Christian Theological Understanding of Other Religions According to D.S. Amalorpavadass

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Editrice Pontificia Università Gregoriana, 1999 - 484 pagini
This book tries to give a theological answer to the question of religious pluralism, that is, the theological problem of the relation of other religions to Christianity, according to Amalorpavadass. Amalor sees other religions as God's providential ways of salvation. God desires the salvation of all peoples with their religions and cultures. There is only one salvation history, centered in Christ Jesus, the word become flesh. The Church, sacrament of universal salvation, is sent out in the world to call all peoples to their unity in God through Christ, to proclaim to the world, in sincere dialogue and collaboration with others, the on-going revelation of God in Christ and its on-going actualization in history.

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