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an allowance to the purchasing officer and to the secretary of the Board of Charities of not exceeding $360 each per annum for maintenance of vehicles for use in the discharge of their official duties, personal-tax board, harbor master, health department, surveyor's office, superintendent of weights, measures, and markets office, and department of insurance, and purchase of new apparatus and laboratory equipment in office of inspector of asphalt and cement, $45,000. For printing all annual and special reports of the government of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1921, for submission to Congress, $5,000: Provided, That authority is hereby given the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to discontinue the printing of any annual or special reports of the government of the District of Columbia in order to keep the expenditures within this appropriation. In all cases where the printing of said reports is discontinued, the original copy thereof shall be kept on file in the offices of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia for public inspection.

For maintenance, care, and repair of automobiles, motor cycles, and motor trucks owned by the District of Columbia, that are not otherwise herein provided for, including such personal services in connection therewith not otherwise herein authorized, as the commissioners shall in writing specially order, $30,000;

For the purchase of six new automobiles (to replace horse-drawn vehicles) for use of the various departments of the government of the District of Columbia, and for the exchange of such automobiles now owned by the District of Columbia as, in the judgment of the commissioners of said District, have or shall become unserviceable, $5,000;

In all, for motor vehicles, $35,000. All of said motor vehicles and all other motor vehicles provided for in this Act and all horse-drawn carriages and buggies owned by the District of Columbia shall be used only for purposes directly pertaining to the public services of said District, and shall be under the direction and control of the commissioners, who may from time to time alter or change the assignment for use thereof or direct the joint or interchangeable use of any of the same by officials and employees of the District: Provided, That no automobile shall be acquired hereunder, by purchase or exchange, at a cost, including the value of a vehicle exchanged, exceeding $650.

Appropriations in this Act shall not be expended for the purchase or maintenance of horses or horse-drawn vehicles for the use of the commissioners, or for the purchase or maintenance of horses or horse-drawn vehicles for inspection or other purposes for those officials or employees provided with motor vehicles.

Appropriations in this Act, except appropriations for the militia, shall not be used for the purchase, livery, or maintenance of horses, or for the purchase, maintenance, or repair of buggies or carriages and harness, except as provided for in the appropriation for contingent and miscellaneous expenses or unless the appropriation from which the same is proposed to be paid shall specifically authorize such purchase, livery, maintenance, and repair, and except also as hereinafter authorized.

Appropriations in this Act shall not be used for the payment of premiums or other cost of fire insurance.

Telephones may be maintained in the residences of the superintendent of the water department, sanitary engineer, chief inspector of the street-cleaning division, assistant superintendent of the streetcleaning division, inspector of plumbing, secretary of the Board of Charities, health officer, assistant health officer, chief of the bureau of preventable diseases, chief engineer of the fire department, superintendent of police, electrical inspector in charge of the fire-alarm system, one fire-alarm operator, and two fire-alarm repair men, under appropriations contained in this Act. The commissioners may connect any or all of these telephones either to the system of the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company or the telephone system maintained by the District of Columbia, as in their judgment may be most economical to the District.

For postage for strictly official mail matter, $12,500.

The commissioners are authorized, in their discretion, to furnish necessary transportation in connection with strictly official business of the District of Columbia by the purchase of car fares from appropriations contained in this Act: Provided, That the expenditures herein authorized shall be so apportioned as not to exceed a total of $8,000: Provided further, That the provisions of this paragraph shall not include the appropriations herein made for the fire and police departments.

For judicial expenses, including procurement of chains of title, the printing of briefs in the Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia, witness fees, and expert services in District cases before the Supreme Court of said District, $5,000.

For purchase and maintenance, hire of livery, or means of transportation for the coroner's office and the morgue, jurors' fees, witness fees, removal of deceased persons, making autopsies, ice, disinfectants, telephone service, and other necessary supplies for the morgue, and the necessary expenses of holding inquests, including stenographic services in taking testimony, and photographing unidentified bodies,


For general advertising, authorized and required by law, and for tax and school notices and notices of changes in regulations, $6,000.

For advertising notice of taxes in arrears July 1, 1921, as required to be given by Act of March 19, 1890, to be reimbursed by a charge of 50 cents for each lot or piece of property advertised, $5,000.

For carrying out the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to authorize the Commissioners of the District of Columbia to remove dangerous or unsafe buildings and parts thereof, and for other purposes," approved March 1, 1899, to pay members of the board of survey provided for therein, other than the inspector of buildings, at a compensation of not to exceed $10 for each survey, and to pay the cost of making safe or removing such buildings upon the refusal or neglect of the owners so to do, the unexpended balance of the appropriation made for this purpose for the fiscal year 1913 is reappropriated for the fiscal year 1922.

For furnishing to the office of the assessor copies of wills, petitions, and all necessary papers wherein title to real estate is involved, $1,000. For rent of offices of the recorder of deeds, including services of cleaners as necessary, not to exceed 30 cents per hour, to be expended

under the direction of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, $6,000.

The recorder of deeds of the District of Columbia is authorized and directed to pay for copying instruments filed for record in his office 40 per centum of the fees collected by him for filing, indexing, and recording said instruments, and the same rate of compensation for making copies of the records of his office, and employees of the office of the recorder of deeds of the District of Columbia when employed therein by the day shall receive compensation at the rate of $2.50 for each day so employed, payable out of the fees and emoluments of said office.

For purchase of metal identification number tags for horse-drawn vehicles used for business purposes and motor vehicles in the District of Columbia, $17,500.

For repair of buildings owned and used by the District of Columbia, when injured by fire, the unexpended balance of the appropriation of $10,000 for such purpose for the fiscal year 1921 is reappropriated for the fiscal year 1922.

For medicines, surgical and hospital supplies for office of veterinary surgeon, $500.

Building inspection division: To reimburse three elevator inspectors for provision and maintenance by themselves of three motor cycles for use in their official inspection of elevators, $15 per month each, $540.

For transportation, means of transportation, and maintenance of means of transportation, including allowances to inspectors for automobiles at the rate of $30 per month each, $1,200.

Plumbing inspection division: To reimburse three assistant inspectors of plumbing for provision and maintenance by themselves of three motor cycles for use in their official inspections in the District. of Columbia, $15 per month each, $540.

District Building: For fuel, light, power, repairs (including $8,000 for special repairs to the roof), laundry, mechanics, and labor not to exceed $5,000, and miscellaneous supplies, $42,500.

Office of superintendent of weights, measures, and markets: For purchase of small quantities of groceries, meats, provisions, and so forth, including personal services, in connection with investigation and detection of sales of short weight and measure, $100.

For maintenance and repairs to markets, including salary of engineer for refrigerating plant at not exceeding $1,200 per annum, $8,000.

For maintenance and repair of four motor vehicles at $360 each, $1,440.

For allowance to the superintendent of weights, measures, and markets for maintenance of motor vehicle used in the performance of official duties, at not to exceed $30 per month, $360.

For completion of south shelter at Farmers' Produce Market, $4,200.

Surveyor's office: For making surveys to mark permanently on the ground the permanent system of highways for the District of Columbia, $2,000.

Employment Service: For personal services and miscellaneous and contingent expenses required for maintaining a public employment service for the District of Columbia, $7,500.


ASSESSMENT AND PERMIT WORK: For assessment and permit work, including maintenance of motor vehicles, $285,000.

STREET IMPROVEMENTS: For paving, repaving, grading, and otherwise improving streets, avenues, suburban roads, and suburban streets, respectively, including the maintenance of motor vehicles, as follows:

Northeast: For paving Eleventh Street, D Street to Maryland Avenue, thirty-two feet wide, $10,260;

Southeast: For paving Sixteenth Street, G Street to Kentucky Avenue, thirty feet wide, $9,405;

Southeast: For paving Kentucky Avenue, Fifteenth Street to Sixteenth Street, forty feet wide, $13,680;

Northwest: For grading Thirteenth Street, Buchanan Street to Shepherd Street, $14,155;

Northwest: For paving Webster Street, Sixteenth Street to Seventeenth Street, thirty feet wide, $10,260;

Northwest: For paving Upshur Street, Rock Creek Church Road to Second Street, forty-five feet wide, $3,420;

Northwest: For paving Allison Street, Fifteenth Street to Sixteenth Street, thirty feet wide, $7,125;

Northwest: For paving Seventh Street, Webster Street to Allison Street, thirty feet wide, $6,460;

Northwest: For paving Taylor Street, east of Fourteenth Street, thirty feet wide, $7,885;

Northeast: For paving Bryant Street, east of North Capitol Street, thirty feet wide, $5,985;

Northeast: For paving Evarts Street, east of North Capitol Street, thirty feet wide, $4,750;

Northwest: For repaving the cobble roadway of C Street, Thirteenand-a-half Street to Fourteenth Street, forty feet wide, $4,750;

Northwest: For paving the roadway of New Hampshire Avenue between Upshur Street and Grant Circle, fifty feet wide with ten-foot center parking, and the roadway around Grant Circle, forty feet wide, with standard asphalt pavement, including resetting existing curb where required, $35,910;

Northwest: For grading Second Street, Laurel Street to Whittier Street; Eastern Avenue, Laurel Street to Whittier Street; Whittier Street, First Street to Second Street; First street, Whittier Street to Van Buren Street; and Van Buren Street, First Street to Second Street, $10,795;

In all, $144,840, to be disbursed and accounted for as "Street Improvements" and for that purpose shall constitute one fund.

Rock Creek Ford Road: The Commissioners of the District of Columbia are hereby authorized to close that portion of Rock Creek Ford Road lying between Broad Branch Road and Rittenhouse Street upon the application in writing of the owner or owners of all of the property abutting on said road between the limits named, and upon the closing of said road the land embraced therein shall revert to the owners of the abutting property.

GRADING STREETS, ALLEYS, AND ROADS: For labor, purchase and repair of cars, carts, tools, or hire of same, and horses; and labor of

the inmates of the Washington Asylum and Jail may be used in connection with this work, $35,000.

CONDEMNATION OF STREETS, ROADS, AND ALLEYS: For purchase or condemnation of streets, roads, and alleys, $1,000.

To carry out the provisions contained in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1914 which authorize the commissioners to open, extend, or widen any street, avenue, road, or highway to conform with the plan of the permanent system of highways in that portion of the District of Columbia outside of the cities of Washington and Georgetown, there is appropriated such sum as is necessary for said purpose during the fiscal year 1922, to be paid wholly out of the revenues of the District of Columbia.

REPAIRS STREETS, AVENUES, AND ALLEYS: For current work of repairs of streets, avenues, and alleys, including resurfacing and repairs to asphalt pavements with the same or other not inferior material, and including the maintenance of motor vehicles, and including an allowance of not to exceed $30 per month for an automobile for use for official purposes, $575,000. This appropriation shall be available for repairing pavements of street railways when necessary; the amounts thus expended shall be collected from such railroad companies as provided by section 5 of "An Act providing a permanent form of government for the District of Columbia," approved June 11, 1878, and shall be deposited to the credit of the appropriation for the fiscal year in which they are collected.

The authority given the commissioners in the District of Columbia Appropriation Act approved March 2, 1907, to make such changes in the lines of the curb of Pennsylvania Avenue and its intersecting streets in connection with their resurfacing as they may consider necessary and advisable is made applicable to such other streets and avenues as may be improved under appropriations contained in this Act: Provided, That no such change shall be made unless there shall result therefrom a decrease in the cost of the improvement.

For construction and repair of sidewalks and curbs around public reservations and municipal and United States buildings, $20,000.

REPAIRS TO SUBURBAN ROADS: For current work of repairs to suburban roads and suburban streets, including the purchase of three light motor vehicles with truck bodies in exchange for one motor cycle, and including maintenance of motor vehicles, $250,000.

BRIDGES: For construction and repair, including the allowance to the overseer of bridges for the maintenance of an automobile for use in performance of his official duties of not to exceed $30 per month, $27,500. This appropriation shall be available for repairing, when necessary, any bridge carrying a public street over the right of way or property of any railway company, or for constructing, reconstructing, or repairing in such manner as shall in the judgment of the commissioners be necessary reasonably to accomodate public traffic, any bridge required to carry or carrying such traffic in a public street over the right of way or property of any canal company operating as such in the District of Columbia, on the neglect or refusal of such railway or canal company to do such work when notified and required by the commissioners, and the amounts thus expended shall be a valid and subsisting lien against the property of such railway company or of such canal company, and shall be collected from such railway company or from such canal company in the manner provided in

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