, 95, 584

Consumer credit, 6 (p. 6), 34 (p. 108),
140, 394, 445 [8]

Federal programs, private investment in,
182, 199

Housing mortgage, 338 [14], 445 [7],
451, 473, 642 [3, 19]
International, 41, 243
Private, 401 [19]

[blocks in formation]

Local governments, 34 (p. 98)
Locke, Eugene M., 247 ftn. (p. 567)

Lodge, Henry Cabot, 52 [2], 65 [8, 12],

86, 141 [10], 188 [3], 214, 228, 236
[1], 273, 334 [4], 338 [19], 383, 492
[1], 578 [11], 628 [1], 642 n., 645
Long, Repr. Clarence D., 509
Long, Sen. Edward V., 22, 442

[blocks in formation]

Los Angeles International Airport, 56
Los Baños, the Philippines, 550
Louchheim, Mrs. Katie S., 509
Louisville, Ky., 351

Mayor Kenneth Schmied, 351
Love, Gov. John A., 413-414, 435, 491
492 [1]

Love, Repr. Rodney M., 431, 434-435
Lovell, Capt. James A., Jr., 618, 625
Low income housing, 26 (p. 61), 30,
158 [10], 223, 236 [13], 277 [1], #

Lowe, E. C., 413

Lowe, Linda, 289

Lucey, Archbishop Robert E., 167–168
Luevano, Daniel M., 315 n.
LULACS (League of United Latin Am
can Citizens), 236 [14]
Luna 9, Soviet spacecraft, 50

Lunch programs in schools, 26 (p. 63):
340, 508, 520
Lusitania, 563

Luxembourg, U.S. Ambassador Patri

[blocks in formation]

Macnaughton, Alan Aylesworth, 4an p

Macomber, William B., 154
Macy, John W., Jr. (Chairman,
ice Commission), 8 [1], 88.
108, 116, 129, 136–137, 15.
208, 216, 239, 241, 247 [2]
388, 404, 438, 580 [5]

Madden, Repr. Ray J., 579
Madison, Dolicy, 359

Madison, James, 21, 77, 359, 435

[ocr errors]

21, 26

135, 371

e fights

[Main references are to items except as otherwise indicated ]

Magnuson, Sen. Warren G., 221, 240, 269,

290, 326, 449, 520, 567, 568

Mahon, Repr. George H., 470, 494 [8],
628 n.

Lahoney, George P., 494 [11]

laier, Henry W., 394 n.

fail service to military personnel in Viet-
nam, 37, 322, 389, 57, 651
aiman, Theodore H., 194

aine, 320 [14]

Gov. John H. Reed, 121 [1, 5, 6], 124,
[1-3, 7-8, 10], 320 [1], 397-399,
491 D., 492 [1, 10]

ize shipments to India, 52 [1]
laria, 6 (p. 8), 45, 166, 461

laysia, 559-560, 563, 568

ing Nasiruddin, 559 n., 560 n.

time Minister Abdul Rahman, 559 n.,
560 n.

Jacen Zaharah, 559 n., 560 n.


Adam, 484

trition research, 45

os, Mike N., 478, 520

Lester, N.H., 397

Roland S. Vallee, 397
ese dioxide, 572 n.
pese stock piles, 390

the Philippines, releases, 550-551
Conference, 401 [12], 461, 492
4), 501 [15], 514, 516 [13], 521,
$532, 550-551, 554, 561, 563-566a,
570, 577 [15–16], 578 [1], 607
bent, 580 [16]
maique, 577 [15]


tion of Goals of Freedom, 549
risca on Peace and Progress in
a and the Pacific, 549
azement, 549

to the American people, 553

516 [1]

(Southeast Asia Collective De-
Treaty), 88 [17]

mas C., 247 [2], 266, 397, 401
474 (17)

race flights, 40, 135, 371, 485, 618,

See Gemini space flights

Manned space flights-Continued

See also Astronauts; Space research and

Manning, Bayless, 373 ftn. (p. 808)
Manpower, National Advisory Commission.
on Health, 169, 208, 301, 490, 536
Manpower, President's Committee on, III,

Manpower Development and Training Act
of 1962, 26 (pp. 62–63), 111, 172, 250
Manpower Development and Training
Amendments of 1966, 111 n., 588
Manpower resources, 34 (p. 103), 112, 275,

Consultative committee, Federal-State-
local, 536

Development, 26 (p. 55), 111, 235, 275,
536, 588

Reports of the President, 111, 250, 275
Mansfield, Sen. Mike, 164 n., 174 n., 187,

188 [10], 221, 223, 237, 277 [12, 17],
334 [1], 396-397, 399, 401 [15], 445
[24], 470, 492 [9], 505, 518, 520, 522-
524, 531, 628, [1,15]

Vietnam conflict proposals, 8 [12], 607

Mansfield, Mrs. Mike, 397
Ma'o, Chief Tima, 537
Marciano, Rocky, 385 n.

Marcos, Ferdinand E. (President of the
Philippines), 417 [9], 492 [4], 495, 501
[2], 505, 514,516 [1], 548–551, 577 [16]
Visit, 458-459, 461

Marcos, Mrs. Ferdinand E., 458-459, 550-

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]

[ Main references are to items except as otherwise indicated ]

[blocks in formation]

Local governments, 34 (p. 98)
Locke, Eugene M., 247 ftn. (p. 567)
Lodge, Henry Cabot, 52 [2], 65 [8, 12],

86, 141 [10], 188 [3], 214, 228, 236
[1], 273, 334 [4], 338 [19], 383, 492
[1], 578 [11], 628 [1], 642 n., 645

Long, Repr. Clarence D., 509

Long, Sen. Edward V., 22, 442

Long, Huey P., 509

Long, Sen. Russell B., 88 [22], 132, 157,

158 [10], 221, 237, 509

Long, Stuart, 630 [14]

Long Island, N.Y., 512

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 326

Lonstein, Benjamin, 395

Look magazine, 165

López Mateos, Adolfo, 174, 639

Lord, Bishop John Wesley, 189

Los Angeles, Calif.

Mayor Samuel W. Yorty, 56, 236 ftn. (p.

Watts area disturbances, 236 [13]

Los Angeles International Airport, 56
Los Baños, the Philippines, 550
Louchheim, Mrs. Katie S., 509
Louisville, Ky., 351

Mayor Kenneth Schmied, 351

Love, Gov. John A., 413-414, 436, 491 D
492 [1]

Love, Repr. Rodney M., 431, 434-435
Lovell, Capt. James A., Jr., 618, 625
Low income housing, 26 (p. 61), 30, 6
158 [10], 223, 236 [13], 277 [1], 413

Lowe, E. C., 413

Lowe, Linda, 289

Lucey, Archbishop Robert E., 167-168
Luevano, Daniel M., 315 n.
LULACS (League of United Latin Ameri
can Citizens), 236 [14]
Luna 9, Soviet spacecraft, 50

Lunch programs in schools, 26 (p. 63), 95,
340, 508, 520
Lusitania, 563

Luxembourg, U.S. Ambassador Patricia R
Harris, 136 n.

Lyndon B. Johnson Australian Science

Scholars, 545-546

Lynn, Lt. Col. Frank, 246

MacArthur, Gen. Douglas A., 52 [3], 4:0

Macaulay, Thomas Babington, 86, 216
Machine Workers, International Union of
Electrical, Radio and, 496

Machinery, 34 (p. 100), 141 [5], 445 [5.7)


Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Inter-
national Association of, 256 n, 322
360, 535

Mackin, Catherine, 338 [16]
MacLeish, Archibald, 216
Macnaughton, Alan Aylesworth, 400
Macomber, William B., 154

Macy, John W., Jr. (Chairman, Civil Serv
ice Commission), 8 [1], 88 [12], 105
108, 116, 129, 136–137, 158 [1], 198.
208, 216, 239, 241, 247 [2], 266, 276,
388, 404, 438, 580 [5]

Madden, Repr. Ray J., 579
Madison, Doliey, 359

Madison, James, 21, 77, 359, 435

[Main references are to items except as otherwise indicated]

Magnuson, Sen. Warren G., 221, 240, 269,
290, 326, 449, 520, 567, 568
Mahon, Repr. George H., 470, 494 [8],
628 n.

Mahoney, George P., 494 [11]
Maier, Henry W., 394 n.

Mail service to military personnel in Viet-
nam, 37, 322, 389,571,651
Maiman, Theodore H., 194
Maine, 320 [14]

Gov. John H. Reed, 121 [1, 5, 6], 124,
[1-3, 7-8, 10], 320 [1], 397-399,
491 492 [1, 10]

Maize shipments to India, 52 [1]
Malaria, 6 (p. 8), 45, 166, 461

Malaysia, 559-560, 563, 568

King Nasiruddin, 559 n, 550 n.

Prime Minister Abdul Rahman, 559 n.,

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Manned space flights-Continued

See also Astronauts; Space research and

Manning, Bayless, 373 ftn. (p. 868)
Manpower, National Advisory Commission
on Health, 169, 208, 301, 490, 536
Manpower, President's Committee on, 111,
Manpower Development and Training Act
of 1962, 26 (pp. 62-63), 111, 172, 250
Manpower Development and Training
Amendments of 1966, 111 n., 588
Manpower resources, 34 (p. 103), 112, 275,

Consultative committee, Federal State
local, 536
Development, 25 (p. 55), 111, 22%, 275,
535, 588

Reports of the President, 111, 250, 275
Mansfeld, Sen. Mike, 164 n., 174 B., 18%,

188 [10], 221, 223, 237, 277 (12, 17],
334 [11, 396 397, 390, 401 [is, 445
[24), 479, 452 191 505, 518, 520, 522-
524, 531, 626, 1
Vietnam confict proposals,

Mansfeld, Mrs. Mike, 397

Malo, Chief Tima, 537

Marciano, Precay, 22% a.

(12), (

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]
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