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oppression against the Protestant clergy re- | pealed to, day after day, and week lating to the payment of tithes, and he also after week, for the introduction of that affirmed that there was no combination to measure, which, if it had been passed in resist their payment in that part of the coun-time, would have prevented the evils try to which he belonged; in opposition to which were now so much the source of which he (Colonel Trench) must say, that complaint. They had, indeed, the credit he also knew the state of that part of Ire- of passing that measure, but it was passed land, and could affirm, that many of the too late; he meant too late to enable the clergy had abstained from having recourse unfortunate country to reap those beneto the law, although they had two years fits which otherwise it would have reaped. arrears of tithes due, and he also knew Petition to be printed. other instances where they were paid in


Mr. Walker said, one case of fact he would mention in justification of his remark. The gentlemen of Wexford had advertised a premium for the best crop of mangel wurzel; a farmer in the parish of Clonmore, which paid rectorial tithes to the Bishop of Ferns, tried the experiment of a crop, and the Bishop immediately demanded tithe for it. The farmer remonstrated, and his Lordship instead of citing him before the Magistrates, where the costs would be only 6d. or before the Ecclesiastical Courts of the diocese, where the costs would have been also small comparatively, determined to institute a process in the Court of Exchequer, and the unfortunate farmer, for fear of being ruined by the enormous costs, was compelled to abandon his rights. But before he did so, the costs had amounted to upward of 607. Now this manner of enforcing payment, even allowing the claim to be just, he called extortion and oppression. Thus was seen the landlords coming forward with premiums to encourage agriculture, and the Church instantly endeavouring to crush improvements by taxing them.

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JUDGE OF THE ADMIRALTY COURT (IRELAND).] Colonel Perceval inquired of the hon. Secretary for Ireland, whether it was the intention of his Majesty's Government to fill up the office of Judge of the Admiralty Court in Ireland?

Mr. Stanley said, that if it were filled up, it would be in such a way as not to prevent such reductions being made as might appear fitting to the Government.

LORD LIEUTENANTS OF COUNTIES (IRELAND).] Colonel Perceval rose to call the attention of the House to the subject of the newly appointed Lord Lieutenants of Counties in Ireland, and to ask its support for a motion with which he meant to conclude.

He must first observe, that it was essentially necessary that some persons should reside in the county with whom the Government could communicate, and what person was more fitting for this than the Lord-lieutenant? It had been thought that no one would have been appointed Lord-lieutenant under the bill but one who resided in the county. This, however, was far from being the case. Lord Duncannon was Mr. Spring Rice said, hon. Members appointed a Lord-lieutenant. He was a must, indeed, be badly off for argu- Commissioner of the Woods and Forests, ments when they alluded to the letter and it was impossible for him to perform which had been written to him by Dr. both duties. The Marquis of Hertford, Doyle. He could not conceive how those an absentee, had been appointed to the Gentlemen could make him the link be- county of Cavan, although Lord Farnham, tween the right reverend Prelate's opinions who possessed an estate in the county, and the conduct of the Government to was generally there, and universally rewhich he had the honour to belong. Was spected. He considered that this was a this the first letter that Dr. Doyle had great insult to the noble Lord. The noble written? Had he not addressed letters to Marquis appointed to the Lord-lieutenantthe Earl of Liverpool and the Duke of ship of Donegal lived at Belfast, which, Wellington respecting the Catholic Eman- was seventy miles distant. It was imposcipation? but no one then insinuated, sible that he could perform the duties of that because a letter was addressed to his office in the manner that was required. an individual, that individual must coin- The noble Earl (Leitrim) had never recide with the opinions contained in it. sided in Kildare, but was generally fifty He could not refrain from saying, that weeks out of the fifty-two in the year the late Government had been ap- in Cumberland-place. He next came


to the counties of Waterford and Wex- | Government with doing that which they ford, and he must say, that the appoint- had not yet done. In the first place, no ment to the county of Waterford really Lord-lieutenant was appointed for the excited his great surprise. The gentleman county of Sligo. In the next place, the appointed was a most respectable person rule laid down for the selection of Lords(Mr. Villiers Stuart), but he understood lieutenant was, to appoint the most respectthat he had let his house, and had no able persons, whether noblemen or genresidence in that county. He knew tlemen, connected with a county by forthat a most respectable young nobleman tune and respectability. The object of (the Marquis of Waterford) had a very the Government in bringing in the bill had large property in that county, and been, to appoint persons residing in or conwould have been the most proper per- tiguous to the counties, who by their inson to fill that office. True, he was as fluence with the particular district, and by yet a minor; but the same course should their residence, would be better able to have been followed here as had been attend to the interest of Ireland. It was adopted in the cases of the Duke of certainly said, that the preference should Buccleugh and Lord Hopetoun, who, while be given to Peers, because they wished to they were minors, had the Lord-lieutenan- select persons of the highest rank, that cies of the Lothians placed in commission there might be an avoidance of jealousies until they became of age. Why was that which would have been created if Commost respectable gentleman, Mr. Wynne, moners were appointed when there were so not appointed to the lieutenancy of Sligo? many in one county of equal rank. But Why should the Government have gone in no case was it stated that residence in a to another county to look for a Peer for county was absolutely necessary; and the such an honour? This objection equally principle acted upon was the same as was extended to the appointment of the Lord- pursued in England. In Clare, Roscomlieutenant for Wexford, believing him at mon, Longford, Tyrone, and Wicklow the the same time to be a most respectable appointments were unpopular, and the Gentleman. He had been assured by the Lord-lieutenants actually opposed the views right hon. Secretary for Ireland, that it of the present Administration. So much would be a principle, that residents only for the love of patronage which Ministers should be appointed to the office of Lord- had exhibited, and of which so much comlieutenant, and there were not less than plaint was made. In the selection which eight exceptions to this rule. He should, the Government had made they had sought therefore, conclude by moving, "That an for those who were of the highest rank and humble Address be presented to his Ma- influence in the several counties, without jesty, praying that he would be pleased adopting a system of exclusion on account to direct the removal of those Lord-lieu- of the political opinions of the parties. tenants recently appointed, who are non- He thought it was somewhat invidious on residents in the respective counties to the part of the hon. Gentleman to dewhich they were appointed." mand the reasons why the Government made such and such appointments, though he (Mr. Stanley) did not deny, that in any extreme case of unfitness the appointment was open to objection. He repudiated the idea that those only were to be

Mr. Young did not think it was just, as a principle, to depart from the original pledge of the Government, that residents only should be appointed Lord-lieutenants, for the purpose of appointing those who were politically connected with the Go-appointed who lived in the county; the


Bill gave the power to the Vice-lieutenants The question being put by the Speaker, to act and to receive all patronage during Mr. Stanley defended the appointments the absence of Lord-lieutenants for Irewhich the Government had made. The land--but not when absent from the county hon. Gentleman had first made a general merely. It was considered a very bad charge of dereliction of duty against the precedent to appoint young noblemen Irish Government, and then referred to one under age to the situation of Lord-lieucase, in which the Government declined tenant, as it was well known they had appointing the individual which the hon. most important business to perform during Gentleman had recommended. He did not the first six months after the appointment. expect, from the motion of the hon. Gen- It was objected that they had appointed tleman that it was intended to charge the Lord Duncannon, whereas there was no man

Mr. Blackney condemned the appointments when they were in opposition to the general feeling and interests of the people of Ireland. The appointments of the Beresfords for years was not pleasing nor palatable in that kingdom. When he asserted that absentees ought not to be appointed, he meant absentees from Ireland, and not non-residents in counties. In the present state of Ireland, he should consider the appointment of a minor as highly objectionable. The only appointments he found fault with were those where the parties were politically opposed to the Government.

Lord Ingestrie said, that there was just ground of complaint that the Marquis of Waterford had not been appointed to the county of the same name, in which he constantly resided. The appointment of a commoner as Lord-lieutenant, instead of the noble Lord, was very impolitic, and an act of injustice to that noble family.

more popular in the county, or more fitted | who were not attached to the present Gofor the important office. In England, in vernment, but he wholly overlooked the some instances, one individual was Lord- contrary cases. In Sligo, the people, lieutenant of several counties. For in- knowing to whom the office had been stance, the Duke of Beaufort was Lord- offered, felt themselves offended, and he lieutenant of three counties-Lord Lans- was of opinion, that in the case of Waterdown for two-and the Duke of Welling- ford, the Lieutenancy should have been ton was Lord-lieutenant of Hampshire as put into Commission for a few months, till well as Prime Minister-offices which the Marquis of Waterford was of age. might be considered incompatible with each other. The Duke of Manchester did not think it incompatible with his duty to fill the office of Lord-lieutenant when he was governor of Jamaica. With regard to the non-appointment of Lord Farnham, so much complained of, all he had to say was, that that noble Lord, had a strong political bias, and considering the opinions which he held upon many irritating subjects, the Government did not think they could confide in his judgment and discretion. The hon. Member when he charged it on the Government that they had insulted Lord Farnham by appointing another individual to the Lord-lieutenancy of Cavan, might have left it to the noble Lord to complain, if he had any cause of complaint, which did not appear to be the case, judging from the noble Lord's silence on the subject. When Lord Darnley was appointed to Meath, he pledged himself not to dissever his connexion with that county; and the same observation would apply to Mr. Stuart, with whom it was a sine qua non that he should make Ireland his principal residence. In the appointment of Lord Leitrim, it was understood he had a residence in the county; and notwithstanding the charge of favouritism in the appointments, it turned out that in the thirty-two counties there were only six that were non-residents; and he was surprised that the hon. Gentleman, without any grounds whatever, should have taken the course he had done, by moving an Address to the Crown. He was ready at all times to defend the whole of the appointments, and lamented that the hon. Gentleman, from party feeling, or from the disappointment of himself or friends, should have brought forward the Motion. There had been no breach of faith on the part of the Government, and no departure from the principle of the Bill, and he should decidedly oppose the Motion as altogether unprecedented.

Captain Maxwell said, the right hon. Gentleman had instanced five or six counties in which he said persons had been appointed

Sir George Warrender wished only to express his firm opinion of the impropriety of an interference on the part of the House with the exercise of the important prerogative of the Crown in the appointment of Lord-lieutenants. He was prepared to justify the appointments on the principle which had been usually followed, of only nominating persons connected with the existing Administration, and as he believed, on the whole a fair selection had been made, he should resist the Motion. He rose principally, however, to state, that both the Duke of Buccleugh and the Earl of Hopetoun were endeared to all Scotsmen, and as these young noblemen only wanted a few months of being of age when they were appointed, to have appointed any other persons would have been felt as an insult by every inhabitant of those counties in which those Peers possessed by far the largest landed property of any person in the county.

Sir John Newport said, that the Crown. was perfectly justified in the appointment for Waterford. Mr. Villiers Stuart, in point of estates, ranked with any man in

the county. In the case, of Wexford, too, the person appointed, Mr. Carew, possessed a princely property there, and was in all respects qualified for the station.

Lord Tullamore decidedly condemned many of the appointments, and observed, that in Carlow the principal nobility and gentry felt aggrieved and insulted that they should have been passed over, and an absentee, who was never for a week in the county, should have been appointed. Why Lord Downes should have been passed over he knew not, or Sir Thomas Butler, Mr. Rochford, or Mr. Kavanagh. The appointment of the latter gentleman, who was a descendant from the Kings of Ireland, would have afforded the highest satisfaction to the people. In Wexford why should the Government have overlooked the resident Peers, who had large estates in the county, and have appointed a Commoner who was a Member of Parliament for the county? Lord Courtown would have been a proper person for the office. The Nobleman appointed Lordlieutenant of Tipperary was bed-ridden, and, though a most respectable nobleman, was quite incapable of performing the duties of his new office. It was an indictable offence for a Lord-lieutenant to influence elections for Members of Parliament, and how could it be possible for that gentleman to avoid it, he being sure to exercise his influence in his own favour. In King's County they had overlooked five Peers who possessed most extensive property-and had appointed a Commoner. Mr. Stanley observed, that there were not five Peers in the county.

Lord Tullamore said, that the right hon. Gentleman had proved to the House, by that assertion, how very improper the appointments were, by displaying such ignorance of the residences of the Peers in that county. He thanked the gallant Colonel for having brought forward this Motion, as it had given him the opportunity of expressing his surprise and disgust at many of the appointments.

Mr. Lambert was of opinion, the appointments in every instance were most wise and politic; and he would declare that, in his opinion, the Government would have acted most injudiciously and censurably if they had appointed Lord Courtown, with his political feelings, to preside over Wexford. The best proof of the fitness of Mr. Carew for the office was, his universal popularity.

Sir Robert Bateson said, that when the Bill was brought into the House he gave it his support, because he understood it was bottomed on the principle of encouraging the residence of the Lord-lieutenant in each county, and he considered non-residence or absenteeism to be the bane and curse of Ireland. The residence of the Lord-lieutenant in cach county would be sure to secure the residence of a numerous and important class of persons. Ministers were palpably inconsistent. Their assertions when the Bill was brought into that House were, that there would be no exclusion on the ground of political opinions, yet, in spite of this, the Marquis of Waterford was rejected for his political opinions.

Colonel Conolly said, that he had supported the Bill because it was declared that the Lord-lieutenants would be an effective organ of communication with the Government-a connecting link between the county Magistrates and the Castle of Dublin. But he had been deceived. He deprecated the appointment of absentees, aud he particularly condemned the appointment which had taken place for the county which he had the honour of being connected with. He saw that the objects of the country had been lost sight of by the appointment of favoured individuals, who resided as far from the county to which they had been appointed, as the county itself was from Dublin Castle. In alluding to the noble individual who had been overlooked in the county of Cavan (Lord Farnham) he must say, that his Majesty's Ministers should not take credit for impartiality on this occasion, as they had only appointed one Nobleman who was as violent in one extreme of politics as they charged Lord Farnham with being on the other. He would describe this from Horace : “Dum vitant stulti vitia, in contraria currunt.” He did not mean to apply the stulti to his Majesty's Ministers, but he could not forego his quotation merely out of courtesy to them.

Mr. Cresset Pelham said, they had recently heard so much of the rights of the people, that he was glad to be refreshed by hearing of the prerogatives of the Crown, which he began to fear were likely to be wholly lost sight of. He had no doubt that many of these appointments had been made from political views, and therefore he should support the motion of the gallant Colonel.

Sir John Milley Doyle was happy to see private conversations. But he would not the Government paying attention to the say anything which could savour of perinterests and wishes of the people of Ire-sonal observation to the hon. Member who land, which had been particularly display-introduced this Motion. He would, howed by their appointment of the Lord-lieutenant for Carlow. He declared it impossible for the Government to have found residents in the different counties, who, if appointed Lord-lieutenants, would have given satisfaction to the people.

ever, assert, that there was no instance in which Ministers had departed from their original intentions when bringing in the Bill; that the appointments had been made under circumstances totally disinterested, and the selection was strictly impartial. The Act gave power to the Government to select for the appointment whoever it chose, and there was no direction whatever as to residence in the county, beyond that possessed by the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, who had the

Mr. Anthony Lefroy said, the right hon. Gentleman had made a display of liberality by appointing Lord Lorton to the Lieutenancy of Roscommon, but who else could they appoint with decency? His Lordship was a constant resident, and was surrounded by a most thriving and indus-power of ordering such residence in those trious tenantry.

instances where he might consider it ex

Mr. O'Connor said, that the appoint-pedient. At the time of the Bill passing, ment of the Lord-lieutenant for Roscommon was most objectionable to the county, from his being actuated by a spirit of proselytism. He was ready to allow that he was an excellent landlord, and a man of high moral character, but this unfortunate spirit rendered him very obnoxious.

he supported the appointment of Vicelieutenants, assuming the duties in the absence of the Lords-lieutenant of counties, because he considered it would insure the residence of the latter persons in the county; but no pledge had been given to impose their constant residence by Government. Out of the thirty-four Lieutenants of counties, only four were non-resident, This was the whole amount of the charge against the Government; and he was sure, if the appointment to Sligo had been made upon the recommendation of the hon. Member, the House would never have heard anything of this Motion. Many applications had been made to the Government by the hon. Member (Colonel Perceval) and many other Gentlemen who supported his Motion. The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, however, in making the appointment for the county of Sligo, had exercised the power he possessed, and used a proper discretion, and he saw no ground for objection. He must, therefore, defend the appointments which had been made, and express his opinion, that the hon. Member who brought forward the Motion, appeared to consider that no one was fit to hold office in Ireland, unless he were of Tory principles.

Mr. Lefroy said, the charge made in this case against the Government was, that they departed from the principles upon which these appointments had been originally agreed to. He contended that, in many cases, most respectable residents were passed over, and strangers called in from other counties, to insult the Nobility and gentry who were residents. This was particularly the case in Cavan, Leitrim, Limerick, Waterford, and several other counties. Why, he would ask, was Lord Courtown passed over in the selection for the county of Wexford? That noble Lord was a resident, a man of large fortune and liberal principles, and when he made application to obtain the Lord-lieutenancy, the only answer he received from the head of the Irish Government was, that the state of Ireland required the appointment of Mr. Carew. This was an indignity which should not have been offered to so respectable a Nobleman as Lord Courtown. He (Mr. Lefroy) denied Mr. Callaghan was sorry, at that late that the appointment of the Lord-lieute-hour, that the time of the House should nant for Roscommon was unpopular, for be taken up with the discussion of this no Nobleman was held in greater respect question, but he was glad to see the cause by, or deserved more regard from, the of the people of Ireland attended to. The people. question was, whether the power and patronage should be in the hands of a few who formerly enjoyed it, or whether it was not better that it should be taken out of their hands, and given to those who

Mr. Crampton said, that every species of material had been resorted to to give colour to this Motion-books, extracts from speeches, and private letters, and

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