A ragged and forestall'd remission :- [Exit the Chief Justice. Enter King HENRY the Fifth. P. John. Good morrow; and heaven save your majesty! K. Hen. This new and gorgeous garment, majesty, But Harry, Harry:-Yet be sad, good brothers, you; Sorrow so royally in you appears, P. John. We hope no other from your majesty. you soon Shall have an earnest of my true intents. SCENE IIIІ. [Exeunt. A public Place near Westminster Abbey. Enter FALSTAFF, SHALLOW, PISTOL, BARDOLPH, and Page. Fal. Stand here by me, master Robert Shallow; I will make the king do you grace: I will leer upon 1 him, as 'a comes by; and do but mark the countenance that he will give me. Pist. Heaven bless thy lungs, good knight! : Fal. Come here, Pistol; stand behind me. O, if I had had time to have made new liveries, I would have bestow'd the thousand pound I borrow'd of you. (TO SHALLOW) But 't is no matter; this poor show doth better: this doth infer the zeal I had to see him; Shal. It doth so. Fal. it shows my earnestness of affection, : Pist. It doth so. Fal. my devotion ; Shal. It doth, it doth, it doth. Fal. as it were, to ride day and night; and not to deliberate, not to remember, not to have patience to shift me; Shal. It is most certain. Fal. but to stand stained with travel, and sweating with desire to see him: thinking of nothing else; putting all affairs else in oblivion; as if there were nothing else to be done, but to see him.-'T is all in all, and all in every part. Shal. 'T is so, indeed. Flourish of Trumpets and Drums. Enter the King, the Princes, the Earl of WESTMORELAND, the Lord Chief Justice, Gower, and others of the King's train. Fal. Heaven save thy grace, king Hal! my royal Hal! Pist. The heavens thee guard and keep, most royal imp of fame ! Fal. Heaven save thee, my sweet boy! K. Hen. My lord chief justice, speak to that vain man, Ch. Just. Have you your wits? know you what 'tis you speak? Fal. My king! my Jove! Ispeak to thee my heart! K. Hen. I know thee not, old man: Fall to thy prayers: Cow ill white hairs become a fool, and jester! have long dream'd of such a kind of man, surfeit-swell'd, so old, and so profane; ut, being awake, I do despise my dream. Leply not to me with a fool-born jest ; resume not, that I am the thing I was: or heaven doth know, so shall the world perceive, That I have turn'd away my former self: When thou dost hear I am as I have been, pproach me; and thou shalt be as thou wast, The tutor and the feeder of my riots: Till then, I banish thee, on pain of death,as I have done the rest of my misleaders, Not to come near our person by ten miles. For competence of life I will allow you; Chat lack of means enforce you not to evil: And, as we hear you do reform yourselves, Ve will, according to your strength, and qualities,Give you advancement.-Be it your charge, my lord, To see perform'd the tenor of our word. 1 [The King retires with his train. Fal. Master Shallow, I owe you a thousand pound. Shal. Ay, marry, sir John; which I beseech you to et me have home with me. Fal. That can hardly be, master Shallow. Do not you grieve at this; I shall be sent for in private to him: ook you, he must seem thus to the world. Fear not Four advancement; I will be the man yet, that shall make you great. Shal. I cannot perceive how; unless you give me your doublet, and stuff me out with straw. I beseech you, good sir John, let me have five hundred of my housand. Fal. Sir, I will be as good as my word: this that you heard, was but a colour. Shal. A colour, I fear, that you will die in, sir John. Fal. Fear no colours; go with me to dinner. Come, ancient Pistol; -come, Bardolph :-I shall be sent for soon at night. [Exeunt FALSTAFF, SHALLOW, PISTOL, BARDOLPH, and Page. Ch. Just. I like this fair proceeding of the king's : Yet still I fear, 't will bring no grace to me. P. John. You have, indeed, my lord, great cause to doubt. K. Hen. Still all look strangely on me;-and you [To the Ch. Just. most; You are, I think, assur'd I love you not. Your majesty hath no just cause to hate me. How might a prince of my great hopes forget Ch. Just. I then did use the person of your father; Question your royal thoughts, make the case yours; K. Hen. You are right, justice, and you weigh this well; Therefore still bear the balance, and the sword: And I do wish your honours may increase, For which, I do commit into your hand [To the Lord Chief Justice. Our coronation done, we will accite, And (heaven consigning to my good intents,) Heaven shorten Harry's happy life one day. Flourish of Trumpets and Drums. THE END. [Exeunt. Printed by S. GOSNELL, Little Queen Street, Holborn. |