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1627. Boutroux, Emile. German thought and French thought. review, 50: 433-57, December 1915.


A psychological analysis of French and German thought as regards culture, language, and literature.

1628. The case for the literacy test. Unpopular review, 5: 153-70, January-March 1916.

This article examines the arguments for and against the proposed literacy test for immigrants, and undertakes to show the validity of the demand for its enactment into law.

1629. Cooper, Clayton Sedgwick. American ideals.

Garden City, N. Y.,


day, Page & company, 1915. xv, 373 p. 12°.

Education the American passion: p. 159-89.

1630. Erler, Ernst. Das grössere Deutschland und die deutsche schule. Deutsche schule, 19: 439-45, July 1915.

"Fundamentals of national education" as viewed by a schoolman at the front, writing with patriotic fervor and idealism.

1631. Farrington, Frederic E. Educational progress of continental Europe since 1900. Educational review, 50: 471-80, December 1915.

Centers attention upon France and Germany. Says that the secret of European educational progress during the past 15 years is cooperation.

1632. Hannah, Ian C. English and American education. Parents' review (London), 26: 863-68, November 1915.

Contrasts the two systems of education.

1633. Karstädt, O. Die schule des neuesten feindes. Pädagogische zeitung, 44:355–59, July 22, 1915.

An analysis of Italian education from the German point of view.

1634. Leyen, Friedrich von der. Eindrücke aus Amerika. Deutsche rundschau, 164: 41-52, 171-86, July, August 1915.

These general "impressions" give much space to education; p. 45-48 describe Yale university; p. 48-52 offer a critical consideration of American life as affected by education and culture.

1635. Randall, A. W. G. Pan-Germanic education and French "decadence." Contemporary review, 108: 589-99, November 1915.

Writer says that "no nation has ever had its race instincts so exploited by its rulers, its educators, and its leading men as Germany. It is this unique fact which makes German psychology so difficult to understand." Says that France is anything but decadent.

1636. Riehl, Alois. Die geistige kultur und der krieg. Internationale monatsschrift für wissenschaft, kunst und technik, 9: 1306-23, August 1915.

A thoughtful presentation of the conflicting aims of culture and war, from the German point of view.

1637. Talbot, Winthrop. Illiteracy and democracy. North American review, 102: 873-78, December 1915.

Declares that illiteracy is a barrier to democracy. Larger provisions should be inaugurated for furnishing instruction to adult illiterates through the public school.


1638. Aley, Robert J. Present meaning of education. American school, 1: 287, November 1915.

Address before the Maine state teacher's association, October 28, 1915.

"A modern view of the meaning and purpose of present day education."

1639. Bergmann, Ernst. Fichte, der erzieher zum deutschtum. Eine darstellung der Fichteschen erziehungslehre. Leipzig, F. Meiner, 1915. viii, 8°.

340 p.

1640. Butler, Nicholas Murray. The meaning of education; contributions to a philosophy of education. Rev. and enl. ed. New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1915. 385 p. 12°.

This edition omits two chapters which were included in the former (1898) edition, namely Democracy and education, and The reform of secondary education in the United States. It includes the following new chapters: Five evidences of an education; Training for vocation and for avocation; Standards; Waste in education; The conduct of the kindergarten; Religious instruction and its relation to education; The scope and function of secondary education; The secondary school programme; The American college and the American university; The place of Comenius in the history of education; Status of education at the close of the 19th century; Some fundamental principles of American education; Education in the United States; Discipline and the social aim in education.

1641. Cipriani, Charlotte J. Elimination of waste in elementary education. Education, 36: 203-14, December 1915.

Discusses the democratization of education. Compares German and American systems.
Outlines a plan of language study for the elementary schools.

1642. Dieterung, Paul. Die Herbartforschung im jahre 1914. Pädagogische studien, 36: 137-57, hft. 3, 1915.

A review of the Herbart literature of the year 1914.

1643. Hall, G. Stanley. Beginnings of the supreme pedagogy. Pedagogical seminary, 22: 552-88, December 1915.

Discusses the beginnings of the ministry of Jesus Christ.

1644. Paterson, W. P., ed. German culture; the contribution of the Germans to knowledge, literature, art, and life. New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1915. x, 384 p. 12°.

Contributors: History, Richard Lodge; Philosophy, A. D. Lindsay; Science, J. Arthur
Thomson; Literature, John Lees; Art, Baldwin Brown; Music, D. F. Tovey; Education,
Michael Sadler; Politics, D. H. MacGregor; Religion, W. P. Paterson.
Considers the subject from the British point of view.

1645. Rittenhouse, H. O. Public education, the first line of national defense. School and society, 2: 806-11, December 4, 1915.

Writer says that "Existing conditions of life among the working masses of our city populations demand that the public in its own interests come to the relief of parents and assume major responsibility for the good training in health and character. This training should be the chief aim of public-school activities and should be rigorously continued to the very end of the school years. Book lessons should be subordinated to this higher purpose."

1646. Thwing, Charles F. Education according to Ruskin. School and society, 2: 721-31, 765-74, November 20, 27, 1915.

The writer says that "Mr. Ruskin's chief contribution lies in the emphasis he placed on, and in the analyses he made of, the moral element in character and training."

1647. Wilson, Edmund B. Science and liberal education. Educational review, 50: 509-18, December 1915.

Also in Science, n. s. 42: 625-30, November 5, 1915.

Writer says that in the development and discipline of the imagination lies what seems to him to be the best gift of science to intellectual life, and hence to liberal education.


1648. Bruce, H. Addington. The only child. Century, 91: 306-10, December


Psychological study of the "only child" of a family. Such children are peculiarly liable "to fall victims to hysteria, neurasthenia, and other serious functional, nervous, and mental maladies."

1649. Corner, Margaret. Discomfort and pleasure in the thought-processes of older children. Educational times (London), 68: 439, December 1, 1915.

Experiments made to verify impressions gained during instruction in French and German by oral methods. Statistical diagrams.

1650. Dockeray, Floyd Carlton. The effects of physical fatigue on mental efficiency. Kansas university science bulletin, 9: 197-243, September 1915.

Dissertation (Ph. D.)-University of Michigan.
Bibliography: p. 241-43.

1651. Houser, J. David. The relation of spelling ability to general intelligence and to meaning vocabulary. Elementary school journal, 16: 190-99, December 1915.

A study made at the Haight school, of Alameda, California, of the members of average classes of elementary school pupils. Illustrated by statistical graphs.

1652. The relative strength of nurture and nature. 2d, much enl. ed. Part I. The relative strength of nurture and nature, by Ethel M. Elderton. (2d ed., rev.) Part II. Some recent misinterpretations of the problem of nurture and nature, by Karl Pearson. (1st issue.) London, Cambridge university press, 1915. 60 p. 4°. (University of London. Galton laboratory for national eugenics. Eugenics laboratory lecture series. III.)

1653. Starch, Daniel. Some experimental data on the value of studying foreign languages. School review, 23: 697-703, December 1915.

Presents data on "the amount of disciplinary or derived value of certain aspects of studying foreign languages." Statistical tables given.

1654. Thorndike, Edward L. An improved scale for measuring ability in reading. Teachers college record, 16: 31-53, November 1915.

"In the Teachers college record for September 1914, a provisional scale Alpha for measuring ability in paragraph reading was described. It is the purpose of the present report to present an improved and extended form of the scale, with standards whereby any teacher may determine the ability and progress of her pupils."

This article will be continued in the January 1916 number. The derivation of scale Alpha 2 and an extension of scale Alpha 2 will be presented.


1655. Barnes, Earl. The relation of rhythmic exercises to music in the education of the future. Reprinted from the proceedings of the National conference of music supervisors, held in Pittsburgh, Pa., March 22-26, 1915. [7] p. 8°. 1656. Benedict, A. L. English spelling. Volta review, 17: 477-81, December 1915. Discusses the subject of phonetics.

1657. Bradbury, Robert H. Recent tendencies in high school chemistry. School science and mathematics, 15: 782-93, December 1915.

1658. Brasch, Frederick E. The teaching of the history of science; its present status in our universities, colleges, and technical schools. Science, n. s. 42: 746-60, November 26, 1915.

1659. Broadus, Edmund K. The case of John Smith. English journal, 4: 555-65, November 1915.

A paper read before the National council of teachers of English at Oakland, Cal., August 20, 1915.

Discusses the case of "the commonplace, the average student, the undistinguished and inarticulate John Smiths," who are always hopelessly in the majority. Writer says that the whole trend of English teaching is away from the John Smiths and toward supreme individualism of genius-that the teacher's ideal is not so much the diffusion of knowledge among the many, as the evocation of power among the few, and that the teacher's function is not so much the democratizing of education, as the aristocratizing of it.

1660. Church, H. V. An experiment in cooperation in English. School review, 23: 670-78, December 1915.

Work of the J. Sterling Morton high school, Cicero, Ill., which has four years of English in its curriculum. Teachers in other departments report to the English department errors in English that occur in their classes. Illustrated by statistical charts.

1661. Cipriani, Charlotte J. The report of the Joint committee on grammatical nomenclature from the point of view of the teaching of French. School review, 23: 679-86, December 1915.

Criticises the report, and advocates a broader conception of the subject of grammatical nomenclature.

1662. Coulter, John Merle. Evolution, heredity, and eugenics. Bloomington, Ill., J. G. Coulter, 1916. 133 p. illus. 12°. (School science series)

1663. Crawford, Caroline. The teaching of dramatic arts in the kindergarten and elementary school. Teachers college record, 16: 60-77, September 1915.

Bibliography: p. 77.

1664. Dodson, John Milton. The pedagogics of pathology. Science, n. s. 42: 773-80, December 3, 1915.

Address of the president of the Chicago pathological society, October 11, 1915. 1665. Gilpatrick, Rose A. A school pageant. School review, 23: 704–7, 1915.


Aspects of the pageant given by the students of Coburn classical institute, Waterville, Me. Pageant was entitled "The progress of civilization"; the aim was to make it illustrative of the history studied in school.

1666. Henderson, Bertha. The cultural and the training value of geography. Journal of geography, 14: 97-101, December 1915.

Read before the Conference of affiliated schools at the University of Chicago in April 1915. The writer says that "Through the study of geography we may direct the student to current periodicals and newspapers of a good class, we may stimulate them to read books of travel and description, and arouse a desire to travel, and at the same time we may train them into library habits. We may lead them to respect labor, to appreciate beauty in nature, and to an ethical point of view in the social phase of the study of the great commercial products."

1667. Henke, Francesca A. Teaching English to foreign children in Hartford, Conn. Primary education, 23: 621-23, December 1915.

1668. Hoyt, Cheever. Comments upon the present Latin course for high schools. Classical journal, 11: 151-63, December 1915.

Results of a questionnaire. Twelve colleges and 15 high schools reported against diminishing the required amount of Latin prose; 13 colleges and 5 high schools would remove it from the senior year: 6 colleges and 7 high schools from the junior and senior years. Thirty-one favored excluding prose from the senior year, against 27 who desired to retain it throughout the course. 1669. Kane, Susan M. Tacoma's spelling survey. Popular educator, 33: 190-91, December 1915.

The work of E. E. Crook, assistant superintendent of schools in Tacoma, Washington, during the three years in which he has been carrying on an experiment for improving the teaching of spelling in the public schools.

1670. Latin in the eighth grade. Journal of education, 82: 563–68, December 9, 1915. A symposium.

Most of the answers in the symposium show that teachers have many reasons for thinking that Latin should be taught in the eighth grade. Only one answer "suggests that Latin is 'dead' and that it should give way to subjects which have been called more purely utilitarian."

1671. MacCaughey, Vaughan. Natural history in the educational program. Education, 36: 220-24, December 1915.

Dwells on the great value of the "general science" courses in the secondary schools. 1672. The mending of English at Harvard. Harvard alumni bulletin, 18: 172-73, December 1, 1915.

The activities of a permanent committee of the faculty authorized to have general supervision of students' written English.

1673. Page, Edward Carlton. How the working museum of history works. History teacher's magazine, 6: 307-10, December 1915.

Read before the Mississippi Valley historical association, at New Orleans, April 24, 1915.

Tells the story of the concrete workings of the museum of history at the State normal school, De Kalb, Ill., showing how it is kept constantly in active service.

1674. Powers, S. R. Report of chemistry survey. School science and mathematics, 15: 810-19, December 1915.

"This report is the result of a questionnaire survey. The questionnaire asked for the conditions under which the high school teacher works, his training for his position, his method of teaching the subject, and his opinion of the values derived from the chemistry course."

1675. Radin, Max. A Latin vocabulary for practical purposes. Classical journal, 11: 164-73, December 1915.

Discusses the amount of Latin and the nature of the Latin which should be taught during the first year or the first two years of the high school course.

1676. Schorling, Raleigh. The problem of individual differences in the teaching of secondary-school mathematics. School review, 23: 649-64, December 1915.

Says that the solution of the problem as regards both slow and fast workers is in an elementary stage. The solution must come directly from the schoolroom. Dwells on the possibilities of the bright student of mathematics. Supplements the study mentioned as item 1293.

1677. Sheridan, Bernard M. The problem of spoken and written English in the elementary school. Journal of education, 82: 543-44, 549–50, December 2, 1915.

From the Lawrence, Mass., course of study.

1678. Slosson, Edwin E. Journalism as an aid to history teaching. American education, 19: 204-8, December 1915.

Address delivered before the History section of the New York state teachers association, at Rochester, N. Y., November 23, 1915.

1679. Tieje, R. E., Sutcliffe, E. G., Hillebrand, H. N., and Buchen, W. Systematizing grading in freshman composition at the large university. English journal, 4: 586-97, November 1915.

Presents a record of what has been done at the University of Illinois in the attempt to secure uniform.ity in the grading of English composition.

1680. Walter, H. E. The aim and content of high-school biology. School and society, 2: 757-62, November 27, 1915.

An address given before the science section of the Worcester county teachers' association at Worcester, November 5, 1915.

1681. Woodford, Marion. Why music should be taught in the schools. Atlantic educational journal, 11: 179–85, December 1915.

Gives reasons for the justification of the claim that music is a subject worthy of universal adoption by the schools, and for all grades.

1682. Woods, Glen H. Instrumental music and instrument study in the Oakland schools. School music, 16: 6-9, November 1915.

Read at the meeting of the National education association, at akland, Cal.

1683. Wust, Emma. L'enseignement du français dans les écoles d'Alsace. Revue pédagogique, n. s. 67: 125-44, August-September 1915.

The author, who for many years conducted a French school in Alsace, here gives the methods considered best by her for teaching French in that province.


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