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Gentlemen opposite knew the state of petition should be rejected, for no one feeling in the country, they would rather had any such wish, but whether the House feel pleasure than regret that it vented would so far sanction the language which itself in this harmless way. If petitions the noble Lord (Althorp) had declared he of this kind were rejected on account of disapproved, as to direct it to be printed. strong language, depend on it the people There were many parts of the hon. would press round the throne and give Baronet's speech which he regretted, but expression to opinions much stronger. In he concurred with him in that where he fact, the petitions which had been pre- put forth the prerogatives of the Crown so sented by the people, proved the complete prominently. He was glad, also, to hear tranquillity of the country; and that it him speak of the Sovereign as the father was, he believed, at which hon. Gentle- of his people; but it did sometimes men opposite were so much disappointed. happen, that the fondest fathers mistook The country was, however, he was happy the passions of their children, and indulged to say, perfectly tranquil. He could speak those passions to the prejudice of their real more particularly of that part of the king- interests. dom with which he was more immediately connected (Scotland); but he would not say that that tranquillity would be permanent, if the measure of Reform were unnecessarily delayed-ultimately refused it could not be--but he could not look without serious apprehension at the consequences of any unnecessary delay.

Mr. George Bankes said, he must repel with indignation the imputation of the hon. Member who last addressed the House, that Members at that (the Opposition) side were disappointed at the tranquil state of the country. They had never expected that the country would be otherwise than tranquil, and therefore the tranquillity which now prevailed was not matter of surprise, still less of disappointment, to them. They objected to such language as this petition contained, because they expected that bodies who wished to be considered deliberative assemblies would use more caution than men who met only for one occasion. The hon. Baronet had adverted to the Orange and Brunswick clubs, which he assumed were founded on the principles of the Members on the Opposition side of the House; but what would the hon. Baronet say, if petitions were presented from any of those clubs, complaining of the selfish obstinacy of Lord Grey and his colleagues, in sacrificing or endangering the interests of the country, by persisting in a violent change of the Constitution? Would the hon. Baronet think that the House ought to sanction language of that kind by ordering the petition to be printed? He had no desire to reject the petitions of any portion of the people, but he did desire that the petitions should be worded in respectful language. The question now before the House was, not whether the

Mr. James Johnstone congratulated the House on the state of tranquillity which prevailed in that part of the empire (Scotland) to which he belonged. He did not think that the hon. Baronet opposite did right in sneering at the Political Unions. He begged to remind the hon. Baronet that peace had been preserved in those places where Political Unions were established, and that riots and conflagrations had taken place in those parts of the country where there existed no Political UnionsNottingham and Derby, for instance. 150 years ago, the people were little better than serfs, and were treated nearly the same as slaves were now treated in the West Indies, but the spread of intelligence had given them a moral strength which entitled them to a large increase of influence in the Constitution. He thought that the sooner the House met after the prorogation the better; and he believed that if the present Ministers were to leave office the whole country would be on fire.

Mr. Hunt said, the hon. Member who had just sat down, had made use of stronger expressions than was contained in any petition, but he merely wished to remark, in reply to the hon. Baronet (Sir Francis Burdett) opposite, who had said no person out of Bedlam could expect the people to be wholly unanimous in favour of Reform, that he (Mr. Hunt) believed they were nearly unanimous, but it was for a more extensive measure of Reform than the late Bill. The hon. Baronet had also been pleased to insinuate, that those who would not receive the franchise under the Bill, would still receive some benefit from its being extended; why this sounded very like virtual representation. He must declare that the Ministers were not entitled to his confidence, although he hoped he

should not be called a Tory for this opinion. He hoped the petition would be printed, as he considered the people of Birmingham had as much right to petition for a large creation of Peers, as the people of Preston had to petition against such a creation.

Sir Richard Vyvyan, in explanation, stated, that he would rather see riots in some parts of the country, than have the peace kept by means of unions, which were only instruments in the hands of demagogues.

Petition to be printed.

CHOLERA MORBUS.] Sir Richard Vyvyan begged to ask the right hon. Gentleman, the Vice-President of the Board of Trade, whether any communications had been received from the Board of Health relating to the quarantine establishment? That Board was composed of persons illustrious for their knowledge and acquirements, but he feared their time was too much occupied by their own avocations, to allow them sufficient leisure to attend to the progress of that dreadful disease which was daily approaching nearer to us. Mr. Poulett Thomson stated, that the Board of Health had devoted a great deal of attention to the subject of the Cholera Morbus, and he believed that their labours would be found beneficial to the country. The Board had received instructions to draw up a statement of the precautions most proper to be employed, in order to prevent the approach of the disease, and that statement would be published in the Gazette, and circulated through every town and village along the shore opposite infected places. He hoped that gentlemen who resided along the southern and eastern coast, but particularly the latter, would endeavour, by every means in their power, to explain to the poor people, who are usually engaged in smuggling transactions, the dreadful risk to which they exposed the whole community, and themselves in particular.

Mr. Warburton said, that he should have been better satisfied to have heard from the right hon. Gentleman, that Government had themselves adopted the most effectual means for preventing surreptitious intercourse with the countries where the disease was raging. He thought that some commercial men might be added to the Board of Health with great advantage.

Mr. Cutlar Fergusson thought that all intercourse ought, at whatever risk, to be suspended between this country and Hamburgh. With respect to the Board of Health, he hoped that some of the members of that board would be persons who had possessed opportunities of witnessing the progress of the disease in foreign countries. There were many individuals in this country who had witnessed the progress of the Cholera in India. Amongst this number was Dr. Russell, who had been despatched to St. Petersburgh to obtain information respecting that formidable disease. He understood that Dr. Russell had returned to this country, and if that were the case, he hoped that his talents and experience would be put in requisition.

Mr. Poulett Thomson begged to assure the House that Government had already made every exertion in its power to prevent smuggling with the places where the Cholera was raging. Fresh hands had been employed along the coast where they had been found necessary. The Board of Health was composed of medical men, and other persons best qualified for the task which they would have to execute. Dr. Russell had not yet returned to this country. When he should return he would be added to the Board.

Mr. George Robinson begged to direct the attention of Ministers to the fact, that the number of deaths varied considerably in different places. He thought the Board ought to endeavour to ascertain whether this variation was attributable to difference of treatment, or to different local circumstances.

Mr. Leader said, the introduction of such a disease into Ireland, must be looked at with the greatest apprehensions, for it would prove especially dangerous to a population already in a morbid state.

Mr. Hume thought that this was a matter of the highest importance. A board should be constituted in which some of the members could devote their whole time and attention to the duties of it. He would much rather have a board composed of quarter-masters, who were accustomed to organization, and would devote their whole time to the public service, than of medical men. He thought that all our spare cruisers should be employed in stopping the contraband trade. As to expense it was quite out of the question in an affair of such moment.

925 Re-assembling of Parliament. {OCT. 20} Prorogation of Parliament. 926 RE-ASSEMBLING OF PARLIAMENT.] cessful issue. He was enabled certainly

Colonel Evans rose pursuant to notice which he had given of a Resolution respecting the approaching Prorogation of Parliament. It had been said, that the members of his Majesty's Government required repose: it had also been said, that the Members of that House had some claim to repose; but he would tell them that the country required repose, and that nothing excepting a short Prorogation, the speedy assemblage of Parliament, and a settlement of the Reform question could give that repose to which the country was entitled. Under all ordinary circumstances he should, of course, not urge the re-assembling of Parliament before the usual time; but, under the present aspect of public affairs, he certainly should have deemed his Motion not improper, had he not heard from authority, on which he placed the fullest reliance, that the meeting of Parliament would not be postponed beyond the first week in December. He certainly had not received this communication officially, but he had it from authority in which he reposed the most entire confidence, and he, therefore, did not at that moment think himself warranted

in pressing his Motion. The deepest anxiety prevailed upon the subject-an anxiety increased by the constitutional anomaly of the differences subsisting between two branches of the Legislature. It was, therefore, with great satisfaction he found himself enabled to state, from a source on which he had full reliance, that Parliament would meet as soon as possible. Lord Althorp thought it necessary to say one or two words. The hon. Member had stated, that he had heard, but not officially, that Parliament would re-assemble in the first week in December. On that subject he (Lord Althorp) had not any statement to make. He should not feel himself justified, as a Minister, in making any statement. He hoped that all who felt anxious on the subject would do the Ministers the justice to believe that none could feel more anxious than they did for the settlement of that great question which now occupied all men's minds; and he trusted that the House and the country would place that confidence in Ministers which they had done nothing to forfeit. He hoped the country would recollect this -that the Ministers were entitled to credit for a sincere wish to bring the contemplated measure of Reform to a suc

to say, that the prorogation would be of that length which was found most conducive to the success of the great measure of Parliamentary Reform. Ministers were pledged to that measure, or to one fully as efficient. Their labours were anxiously devoted to that end, and they would adhere strictly to those means most calculated to ensure that end.

Mr. Cutlar Fergusson was glad that the hon. Member had withdrawn his Motion. It would be inconsistent with the vote of confidence in Ministers which had been so recently agreed to.

Mr. Ruthven said, he would rather place full confidence in the discretion and good faith of his Majesty's Ministers than agree to any such Motion as that of which the hon. and gallant Member had given notice. He hoped and trusted the country would feel no suspicion or mistrust of the Ministers. The assurance they had now received, ought to satisfy every reasonable friend of Reform.

Motion withdrawn.

Thursday, October 20, 1831.

PROROGATION OF PARLIAMENT.] His Majesty, accompanied by the usual Officers of State, proceeded to the House of Peers to Prorogue the Parliament.

The House of Commons having been summoned to wait upon his Majesty, the Speaker, accompanied by Lord Althorp, and several other Members of the House appeared at the Bar.

The Speaker, holding the Appropriation Bill in his hand, then addressed his Majesty as follows:-" May it please your Majesty -We, your Majesty's most faithful Commons, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, in Parliament assembled, attend your Majesty at the close of a Session unusually protracted; and, Sire, among difficulties and anxiety, both within and without the walls of Parliament, and labours unprecedented in any former Session, we presume to hope that we have discharged our duties as faithful Representatives of the people of these realms, and as loyal and devotedly attached subjects of your Majesty. Sire, the last bill which I have now to present is entitled, An Act to apply the sum of 1,800,000l. out of the Consolidated Fund,

to the service of the year 1831, and to | Europe was threatened whilst this quesappropriate the supplies granted in this tion remained unsettled. Session of Parliament,' to which, with all humility, we pray your Majesty's royal

[blocks in formation]

"Gentlemen of the House of Commons; "I thank you for the provision made for the future dignity and comfort of my Royal Consort, in the event of her surviving me, and for the supplies which you have granted for the service of the present year. You may be assured of my anxious care to have them administered with the strictest attention to a well considered

Adverse Claims in Courts of
Law, Select Vestries, and Enclosure of
Crown Lands.
His Majesty then delivered the follow- economy.
ing Speech:-

"My Lords and Gentlemen ;

"The state of Europe has made it necessary to incur, in the various establishments of the public service, an increased expenditure, which it will be my earnest desire to reduce whenever it can be done with safety to the interests of the country. In the meantime I have the satisfaction of reflecting that these demands have been provided for without any material addition firming, by my Royal assent, Bills for the to the public burthens.

"I am at length enabled to put an end to a Session of unexampled duration and labour, in which matters of the deepest interest have been brought under your consideration.

"I have felt sincere satisfaction in con

amendment of the Game Laws, and for the reduction of Taxes, which pressed heavily on the industry of my people; and I have observed with no less pleasure the commencement of important improvements in the Law of Bankruptcy, from which the most beneficial effects may be expected.

"I continue to receive the most gratifying proofs of the friendly disposition of Foreign Powers.

"The Conference assembled in London has at length terminated its difficult and laborious discussions, by an arrangement unanimously agreed upon by the Plenipotentiaries of the Five Powers, for the separation of the States of Holland and Belgium, on terms by which the interests of both, together with the future security of other countries, have been carefully provided for.

"A treaty, founded on this arrangement, has been presented to the Dutch and Belgian Plenipotentiaries, and I trust that its acceptance by their respective Courts, which I anxiously expect, will avert the dangers by which the peace of

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"The anxiety which has been so generally manifested by my people for the accomplishment of a Constitutional Reform in the Commons House of Parliament will, I trust, be regulated by a due sense of the necessity of order and moderation in their proceedings.

"To the consideration of this important question the attention of Parliament must necessarily again be called at the opening of the ensuing Session; and you may be assured of my unaltered desire to promote its settlement, by such improvements in the Representation as may be found necessary for securing to my people the full enjoyment of their rights, which, in combination with those of the other orders of the State, are essential to the support of our free Constitution."

The Lord Chancellor, by his Majesty's tranquillity and happiness of the country command, said

depended on the speedy adjustment of the "My Lords, and Gentlemen; question of Reform, and Ministers, there"It is his Majesty's royal will and fore, should not allow any motives of perpleasure, that this Parliament be pro-sonal delicacy to interfere in the adjustrogued to Tuesday the twenty-second day ment of a matter of such vital importance of November next, to be then here holden, to the country. and this Parliament is accordingly prorogued to Tuesday, the twenty-second day of November next."

His Majesty retired, attended by Earl Grey, the Lord Chancellor, and the other officers of State; the Commons also retired from the Bar, and the Parliament separated.

Thursday, October 20, 1831.
MINUTES.] Returns ordered. On the Motion of Mr. GEORGE

ROBINSON, of the Duties payable on the principal articles

of British Produce in the Ports of Europe and the United


Sir Charles Forbes assured the hon.

member for Middlesex, though agitation

and intimidation seemed to be the order deterred from doing their duty, and enof the day, that honest men would not be deavouring to get the Bill lately before Parliament considerably modified. The hon. Member had alluded to Ministers retaining in office persons opposed to them. He did not think it was very just ground of complaint that the hon. Member's advice. had not been acted upon. On a late occasion, the Ministers had removed a high Officer in the Queen's Household (Earl Howe); and, if all they heard was to be Petitions Presented. By Mr. PROTHEROE, from the In- relied upon-he repeated, that if all they habitants of Bristol, in favour of the Rev. Robert Taylor. heard, and what had been stated, was to REFORM-PETITIONS.] Colonel Evans be relied upon, that removal was contrary presented a Petition from Mr. F. Clayton, to the declared wishes both of the King and praying that the House would vote an Queen, and had excited an extraordinary Address to the King, requesting his Ma- degree both of astonishment and disgust jesty to exercise his royal prerogative by wherever the circumstances were known. creating such a number of Peers as might He trusted that his Majesty's Ministers be thought requisite for the success of a would not act again upon a principle so new Reform Bill. The petitioner further disgraceful, and that they would not be prayed, that the Bishops might be dis-led away by the advice of the hon. memqualified from sitting as Spiritual Peers in the Upper House. The hon. and gallant Member expressed his concurrence in the sentiments avowed in the petition.

ber for Middlesex, who, by his own confession, had advised his fellow parishioners to withhold the payment of their rates.

ment would be deterred by any feelings of delicacy or propriety from adopting any proceeding calculated to promote their own measures. With respect to the Reform Bill, however, he contended that that there was a reaction in the public mind. It was manifest, by the return of his noble friend (Lord Ashley) for Dorsetshire, by a large majority of freeholders. He had reason to believe that this reaction was palpably manifesting itself throughout Ireland; and he hoped and trusted that the Bill would soon be as much in disfavour as it had ever been in favour with the country.

Colonel Trench thought the hon. mem Mr. Hume took this opportunity of ob- ber for Middlesex need have very little serving that, in his opinion, the slight dis-apprehension that his Majesty's Governtrust which, perhaps, was felt by a portion of the public towards his Majesty's Ministers was occasioned, in no small degree, by the circumstance of their retaining in office men opposed to them in politics. If his Majesty's Ministers would be guided by the opinion of so humble an individual as himself, (for he considered the present was a time for them to act with promptitude and energy) he did not hesitate to say that, if he were at the head of the Government, forty-eight hours should not pass before he would remove every Lordlieutenant of a county who opposed the Reform Bill. He was prepared to recommend the utmost decision and energy, which he considered was necessary to break down a political party which had been in power for so many years. There must be no more attempts at conciliation. The VOL. VIII. Third Serice}

Sir Francis Burdett fully agreed with the hon. member for Middlesex, that, at a time like this, all ordinary considerations ought to be laid aside, and that his Majesty's Government ought not to hesitate 2 H

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