Questions that are curious or unprofitable are to be avoided, cat. 113.
READING the scriptures a part of religious worship, con. xxi. 5. How made effectual to salvation, cat. 155. It is the duty of all to read them apart by themselves, and with their families, con. i. 8. cat. 156. How the word of God is to be read, con. xxi. 5. cat. 157.
Rebellion, a sin, cat. 128. Reconciliation with God purchased by Christ's sacrifice of himself, con. viii. 5. cat. 44.
Recreations to be moderately used, cat. 135, 136. But not on the Lord's day, con. xxi. 8. cat. 119.
Redemption, how purchased by Christ, con. viii. 5. cat. 38, 39, 40. For all the elect, and them only, con. iii. 6. To whom it is certainly applied, con. viii. 8. cat. 59. Although it was not actually wrought by Christ till after his incarnation; yet the virtue, efficacy, and benefits of it were communicated to the elect in all ages successively from the beginning of the world, con. viii. 6. How it is applied to them, con. viii. 8. cat. 58, 59. Regeneration. See Effectual Calling. The Regenerate are all freely justified, con. xi. 1. See Justification. And sanctified, con. xiii. 1. See Sanctification. The corruption of nature remains in them, and all the motions of it are sin, con. vi. 5. But it is pardoned and mortified through Christ, ib. The use of the moral law to them, con, xix. 6. cat. 97.
Repentance, what, con. xv. 2. cat. 75. Although it be no satisfaction for sin, nor cause of pardon, yet no pardon without it, con. xv. 3. cat. 153. Nor condemnation where it is, con. xv. 4, 6. It is every man's duty to endeavour to repent particularly of his particular sins, con. xv. 5. The doctrine of repentance to be preached by every minister, as well as that of faith in Christ, con. xv. 1. Repentance to be declared to those that are offended, who are thereupon to be reconciled, con. xv. 6.
Reprobation, con. iii. 7. cat. 13. Resurrection of Christ, con. viii. 4. cat. 52. The effect of his own power, cat. 52. It is a proof of his being the Son of God, and of his satisfaction to divine justice, &c. ib. It is an assurance to believers of their resurrection, ib. They have fellowship with hin in his resurrection, con. xxvi. 1. He rose again for their justification, con. xi. 4. cat. 52. And through the virtue of his death and resurrection they are sanctified, con. xiii. 1. cat. 75. They draw strength from his death and resurrection for the mortifying of sin, and quickening of grace, cat. 52, 167.
The resurrection of the dead, of the just and unjust, con. xxxii. 2, 3. cat. 87.
Revelation. The divers ways of God's revealing his will, con. i. 1. Righteousness. Man was created righteous after the image of God, con. iv. 2. cat. 17. But by sin he fell from that original righteousness, con. vi. 2. cat. 25. And since the fall no man can attain to righteo sness by the moral law, cat. 94. Nor by having righteousness infused into them, con. xi. 1. cat. 70. But those whom God effectually calleth, he accepteth and accounteth as righteous, by imputing the obedience and satisfaction of Christ to them, they receiving and resting on him and his righteousness by faith, ib. See Faith, Imputation, Justification. Why the righteous are not delivered from death, cat. 85. Their state immediately after death, con. xxxii. 1. cat. 86. At the resurrection and day of judgment, con. xxxii. 3. xxxiii. 2. cat. 87, 90.
SABBATH. By the law of nature, a due proportion of time ought to be set apart for the worship of God, con. xxi. 7. God hath in his word, by a positive and perpetual commandment, binding all men in all ages, appointed one day in seven for a salbath, to be kept holy to himself, con, xxi. 7. cat. 20, 116. Which was the last day of the week from the t
ginning of the world to the resurrесtion of Christ, and the first day ever since, and so to continue to the end of the world, con. xxi. 7. cat. 116. How the sabbath is to be sanctified, con. xxi. 8. cat. 117. How it is profaned, cat. 119. Why we are commanded to remember it, cat. 121. The Lord's day is a memorial of our creation and redemption, which contains a short abridgment of religion, 16. What are the reasons annexed to the fourth commandment, the more to enforce it, cat. 120. Why the charge of keeping the sabbath is directed to governors of families, and other superiors, cat. 118.
A Sacrament. The institution, nature, and ends of it, con. xxvii. 1. cat. 162. The parts of a sacrament, con. xxvii. 2. cat. 163. There are only two sacraments instituted by Christ, con. xxvii. 4. cat. 164. Which are only to be dispensed by ministers of the word lawfully ordained, con. xxvii. 4. How they are made effectual to salvation, con. xxvii. 3. cat. 161. The sacraments of the Old Testament were the same for substance with those of the New, con. xxvii. 5. Wherein the sacraments of baptism and of the Lord's supper agree, cat. 176. Wherein they differ, cat. 177. Sacrifice. The covenant of grace was administered under the law by sacrifices, con. vii. 5. viii. 6. cat. 34. Which signified Christ to come, ib. Who hath fully satisfied the justice of his Father, in his once offering himself a sacrifice without spot to God, con. viii. 5. cat. 44. There is no - real sacrifice made for sin in the Lord's supper, con. xxix. 2. That sacrament being instituted for the perpetual remembrance of Christ's one only sacrifice in his death, con. xxix. 1. cat. 168. To which the mass is most abominably injurious, con. xxix. 2.
Saints. See Believers, Communion. They are not to be worshipped, con. xxi. 2. cat. 105.
Salvation, not to be attained by men who do not profess the Christian religion, be they ever so diligent
to live up to the light of nature, or the law of that religion which they profess, con. x. 4. cat. 60. There being no salvation but in Christ alone, ib. Who hath purchased it by his perfect obedience and sacrifice of himself, con. vii. 5. cat. 83. For all the elect, and them only, con. iii. 6. To whom the outward means are made effectual for their salvation by the Spirit, con, vii. 5, 6. xxv. 3. cat. 154, 155, 161, 182. Who worketh in their hearts faith in Jesus Christ, con. xiv. 1. cat. 72. Which is necessarily required of them for their justification and salvation, con. vii. 3. xi. 1. cat. 32, 71. The Spirit also worketh repentance, and infuseth all other saving grace, con. xiii. 1. cat. 32, 75, 76, 77. Which necessarily accompany faith, con. xi. 2. cat. 73. The Spirit likewise enables them unto all obedience and the practice of holiness, which is the way that God hath appointed them to salvation, con. xii. 1. cat. 32. Elect infants dying in infancy are regenerated and saved by Christ, through the Spirit, &c. con. x. 3. Sanctification, what, con. xiii. 1. cat. 75. Inseparably jomed with justification, cat. 77. Wherein they differ, ib. It is throughout in the whole man, con. xiii. 2. cat. 75. But in this life it is not perfect in any, con. xiii. 2. cat. 77. Whence this imperfection proceeds, con. xii. 2. cat. 78. Through the continual supply of strength from the sanctifying Spirit of Christ, the saints grow in grace, perfecting holiness in the fear of God, con. xiii. 3. At death they are made perfect in holiness, con. xxxii. 1. cat. 86. And at the day of judg. ment they shall be fully and for ever freed from all sin, cat. 90. Satisfaction. Repentance is no satisfaction for sin, con. xv. 3. Nor good works, and why, con. xvi. 5. Neither we nor any other creature can make the least satisfaction for sin, cat. 194. Christ alone hath made a proper, real, and full satisfaction to the justice of his Father by his obedience and sufferings, con. viii. 5. xi.
5. cat. 38, 71. Which satisfaction is imputed to believers, they re- ceiving and resting on Christ and his righteousness, by faith, con. xi. 1. cat. 70.
candalous, not to be admitted to the Lord's table, con. xxix. 8. cat. 173. coffing and scorning sinful, cat. 113, 145.
The Scripture, why necessary, con. i. 1. What books to be owned for scripture, con. i. 2, 3. cat. 3. How proved to be the word of God, con. i. 5. cat. 4. Upon what authority the scripture ought to be believed and obeyed, con. i. 4. The suffi- ciency and perfection of the scrip- ture, con. i. 6. cat. 2, 5. Its perspi- cuity, con. i. 7. The infallible rule of interpreting scripture is the scrip- ture itself, con. i. 9. The scripture is the on only rule of faith and practice, con. 1. 2. cat. 3, 5. and of worship, con. xxi. 1. cat. 108, 109. The Spirit speaking in the scriptures is the su- preme judge of all controversies, in religion, con. i. 10. The original text of the scriptures is that to which the church is finally to ap- peal, con. i. 8. But they are to be translated into vulgar languages, con. i. 8. cat. 156. Because all sorts of people have an interest in them, and are commanded to read them, ib. How they are to be read, cat. 157. The illumination of the Spirit of God is necessary for the saving understanding of the scriptures, con. i. 6. cat. 157. How the reading of the word is made effectual to salva- tion, cat. 155. Misinterpreting, mis- applying, or any way perverting the word, or any part of it, to profane jests, is sinful, cat. 113.
Sin, what, cat. 24. Original sin, what, cat. 25. The sin of our first parents, con. vi. 1. cat. 21. By it they fell from their original righteousness, and communion with God, and had their natures wholly corrupted, con. vi. 2. cat. 25, 27. The guilt of this sin is imputed, and the corruption of nature conveyed to all their pos- terity, con. vi. 3. cat. 22, 26. Who are thereby bound over to the wrath
of God and curse of the law, con. vi. 6. cat. 27, 194. From the original - corruption of nature all actual sins proceed, con, vi. 4. cat. 25. Which are not all equally heinous, cat. 150. The aggravations of sin, cat. 151. The demerit of every sin, con. vi. 6. cat. 152. Punishments of sin in this world, con. v. 5, 6. xvii. 3. xviii. 4. cat. 28, 83. In the world to come, con. xxxii. 1. xxxiii. 2. cat. 29, 86, 89. Sin is pardoned for Christ's sake alone, con, xi. 1. xv. 3. cat. 70. See Justification, Satisfaction. very man bound to pray for pardon of sin, con. xv. 6. God continues to pardon the sins of those that are jus- tified, con. xi. 5. How pardon of sin is to be prayed for, cat. 194. The sin unto death, con. xxi. 4. cat. 183. Believers have the dominion of the whole body of sin destroyed, and the lusts thereof more and more weakened and mortified, con. vi. 5. xiii. 1. cat. 75. See Mortification, Sanctification. How providence is exercised about sin, con. v. 4. Why God permitted the sin of our first parents, con. vi. 1. Why he leaves his children to fall into sin, con. v. 5. Why and how sinners are hardened, con. v. 6. cat. 68.
Sins against the first commandment, cat. 105. Against the second, cat. 109. Against the third, cat. 113. Against the fourth, cat. 119. Sins of inferiors, cat. 128. Sins of supe- riors, cat, 130. Sins of equals, cat. 132. Sins against the sixth com- mandment, cat. 136. Against the -seventh, cat. 139. Against the eighth, cat. 142. Against the ninth, cat. 145. Against the tenth, cat. 148. Sincerity. Believers love Christ in sincerity, con. xviii. 1. They are never utterly destitute of sincerity of heart, con. xviii. 4. Ministers ought to preach sincerely, cat. 159. We are to pray with sincerity, cat. 185. God is pleased to accept and reward the good works of believers which are sincere, con. xvi. 6. Singing of psalms a part of religious worship, con. xxi. 5. Slandering sinful, cat. 145.
Songs that are lascivious forbidden, cat. 139.
The Soul of man is immortal, con. iv. 2. cat. 17. The state of souls when separate from their bodies, con xxxii. 1. cat. 86.
Sovereignty. God hath most sovereign dominion over his creatures, to do by them, for them, or upon them, whatsoever he pleaseth, con. ii. 2. The light of nature sheweth that God hath lordship and sovereignty over all, con. xxi. 1. Eternal sove- reignty to be ascribed to God alone, cat. 196. We are to pray with due apprehensions of his sovereign pow- er, cat, 185, 189. Spirit. See Holy Ghost. Stage-plays forbidden, cat. 139. Stews not to be tolerated, cat. 139. Supererogation impossible, con. xvi. 4. Superiors, why styled fathers and mothers, cat. 125. How to be ho- mothers, noured, con. xxiii. 4. cat. 127. Their duty, con. xxiii. 1, 2, 3. cat. 129. Their sins, cat. 130. See Magistracy. Superstition. God may not be wor- shipped according to the imagina- tions and devices of men, con. xxi. 1. Religious worship, not instituted by God himself, is not to be used or ap- proved, cat. 109. All superstitious devices, &c. sinful, cat. 109, 113.
Supper. See Lord's Supper. Surety. Christ the surety for belie- vers, cat. 71. He was thoroughly furnished to execute that office, con. vii. 3. And God accepteth satis- faction from him as their surety,
Suretyship, that is not necessary, is to be avoided, cat. 141.
Suspension from the Lord's table, con. xxx. 4.
Swearing. See Oaths. Vain or rash swearing by the name of God, or to swear at all by any other thing, is to be abhorred, con. xxii. 2.
Synods. See Councils.
TALE-BEARING, cat. 145.
Temptation. Why God leaves his children to manifold temptations, con. v. 5. The wicked given up to the temptations of the world, con. vi
6. Temptations to sin are... voided and resisted, cat 99.66, 138., How temptation is to be pra ed against, cat. 195.
Testament: The books of the Old an New Testament are the word of God con. i. 2. cat. 3. And the only ru of faith and obedience, ib. Scriptures.
Testament. Why the covenant d grace is called a Testament, con. v 4. As it was administered under the law, it is called the Old Testament, con. vii. 5. And as administered un der the gospel, it is called the New Testament, con. vii. 6.
Thanksgiving to be joined with prayer, con. xxi. 3. cat. 108, 178. It is to be made in the name of Christ, con. XX 3. Solemn thanksgiving a part of religious worship, con. xxi. 5. Toleration. A false religion not to be tolerated, cat. 109. Tradition, no pretence for using su perstitious devices in the worship of God, cat. 109. No traditions of men to be added to the scripture, con. i. 6.
Transubstantiation is repugnant not only to scripture, but to common sense and reason, con. xxix. 6. And is the cause of manifold supersti- tions, yea, of gross idolatries, ib. The Tree of life was a pledge of the
covenant of works, cat. 20. The Trinity. See God, Persons. Truth between man and man, how pre- served and promoted, cat. 144. What things are contrary to it, eat.
U, V UNION of the elect with Christ, con, xxv. 1. xxvi. 1. cat. 66. It is insepa- rable, cat. 79. Believers are united to one another in love, con. xxvi. 1. Union of the two natures in Christ. See Personal Union.
Unregenerate, the use of the moral law to them, cat. 96. Their best works cannot please God, and why, con. xvi. 7. But their neglect to do what God commands is more sinful, ib. Vocation. See Calling. Vow, a part of religious worship, con. xxi. 5. What it is, and how to be
Obedience is due to God in whatso- ever he is pleased to command, con. ii. 2. cat. 104. Christ hath perform- ed perfect obedience to the law for us in our nature, con. viii. 4. cat. 38, 39, 48, 97. And by it purcha- sed an everlasting inheritance in the kingdom of heaven for the elect, con. viii. 5. cat. 38. His obe- dience is imputed to believers, con. xi. 1. cat. 70. He hath not abolish- ed, but much strengthened, the obli- gation to the obedience of the moral law, con. xix. 5. Good works done in obedience to God's commands are the fruits and evidences of a true taith, con. xvi. 2. cat. 32. How the sincere though imperfect obedience of believers is accepted and reward- ed, con. xvi. 6.
Obedience is due to the lawful com- mands of a magistrate, con. xxiii. 4. cat. 127, 128.
Offices of Christ, of Mediator. See Mediutor. His prophetical office, cat. 43.; priestly, cat. 44.; and king- ly, cat. 45.
The Old Testament, in Hebrew is that to which the church is finally to ap- peal in controversies of religion, con. i. 8. The administration of the covenant of grace under the law is called the Old Testament, con. vii. 5. The Ordinances of God given by Christ to the visible church, con. xxv. 3. The ordinances under the law, con. vii. 5. cat. 34. Those un- der the gospel, con. vii. 6. cat. 35. Which are fewer, and administered ✓ with more simplicity, and less out- ward glory; yet in them grace and salvation are held forth in more ful- ness, evidence, and efficacy, ib. All God's ordinances, especially the word, sacraments, and prayer, are the outward and ordinary means of salvation, cat. 154. How they are made effectual, con. xxv. 3. cat. 155, 161, 182. The neglect, contempt, or opposing them, sinful, cat. 109. Original corruption. See Corruption. Original Sin. See Sin.
PAPISTS. Protestants should not mar- ry with Papists, con. xxiv. 3.
Pardon. See Sin. Passions to be restrained, cat. 135, 136.
Passover, one of the types and ordi- nances by which the covenant of grace was administered under the law, con. vii. 5. cat. 34.
Patience. Patient bearing of the hand of God a duty, cat. 135. Pa- tient bearing and forgiving of inju- ries a duty, ib.
Peace of conscience. See Conscience. Pedo-baptism. See Infants. Perseverance of saints. They whom God hath accepted in Christ can never totally or finally fall away from the estate of grace, con. xvii. 1. - cat. 77, 79. Upon what their perse- verance depends, con. xvii. 2. cat. 79. How far they may fall, con. vi. 5. xi. 5. xiii. 2. xvii. 3. xvii. 4. cat. 78. They are always kept from utter despair, con. xviii. 4. cat. 81. How they are recovered when they fall under God's fatherly displea- sure, con. xi. 5. xiii. 3.
Three Persons in the Godhead distin- guished by personal properties, con. ii. 3. cat. 9, 10. The equality of the persons proved, cat. 11. The per- sonal union of the two natures in Christ, con. viii. 2. cat. 36, 37. Bý reason of this union, the proper works of each nature are accepted of God, and relied on by believers as the work of the whole person, com. viii. 7. cat. 40.
Physick to be used moderately, cat. 135.
Lascivious Pictures discharged, cat.
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