Safe & Secure Schools: 27 Strategies for Prevention and InterventionCorwin Press, 26 aug. 2008 - 136 pagini "When it comes to student and staff safety, there are no excuses. The authors have created a handbook that is comprehensive, explicit, and relevant to educational environments." "Brunner and Lewis have done an outstanding job creating a series of commonsense reminders that will guide school leaders in creating and enhancing safety in their school and community." Make a difference in school safety and security with these practical, realistic strategies! This timely resource for new, veteran, and aspiring school administrators offers cost-effective techniques for creating a safe environment for students, staff, and the community. The authors use their experience in education and law enforcement to show how administrators can combine the need for a secure campus with the desire to maintain an open, welcoming environment. Succinct and user-friendly, this handbook offers practical, realistic methods for designing general and event-specific safety plans, forming safety committees, and creating security checklists and visitor screening procedures. Sections on staff training include methods for handling harassment and bullying as well as recommendations for:
For easy reference, readers will find strategies organized by categories and concluding with a top ten list of security recommendations. |
Din interiorul cărții
Rezultatele 1 - 5 din 39
... Safety measures—Handbooks, manuals, etc. 2. Schools—Security measures—Handbooks, manuals, etc. I. Lewis, Dennis K. II. Title. LB2864.5.B78 2009 363.11′9371—dc22 2008017909 This book is printed on acid-free paper. 08 09 10 11 12 10 9 8 7 ...
... Safety and Security 6 Strategy 2 The Principal's Homework: What Does Your Teacher Handbook Say About Safety and Security? 9 Strategy 3 Strategic Supervision: The Foundation for School Safety Strategy 4 A Safety Game Plan for ...
... safety consultants are answering insistent questions: “Are schools safe? Are we investing enough in security ... Safety Bill Bond said on the occasion of one school shooting. ''When people have so much hate in them that they don't mind ...
... safety and security through the column “Safety Tips for Principals.” Jim was always willing to provide ideas and suggestions for statewide professional opportunities, and Lizzie was never too busy to provide guidance and encouragement ...
... safety and security. They are cofounders of Edu-Safe LLC (, a school safety and advisory organization providing professional development and resources to school personnel across the United States. Ms. Brunner is a ...
1 | |
5 | |
2 Response Strategies | 41 |
3 Professional Development | 75 |
4 Top Ten | 99 |
Resources | 105 |
Bibliography | 113 |
Index | 115 |
Alte ediții - Afișează-le pe toate
Safe & Secure Schools: 27 Strategies for Prevention and Intervention Judy M. Brunner,Dennis K. Lewis Previzualizare limitată - 2008 |
Safe & Secure Schools: 27 Strategies for Prevention and Intervention Judy M. Brunner,Dennis K. Lewis Vizualizare fragmente - 2009 |
Safe & Secure Schools: 27 Strategies for Prevention and Intervention Judy M. Brunner,Dennis K. Lewis Nu există previzualizare disponibilă - 2008 |