Poems from Titan Park

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Nicolae Sfetcu - 28 pagini

 From the daily cycling trips in Titan Park, Bucharest, appeared this small volume of poems, illustrated with the most beautiful pictures I made during these walks.

 At midnight starts my working day. The computer, a coffee, a discreet jazz music, together with other ingredients. At 5:30, I'm getting ready. At 6:00, I take the bicycle and pedal easily to the nearby park, Titan Park. It's still early in the morning, but in the park, there are already running or walking people I have not known before, but now familiar to me. There she is the beautiful girl who runs like a gazelle; and the 50-year-old man who descends the stairs with his back, climbs them, and then goes down; the woman who gives a few laps in a hurried pace, the young man with walking but problems with a will out of the ordinary, who gives up for a moment at the walking stick; those from the outdoor exercise machines, and those who give food to birds; and others, and others ...
 I am greeting the turtle at the entrance, I pedal carefully not to cycling over the wild ducks that cross the alleys in search of food, I scare the gulls that moan on the edge of the lake. I stop for a moment to photograph the appropriate moment for my idea. The swans, curious, approach the shore and look at me. I get on the bike again, and I take a few laps as I try to put the idea in the lyrics. I stop on a bench, I light a cigarette, and I get the phone off. I connect Instagram and publish there the images and lyrics, which then spread on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr. I'll take a few more laps and I am leaving. Arrived at home, drinking a last coffee and at about 09:00 I fall asleep quietly.
 It's been over another day.

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Despre autor

 Experience in the domains of engineering, Quality Assurance, electronics, Internet services (web design, Internet marketing, web business solutions), translation and editing and publishing books.

 Owner and manager with MultiMedia. Developer of MultiMedia Network. Partner with MultiMedia in several European and national research and development projects
 Project Coordinator for European Teleworking Development Romania (ETD)
 Member of Rotary Club Bucuresti Atheneum
 Cofounder of the regional association and president of the Mehedinti Branch of Romanian Association for Electronic Industry and Software
 Initiator, cofounder and president of Romanian Association for Telework and Teleactivities
 Member of Internet Society
 Initiator, cofounder and ex-president of Romanian Teleworking Society
 Cofounder and ex-president of the Mehedinti Branch of the General Association of Engineers in Romania
 Physicist engineer - Bachelor of Physics, Major Nuclear Physics. Training for a master's degree in Philosophy of science.
 Internal auditor for the Quality Management Systems
 Specialist in industrial Nondestructive Testing
 Attested for Quality Assurance
 Hundreds of publications (books, e-books, articles), mainly from the IT domain.
 Languages: Romanian, French, English

 web design, e-commerce and other web applications * internet marketing, SEO, online advertising, branding * software localization, English - Romanian - French translation * articles, desktop publishing, secretarial services * powerpoint, word and pdf presentation, image, audio and video editing * book and e-book conversion, editing and publishing , isbn

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