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48. Supernatural Anthropology (Antropologia Soprannaturale). Of this unpublished work, intended to be very extensive, only a few books were ever written. These bear the title of Moral Anthropology. The second part, entitled Theologica (Teologica), was meant to consist of six books, bearing the following titles:-I. The Confines of Philosophical and Theological Doctrine (written in 1832); II. Man as perfectly constituted; III. Man as sinful by Nature (1833); IV. The Sanctified Man (consisting of two parts, of which the first is entitled Sacraments in general; the second, Sacraments of the Law of Grace in particular); V. Man as Redeemer; VI. Woman, Mother of the Redeemer (containing a chapter entitled On the Evidence rendered by the Koran to the Virgin Mary).

49. Introduction to the Gospel according to St. John (Introduzione del Vangelo secondo Giovanni commentata. Libri III). Begun in 1839 and continued until 1849. Unione Tip.-Editrice, Turin, 1882, 8vo, pp. 310.



50. Sermons (Discorsi Parrocchiali). Pirotta, Milan, 1837. These, with the exception of ten, had been previously printed at various times, e.g. the Discourse on Pulpit Eloquence (Discorso dell' Eloquenza Ecclesiastica), Boniardi-Pogliani, Milan, 1832, Lugano, 1834; Sermon

preached on the occasion of taking possession of the Parish of St. Mark's at Rovereto (Discorso pronunziato in occasione di prendere il possesso della Parocchia di S. Marco in Rovereto), Marchesani, Rovereto, 1834; Discourse on the Celibacy of Priests (Discorso sul Celibato Ecclesiastico), printed in the Messagier Tirolese, Rovereto, 1835, in the Annali delle Scienze Religiose di Roma, and in the Propugnator Religioso of Turin. All these discourses were reprinted, along with several others, in one volume, bearing the title of Preaching (Predicazione), Boniardi-Pogliani, Milan, 1843, 8vo, pp. 471. Among the additions was a Panegyric of St. Philip Neri (Panegirico di S. Filippo Neri), printed by Battaggia, Venice, 1821, and at Lugano in 1834.

51. The Way to Catechize Dullards (Del Modo di catechizzare gl' Idioti, libro di sant' Aurelio Agostino, volgarizzalo col testo a fronte). Marchesani, Rovereto, 1821; Battaggia, Venice, 1821, 8vo, pp. 83; Boniardi-Pogliani, Milan; Batelli, Naples, 1843.

52. Letters on Christian Instruction (Lettera sul Cristiano Insegnamento). Addressed to Don Giovanni of Val Vestina. Marchesani, Rovereto, 1823; Florence, 1826; Lugano, 1832; Milan, 1838; Batelli, Naples.

53. Rules of Christian Teaching (Regole della Dottrina Cristiana dei fanciulli e delle fanciulle). Pirotta, Milan, 1837 (along with No. 55); Batelli, Naples, 1843.

54. Catechism arranged according to the Order of Ideas (Catechismo disposto secondo l'Ordine delle Idee). Batelli, Naples, 1849 (in the Operette Spirituali); Nistri, Pisa, 1854; Ducci, Florence, 1856; Batelli, Naples, 1843; Bertolotti,

Intra, 1877, 16mo, pp. 166; Speirani, Turin, 1880 (in Prose Ecclesiastiche). Translated into English by Agar, and published with a dedication to Bishop Ullathorne. Richardson, London, 1849, 32m0, pp. 216.

55. Catechetical Instructions (Istruzioni Catechetiche). These were copied down from Rosmini's vivâ voce examinations while he was rector of St. Mark's in Rovereto, and reduced to a compendium by Father Francis Puecher. Printed (along with No. 53) by Pirotta, Milan, 1837.

These five works appeared in one volume, with the title of Catechetics (Catechetica). Boniardi-Pogliani, Milan, 1838, Svo, pp. xiii., 462.

56. The Exerciser's Manual (Manuale dell' Esercitatore). Batelli, Naples, 1844; Bertolotti, Intra, 1872, Svo, pp. 294.

This volume is taken mostly from the works of St. Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Jesuit Order, and forms a science of ascetics.

57. Spiritual Lessons (Lezioni Spirituali). Appeared originally with the title, Maxims of Christian Perfection for Persons of every Condition (Massime di Perfezione Cristiana ad ogni Condizione di Persona). Salvucci, Rome, 1830; Berina, Rome and Milan, 1831; Feraboli, Milan, 1833, with an Appendix, An Easy Method of Meditating well (Un Metodo Facile per ben meditare) and An Exercise for the Examination of Conscience (Esercizio per l'Esame della Coscienza); Marietti, Turin, 1837 (twice), with the title Spiritual Lessons, and three new lessons; Ibertis, Novara, 1840 (along with No. 88); Batelli, Naples, 1849 (in the Operette Spirituali); in French, Burdet, Annecy, 1836; in English, Murray, Prior Park, 1836; Richardson, London, 1849.

A new translation in French has just appeared, with the title Maximes de Perfection Chrétienne et Explication du Magnificat.


Traduites de l'Italien, avec Préface et Appendice, par Cés. Tondini de Quarenghi. Société Bibliographique, Maurice, Paris; Burns and Oates, London, 1882; 12m0, pp. viii., 104.

58. History of Love, drawn from the Holy Scriptures (Storia dell' Amore, cavata dalle divine Scritture). Feraboli, Cremona, 1834; Batelli, Naples; in French, De Périsse, Paris and Lyons, 1839.

These three works appeared in one volume, entitled Ascetics (Ascetica). Boniardi-Pogliani, Milan, 1840, 8vo, pp. 548.

59. Essay on Happiness (Saggio sopra la Felicità). Marchesani, Rovereto, 1822, 8vo, pp. 111; Florence, 1823, with the title Essay on Hope, in Opposition to certain Ideas of Ugo Foscolo's (Saggio sulla Speranza, contro alcune Idee of Ugo Foscolo). Boniardi-Pogliani, Milan, 1828; Batelli, Naples.

60. Brief Exposition of the Philosophy of Melchior Gioja (Breve Esposizione della Filosofia di Melchiorre Gioja). Printed in vol. ii. of the Opuscoli Filosofici, BoniardiPogliani, Milan, 1828.

61. Examination of the Fashionable Opinions of Melchior Gioja (Esame delle Opinioni de Melchiorre Gioja in Favore della Moda). In vol. vi. of the Memorie di Modena, 1824; in vol. ii. of the Opuscoli Filosofici, Boniardi-Pogliani, Milan, 1828; Batelli, Naples.

This was an attempt to expose the Epicureanism of Gioja, who replied with considerable asperity, but is said to have died repentant. The work pleased Pope Pius VIII.

62. Essay on the Religious Teaching of J. D. Romagnosi (Saggio sulla Dottrina Religiosa di G. D. Romagnosi). In the Annali delle Scienze religiose, Rome, 1837; Batelli, Naples.

63. Fragments of a History of Impiety (Frammenti di una Storia dell' Empietà). Boniardi-Pogliani, Milan, 1834; Batelli, Naples. In French, with the title Fragment d'une Histoire de l'Impieté et Réfutation du Système religieux de Benjamin Constant. Pélagaud, Lesne et Crozet, Lyons, 1837, 8vo, pp. 116.

These five works were published together in one volume, with the title of Apologetics (Apologetica). Boniardi-Pogliani, Milan, 1839-40; Batelli, Naples; Speirani, Turin, 1880. In the same volume were four letters, one to the Abbé Lammenais, On the Criterion of Certainty (Sul Criterio della Certezza); one to the Abbé Gustavo dei Conti Avogadro, On the Abbé Vincenzo Gioberti's Theory of the Supernatural (Sulla Teorica del Sopranaturale dell' Ab. Vincenzo Gioberti); one to Dr. L. Prejalmini, On the Phenomena of Artificial Somnambulism (Sui Fenomeni del Sonnambulismo Artificiale); and a second to the Abbé Lammenais. This last was originally printed in the Propagatore Religioso, Milan, 1837, and then in the Pragmatologia at Lucca, 1838.

64. On Christian Education (Della Educazione Cristiana, Libri III.). Battagia, Venice, 1823, 12mo, pp. 232; reproduced in the Poliantea of Milan after Rosmini's death.

The author wrote this book in 1822 for his sister Margaret, a nun and a person of much character. Her life has been written.

65. Addresses to the Clergy on Ecclesiastical Duties (Conferenze al Clero sui Doveri Ecclesiastici). Speirani, Turin, 1880, 8vo, pp. 387.

66. The Rationalism threatening to insinuate itself in the Schools of Theology (Il Razionalismo che tenta insinuarsi nelle Scuole Teologiche, additato in varii recenti opuscoli anonimi). Monza, 1841. Withdrawn after a few sheets were printed; but now just published. Fratelli Bocca, Turin, etc., 1882; 8vo, pp. 310.

67. Exhortations to Young Men (Esortazioni tenute ai Giovani). Fifty-one in number (first three wanting). Only in manuscript.

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