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ments from Wisconsin, and the relative proportion of American and foreign types of cheeses to different States were pointed out. It was shown that Wisconsin is the leading cheese-producing State, and that Illinois receives the largest quantity of Wisconsin cheese in primary shipments. The cost of manufacturing and marketing Wisconsin cheese of different types was shown, and the portion of the price paid by the consumer which goes to the producer and the different middle men was indicated.

The New York State College of Agriculture exhibited a farmers' work report and ledger account on growing potatoes, and a summary

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of accounts on the production and disposal of cabbage, corn silage, hay, and oats. Sets of cost accounts from successful New York farms were shown, and attention was called to the fact that success depends upon the size of the farm, the efficient use of men and horses, and the interrelation of these two factors.

Agronomy. The material illustrating work in agronomy was supplied by the Illinois, Kansas, and South Carolina agricultural colleges. The College of Agriculture of the University of Illinois illustrated its work in corn breeding with a specimen of branch corn,

a mutant from Leaming Yellow Dent, and specimens showing the heredity of albinism and partial albinism, the families giving three to one ratios in segregation with greens dominant to albinos and to green yellows. Part of this exhibit showed by means of breeding methods that the oil as well as the protein content of corn may be increased or diminished to a marked extent. The influence of the type of soil as affecting the results secured with the three essential plant food elements was demonstrated by a series of baskets of corn. representing the different yields secured and bringing out the fact

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that on sand the use of nitrogen produced 63.95 bushels per acre, or more than three times the yield obtained from the use of either phosphoric acid or potash. On peat, potash gave an acre yield of 39.63 bushels, as compared with 2.45 for nitrogen and 1.7 bushels for phosphoric acid, and on brown silt loam the application of phosphoric acid resulted in a yield of 65.6 bushels per acre, as compared with 52.97 for nitrogen and 52.73 for potash. The progress of soil-survey work in Illinois was shown by means of an interesting map.

The exhibit of the Kansas Agricultural College and Experiment Station pointed out that, in experiments on the preparation of land for winter wheat, land plowed 7 inches deep on July 15 gave a yield of 27.87 bushels per acre, while land plowed 3 inches deep on August 15 and September 15 gave smaller returns. Photographs of wheat on land plowed at different times were exhibited. It was also shown that crop rotation, even when restricted to corn, oats, and wheat, gives better results than continuous cropping. Field and milling tests of pure strains of wheat were outlined to show that the best variety is the one giving the largest average yield of flour of the best quality. Of the five varieties, Turkey No. 839 hard winter

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wheat stood first, with a yield per acre of 43.9 bushels of grain, giving 10 barrels of flour with a 94 per cent value for bread making. Samples of Turkey and Kharkof wheat from different parts of Kansas were included in the exhibit to indicate the influence of soil types and rainfall on the character of the grain. Tabulated data, photographs, and samples illustrating the effect of blending Kansas hard winter wheat with California white winter wheat in bread making were shown, together with the chemical composition of these wheats and the proportions of the different mill products obtained from them. Samples of sorghums profitably grown for grain and forage in Kansas were included and data given which indicate that

sweet sorghum, as compared with corn and Kafir, gives a larger yield of silage as well as carbohydrates, and produces better gains in calves if fed with cottonseed meal.

The section of agronomy contained one case devoted to cotton contributed by the Clemson Agricultural College and Experiment Station of South Carolina. Specimens and photos were included of diseases affecting cotton, cotton wilt, and anthracnose, and of insects attacking the plants, such as the cotton root louse, cotton field ant, cotton-boll weevil, wireworms, and click beetles. Directions for their control were also given. Samples of sea-island and upland cotton were presented, and results of cotton breeding for the improvement of the lint brought out. Seven years of breeding work with blue-ribbon cotton, it was shown, have resulted in a marked improvement of the lint. The steps in the manufacture of cotton from the raw stock to the twisted yarn were illustrated by samples of the products and by-products. Samples of cottonseed products. were included, showing crushed kernels, meal, flour, oleo oils, washing powder, paint, and shortening.

Agricultural technology.-The material in the section of agricultural technology referred especially to dairy manufactures and sugar-house practice. The College of Agriculture of the University of Wisconsin called attention to its courses in dairying and to the lines of instruction, embracing farm dairying, butter and cheese making, milk and cream testing, dairy mechanics, pasteurization, ice-cream making, factory accounting, starch making, dairy bacteriology, dairy chemistry, milk inspection, dairy breeding and feeding, city milk supply, and butter and cheese judging. Illustrations were shown of eight factory tests devised at the university, including the commonly known and widely applied Babcock test. In addition, charts and maps were presented showing the location of creameries, cheese factories, skimming stations, and condensers in the State, and statistics of production showing that Wisconsin produced one hundred and eighty million pounds of cheese in 1914 and that her annual production of dairy products amounts to over eighty-five million dollars.

The New York State College of Agriculture at Cornell University exhibited photographs illustrating the teaching of dairy industry, including views of the laboratories devoted to dairy testing, cheese work, marketing, milk studies, bacteriology, study of butter, and practices in the farm dairy.

The College of Agriculture of the University of Louisiana presented diagrams and photographs showing the relation between sucrose, reducing sugars and gums, in the fermentation of a 10 per cent sucrose solution, between Clerget single polarization and true

sucrose in the fermentation of a 10 per cent sucrose solution, and the relation between the actual deterioration of a sugar and its decrease in market value according to the basis of sale. The relation of sugars of cane juice to polarization at different stages and the comparative yield of cane sugar and available sugar in D74 and Louisiana purple were shown in diagrams. Sugar-cane diseases, such as root rot, red rot, stem rot, pineapple disease, and rind disease, were also shown in photographs.

Forestry. In the section of forestry, maps, photographs, and diagrams were presented illustrating the methods and scope of forestry work by the Vermont Forestry Department, which is closely affiliated

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with the University of Vermont. The location of State forests, places where lectures are held and where inspections are made, and points where 10,000 trees have been planted by private owners were shown by maps. Specimens of tree seedlings were included in the exhibit, and nursery studies and experiments on evaporation and transpiration, together with meteorological data affecting the same, nursery methods of seedling production, studies on eccentric growths, natural reproduction, rates of growth, yields of hardwoods and the like, were illustrated.

Plant pathology.-The section of plant pathology was illustrated through contributions made by the Massachusetts Agricultural Col

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