The Given Child: The Religions' Contributions to Children's Citizenship

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Trygve Wyller, Usha S. Nayar
V&r Academic, 2007 - 199 pagini
In every part of the world children lack cultural and social citizenship. They seem to be excluded from the basic standards of universal human rights. This is scandalous both morally and politically. Wyller, Nayar and their internationally renowned authors ask how to improve this situation. They agree that the world can expect religion to contribute to an improvement of children's rights and citizenship worldwide. Read this volume in order to find out how.

Despre autor (2007)

Dr. theol. Trygve Wyller is Professor of Practical Theology / Religious Education at the University of Oslo. Dr. phil. Usha S. Nayar is a professor of social sciences and deputy director of the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in Mumbai, India.

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