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learned friend in all these points as facts, | fourteen independent Courts of Decision but in the inferences from them they were sitting at the same time. Mr. Cullen totally differed. He would maintain, that had said, in his evidence, that, at the in proportion as the questions of Bank- same time, the same Commission of Bankruptcy were of importance, in the same rupts had four matters under its considerproportion was it necessary to have a Court ation. One was, to choose the assignees, which was presided over, by Judges of one the proof of the debts, one the proof great learning, and in the same proportion of trading, and one he knew not what; but was it necessary to revise, to remodel, and all tending to confound the judgment. to make a radical change in the whole And how were these Commissioners to be system. To use the language of the remunerated? Why, in a most peculiar Committee of 1818, in proportion to the manner, which gave them an interest in importance of the subject, was the neces- damaging and prejudicing the suitor, in sity, that there should be a complete order to pay the Judge. The interests and change in the Courts, and in their prac- duties of these Judges were in direct optice. These Courts of Commissioners, it position to each other. They were paid was well known, were sub-divided into 20s. each, at every meeting, and therefore fourteen, and these lists had not to defend the greater were the number of meetings the them any analogies, with respect to any greater was the pay of the Judge, and the other Courts whatever in this kingdom. greater number of meetings the greater First as to the appointments of the Com- was the delay in the division of the funds, missioners. It was notorious and past all and the greater in every respect were the contradiction, that if the present Lord injuries to the suitors. It was impossible Chancellor should appoint as a Commis- for these gentlemen, in many cases, to ensioner of Bankruptcies, a gentleman of tertain an opinion that was not thwarted only one year's standing at the Bar, no man by their interests. It was the same with could with justice attack that appoint- respect to the solicitors and the mesment; because, as his learned friend had sengers-the interest of all was, to delay justly said, his predecessors, both Whig the division of the funds, the early division and Tory, had done the same thing. of which was the very object of the BankWas it decent to the mercantile people rupt-laws. The Commissioners might be of England, that any young gentleman, all honourable men; "so are they all of ever so great promise, but as yet of no honourable men;" but that was no reason performance, should sit in judgment upon whatever why they should be placed in a case, or upon a class of cases which such a situation that they could not do were admitted to be of the greatest im- their duty but at the expense of their own portance, both with respect to the very interest. It was too much that such a large sums they involved, and to the diffi- system should be allowed to remain in culties of understanding and deciding opposition to all principles, and in defiance them? This alone was a state of things in of every analogy with other Courts. If a contradiction to the establishment of any gentleman of great talents, industry, and Court which possessed the respect of the acquirements, received his early appointcountry. Another peculiarity in these ment of Commissioner, what was the conCourts was, that they were the only Courts sequence? The very moment at which he now existing of which the Judges could at arrived at any proficiency to perform his the same time be practising Barristers. duty as a Judge, the remuneration of a There had been one example to strengthen Judge for it averaged only 400l. a-year, this, but that very example had led to the became too contemptible for him to attend destruction of the Welsh jurisdictions. to the duties of his office, and he would He would now ask, how did the system be found practising in Westminster-hall, work? Fourteen different lists of gentle- or at Lincoln's-Inn, to the desertion of his men were all acting independently of each duties in Basinghall-street. This fact was other. In the superior Courts, by means within the knowledge of every man, and it of the conferences of the Judges in the was impossible to deny it. From a jurisHouse of Lords, by means of their being diction so prone to error-from a deposibrought together in Courts of Appeal, a tory of errors like this-it would be conuniformity of decision was within the reach ceded that there ought to be some mode of of every Court. Not so was it with respect readily correcting what it did. Was this to the Commissioners of Bankruptcies, for the case? It was his duty to state, that

the only appeal from the Commissioners of of expense. Mr. Penson, Secretary of Bankruptcies was one, of all others, the Bankrupts under Lord Eldon, had afforded most full of delays, the most overloaded a conjecture of the immeasurable, and of with expenses, and more calculated to de- the almost inconceivable expenses, utterly feat all the ends of justice and objects of wasted and thrown away upon those affiappeal, than any other known to the laws. davits, which were filed for no purpose It was a mere combination of every objec- except that the suitor might have the sation which could exist against the revision tisfaction of knowing that he must have to of a case. He was speaking of the appeal pay 1,000l. or 1,500l. for no purpose upon from the Commissioners of Bankruptcy to earth. Mr. Penson further stated, that in the Court of Chancery. First, was that the bankruptcy of Messrs. Howard and appeal attended with delay? Look at the Gibbs, the affidavits alone amounted to evidence given on the subject. Mr. 1,500 folios, and as eight folios went to Hamilton had said, that he had felt the in- one brief-sheet, there were about 190 convenience to his clients of an appeal to brief-sheets, at 3s. 4d. a sheet, which, with the Court of Chancery, most particularly the expenses of preparing the brief, would when the appeal was from the Bankruptcy amount to 50l.; and as in this case there Court. Before the petition of appeal were five counsel on each side, the solicitcould be heard, the mischief to be provided ors would have to charge this 50l. five against was very frequently committed, times over, or 250l. The other side would and past all remedy. Most cases of bank- have the same expense, so that the amount ruptcy required a speedy decision, and yet would be 500l. This afforded one idea in the Bankruptcy Court, in Basinghall- of the length, breadth, and delay of costs, street, the business was worse conducted of a Chancery appeal. In this one than in the most petty Court in the king- case 1,000l. had been spent on the dom; and if the Court in Basinghall-street bare materials for the wordy warfare were absolutely abolished, and a Court Then came the refreshers, so that infinitely like the Insolvent Court were to be estab- more than 1,000l. would be spent; and lished in its stead, it would be a great ad- this was by no means an extraordinary vantage to the public. The object for case. Mr. Penson had said, that in several which the Bankrupt Court was established cases the expenses of the affidavits had was lost. Such had been the evidence of amounted to 1,000 folios. In another Mr. Hamilton, and now let the House cause eight counsel had been employed, hear what had been the evidence of the and each had been heard at great length. Chief Baron upon the subject of the ex- And what did all this end in?-it ended, penses. The late Lord Chief Baron of as the Lord Chief Baron had informed the the Court of Exchequer, Sir James Alex- House, in an inquiry, where, as Mr. Greig ander, had said, that there was a large ex-very truly said, it ought to have begunpense incurred in the first instance. He had taxed a great number of bills, and the large expense arose principally from the number of affidavits, which contradicted each other as to the facts, and if there was any doubt as to the facts, the Chancellor sent the case to an issue before a Jury. One of the Commissioners of Bankruptcy, Mr. Greig, had written a pamphlet on the subject, from which he would read an extract. Mr. Greig said, that these difficult-point to issue; and how, he would ask, ies had long been a subject of complaint. The uncertainty of such evidence, the conflicting nature of the affidavits, very often rendered a Commission of Bankruptcy a matter of great expense, and the matter generally at issue was on occasions where a Jury must decide the facts. This was a costly, a dilatory, and unsatisfactory mode of coming to a decision. Now he (Mr. Williams) would come to the subject

it ended in an issue to try the facts, which rendered all the affidavits useless. He never knew a case where a man had been in the Court of Chancery with any profitable result, and the case subsequently went to a Jury, that he did not throw aside all his Chancery affidavits, and resort to the evidence of other witnesses. The Lord Chancellor, in fact, always said, that where a doubt existed, he should send the

could a case be without a doubt, in which there were 1,500 folios of affidavits? This insufficient and costly appeal, then, was the only correction that existed to the proceedings of the worst constituted Court in England. Would any man of principle undertake to say, that in a country priding itself upon its jurisprudence, such a system could be tolerated for a moment? and if

his learned friend replied, that Englishmen

had tolerated this, he should then reply, | spoke loudly against the existing system, that that was not enough to satisfy any and called imperatively for a radical change honourable mind that such a nuisance in the constitution and administration of ought not to be removed. His hon. and these laws. But this was not all. The learned friend opposite (Sir C. Wetherell) very cause of this Bill, the very ground of who spoke against this Bill, said, that no its being brought before Parliament, was opinion had ever been pronounced in the requisition of a numerous body of favour of the Court now proposed to be bankers and merchants of the City of established by the gentlemen examined London, assembled last spring, complainbefore the Chancery commission. It would ing of the manner in which the Bankruptbe marvellous if they had pronounced such laws were administered, and praying for a an opinion, for the Court had no existence change. It was that requisition which even in embryo until the beginning of this suggested and became the immediate year. If such an opinion had been pro- foundation of the Bill which his noble and nounced, it would have been anticipatively, learned friend introduced into the other prospectively, and prophetically-to bor- House, which had received the sanction row the language of his hon. and learned of that House, and which was now in the friend. But did his hon. and learned course of discussion before that House. friend mean to say, that the necessity of The necessity for the introduction of some something like it had not long been ac- measure to amend the Bankrupt-laws, knowledged? In 1718, upwards of a must be obvious to every one after the century ago, there had been a petition repeated and continued complaints which from the city of London, complaining that had been made against the existing laws, the operation of the Bankrupt-laws was from the commencement of the last century such, that the estate of the bankrupt was down to the very day and hour that this consumed in litigation. In 1783, Sir measure was introduced. What did the James Burgess put forth a series of reasons hon. and learned member for Boroughagainst the existing power of the Court of bridge mean by saying to him, or to any Chancery; and in his learned pamphlet, of the supporters of this measure, that it Mr. Basil Montagu had printed a bill for was unnecessary-that it was uncalled for the remedy of the abuses he complained of, in the same form as Sir James Burgess drew it. That bill contained a provision for a permanent Court, and proposed a remedy for some of the grievances which suitors at present sustained in their appeal to the Lord Chancellor. Again, in the year 1811 there were petitions from the sister kingdom, from Dublin, Waterford, Cork, Belfast, and other trading and commercial places, complaining of the administration of the Bankrupt-laws, and of the manner in which the Courts were formed. In consequence of the general complaints which were made of the existing law, a bill was introduced into Parliament in the course of the year 1811, but for some reason or other, with which he was not acquainted, it was not followed up; that bill, however, contained a provision for the establishment of a permanent Court to dispose of all legal matters in bankruptcy. Then came the Committee of 1817, before which the most eminent legal authorities, Sir Samuel Romilly, Cullen, and others, were examined, and all concurred in stating, that nothing could be more iniquitous than the existing mode of administering the Bankrupt-laws. These things

that it had been introduced in mere wantonness of legislation? Did the hon. Member mean to say that, in the opinions of commercial men, as well as in the judg ment of the most eminent of those to whom the administration of the existing Bankrupt-laws had been intrusted, that change was not required? All that he (Mr. J. Williams), could do was, to satisfy any man that, for more than a century past, the attention of the public had been continually called to the grievances of the present system. He had done that, and laboured to shew, that the present system was ill-constructed and worked ill, for this plain and obvious reason,-that in proportion as the questions of bankruptcy were of importance, in the same proportion was it necessary to have a Court which was distinguished by Judges of great learning, and in the same proportion was it necessary to revise, to remodel, and to make a radical change in the whole system. To use the language of the Committee of 1818, in proportion to the importance of the subject, was the necessity that there should be a complete change in the Courts and in their practice. The noble Marquis, the member for Buckinghamshire, said

that he was anxious to see the details of this Bill, in order that he might form a judgment of what their probable effect would be. He wished to God the noble Marquis were present now, impartially to determine whether the Commissioners should remain as they were, or whether this plan, or something like it, should be substituted. He would allude to those points upon which the present Bill got rid of many of the great and long-lived abuses which had hitherto disgraced this branch of our law. His hon. and learned friend, however, who he was glad to see was at that moment resuming his seat, had asserted that the present Bill would beget a multiplication of appeals. In the first place, said he, there is an appeal from the decision of the one Commissioner to the Subdivision Court. Upon that point, his hon. and learned friend was mistaken -there was no such appeal. The manner in which that part of the Bill was to operate was this:-If the single Commissioner, whose duties were limited, had any doubt upon his mind upon any point, either of law or of fact, which might arise before him, instead of appealing to the Subdivision Court, he called in the aid of some of his brother Commissioners, and, with their assistance, determined the question at once. Nothing, in his opinion, could be a more judicious or convenient mode of settling preliminary difficulties. Still it was said, you have no end to appeal, because from the decision, whether of the one or of the three Commissioners of the Subdivision Court, you have an appeal to the Court of Review. It was for this that he praised this Bill, because it substituted a summary mode of proceeding, which would operate cheaply and quickly, for the long, and tedious, and ruinous system which had hitherto prevailed. By one of the provisions of the Bill, the Judges of the Court of Review were empowered to form rules for the practice of that Court and of the Subdivision Court. Now supposing one of the rules to be, that the Commissioners singly, or formed into a Subdivision Court, should have a shorthand writer to take down all these decisions, or perhaps take notes of all that passed before them, or, if it be deemed better, that the Commissioner should take notes of the evidence adduced before him, in the same manner as the Judge in the Superior Courts-what would be the consequence? Why, that within four-and

twenty hours after a doubt might have arisen in the minds of any of the Commissioners in the Subdivision Court, the opinion of the Judges of the Court of Review might be obtained upon it. Could any reasonable man doubt the advantages of such a system of appeal over one which, attended with ruinous expenses, also kept the parties in suspense and doubt, not only for weeks and months, but for years? The next appeal was to the Lord Chancellor; but it would be upon matter of law only; because the Court of Review, if a doubt or a difficulty arose upon a point of fact, were empowered to direct an issue, as Mr. Greig wisely said, at first instead of at last. Then his hon. and learned friend had assumed, but assumed under a mistake, that there was to be an appeal from the decision of the Lord Chancellor to the House of Lords. If the parties chose to take the appeal to the House of Lords at once, instead of to the Lord Chancellor, they would be at liberty to do so; but if they appealed to the Lord Chancellor, they would not afterwards be at liberty to appeal to the House of Lords. At present, according to the evidence given before the Chancery Commission, it appeared that the number of bankrupts' petitions carried before the Lord Chancellor, did not, on the average, amount to less than 700 a year. Thus, according to the testimony of Mr. Lee, a most competent witness, was one-third of the time of the Lord Chancellor occupied in the disposal of business which did not properly belong to the Court of Chancery. The costs attendant upon these 700 appeals to the Lord Chancellor, according to the sample which he had given, would amount to 700,000Z.; but suppose they were to take it at onefifth of that sum, and say that the costs amounted to 140,000l., which was a moderate calculation-even then, ought they to reject any measure which had for its object the cutting away of so odious a system? If fit and proper Judges were appointed to the Court of Review, he would venture to say, that the appeals to the Lord Chancellor would hereafter be few indeed. Mr. Hamilton, and Mr. Basil Montagu, who had had more practice before the Commissioners of Bankrupts than any other man now living-as well as many other authorities of the highest eminence, all concurred in stating, that a worse tribunal could not by possibility exist than a Court of Commissioners

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of Bankrupts. The late Chief Baron, Sir | William Alexander, stated in his evidence before the Commission, that a Court could be so constituted to determine matters in bankruptcy, as to render an appeal to the Lord Chancellor unnecessary. His (Mr. J. Williams's) object, however, at present was, to shew that the appeals would be few, if a proper Court were established to hear bankrupt cases in the first instance. Upon this point he would quote the evidence of a Mr. Harris, a solicitor at Bristol, a man of great respectability, and in very extensive practice, and who spoke very sensibly upon the subject. Having alluded to the establishment of a Bankrupt Court, he said- My opinion is, that appeals from such a Court would ' only originate where there was a manifest error in the decision of the Judge, or in the case of extremely litigious suitors.' Mr. Harris was then asked, whether he did not think that the parties would be anxious to go to a higher Court of appeal. He said, Not generally, I should think, except where the suitors are litigious, or the 'attorney employed as unfortunately, 'there are but too many-is of a low, 'pettifogging character. Where respectable persons are employed, I do not think that there would be many appeals.' Such was the evidence of Mr. Harris, and he perfectly concurred with him in all the opinions which he had expressed. He was satisfied that if the Court of Review were established, they should hear no more of 700 bankrupt petitions being annually carried before the Lord Chancellor. There was one other point upon which this Bill had his most sincere and hearty concurrence, knowing by a pretty long experience how much such a provision was required. He alluded to the appointment of the official assignee, whose duty it would be to secure the property of the bankrupt; and, what was more material, to render it immediately productive, by vesting it in the public funds. He was well aware that the last Bankrupt Act provided, under penalties, that the assignee should place in the hands of some banker the outstanding debts of a bankrupt, as he should collect them. It often happened, however, that the assignee, although, to all appearance, a man of substance and of property, was, in point of fact, in very doubtful and precarious circumstances. It was an old and a true adage that a drowning man would catch at a straw. It had, in many

instances, been exemplified in the cases of assignees of bankrupts. Themselves in an insolvent state, they had been unable to resist the temptation of employing the funds, which had come into their hands from the bankrupt's estate; but eventually failing, the other creditors had lost everything. Therefore, it had been thought, that the best mode of applying sums derived from bankrupt estates, would be to compel the official assignee to vest them immediately in the public funds. Moreover, to guard against any danger of loss from the insolvency of the assignee, it was provided, that he should not be allowed to undertake the duties of the office, unless he gave security for the full amount of the sums which might be likely to pass through his hands. So that the danger which now attended the appointment of assignee was effectually provided for, as well as the immediate and beneficial application of whatever assets might be derived from the estate. He would now say a few words upon the pounds, shillings, and pence part of this Bill, about which the hon. and learned member for Boroughbridge had said so much. Was it really so extravagant and profligate a measure as he had described it to be? In the first place, there was, in the Court of Chancery, a fund of ominous name-a name, bythe-bye, which it well deserved-the Dead Fund, from which, after paying the Masters in Chancery, the Vice-Chancellor, and the other officers of the Court of Chancery, there remained a clear surplus of 27,000l. a-year free, to be disposed of in any manner that the Lord Chancellor might think fit. The whole expense of the new establishment, according to the statement of the hon. and learned member for Boroughbridge, which was somewhat exaggerated, would amount to 29,2001. a year; to meet this expense, the Dead Fund, if it were necessary, would be applicable, and thus an expense of little more than 2,000l. a year would be thrown upon the public. But it was proposed to raise a sum equal to the whole expenditure of the Court by a tax upon the suitors, without calling for any portion of the consolidated or other funds of the country. Upon a reasonable and very moderate calculation, the fees paid by the suitors in the new Court would amount to 34,500l. a-year

that was to say, upwards of 4,000l. a year beyond the estimated expense of the Court itself;-so that, in point of fact,

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