and Monk Mason; it is so printed in Theobald's edition of 1740. Bel. P. 306.-422.-166. O, melancholy! Who ever yet could sound thy bottom? find The ooze, to show what coast thy sluggish crare Might easiliest harbour in ? The old reading (which Warburton allows to be a plausible one) may possibly be right. Aro. P. 310.-424.-169. the ruddock would, With charitable bill,-bring thee all this; Yea, and furr'd moss besides, when flowers are none, Το winter-ground thy corse. I think the emendation proposed by Warbur ton is clearly wrong. 1 P. 320.-435.-184. Pis. I heard no letter from my master, since I wrote him, Imogen was slain. I rather incline to read I've had no letter, with Mr. Steevens. Post. P. 324.-439.-189. But, alack, You snatch some hence for little faults; that's love, To have them fall no more: you some permit To second ills with ills, each elder worse; And make them dread it to the doer's thrift. I am not satisfied with any of the explications of this passage, and am inclined to suspect a corruption. P. 325.-439.-189. And make them dread it to the doer's thrift. I am inclined to adopt Mr. M. Mason's explanation. X I cannot do it better than in gyves, Desir'd, more than constrain'd: to satisfy, If of my freedom 'tis the main part, take No stricter render of me, than my all. This passage I do not understand. Bel. P. 358.-467.-229. I, old Morgan, Am that Belarius whom you sometime banish'd: Itself, and all my treason; that I suffer'd, Was all the harm I did. I think Mr. Tyrwhitt's correction is certainly right. Imo. P. 360.-469.-231. you call'd me brother, When I was but your sister; I you brothers, I do not think that the old reading we is right. Theobald reads (with the change of a single letter from we) ye, which I think is right. TITUS ANDRONICUS. J. and S. 1785. MALONE. J. and S. 1793. P. 495.-384.-261. Tit. Lavinia, live; outlive thy father's days, I incline to read in fame's eternal date, with Warburton and Theobald. P. 508.-395.-276. Aar. I will be bright, and shine in pearl and gold, I think Malone is right. P. 510.-397.-279. Chi. Aaron, a thousand deaths Would I propose, to achieve her whom I love. I agree with Malone. P. 511.-398.-280. Dem. What, hast thou not full often struck a doe, And borne her cleanly by the keeper's nose ? Malone is right. P. 513.-400.-283. I agree with Dr. Johnson. P. 520.-406.-292. Dem. This minion stood upon her chastity, Upon her nuptial vow, her loyalty, And with that painted hope braves your mightiness. I think Mr. Steevens is right. Mar. Which of your hands hath not defended Rome, And rear'd aloft the bloody battle-ax, Writing destruction on the enemy's castle? I incline to think that Mr. Theobald's reading, casques, is the true one. P. 548.-430.-326. Mar. Revenge the heavens for old Andronicus! I incline to read revenge then heavens, with Mr. Tyrwhitt. P. -344. Emil. Arm, arm, my lords; Rome never had more cause. Mr. Steevens, in his note on these words, has very justly and successfully ridiculed Mr. Malone's strange notion that arm is a dissyllable. Mr. Theobald has certainly done rightly in giving these words to Lucius. I can hardly think that they are to be understood as Mr. Steevens explains them. P. 567.-446.-350. Aar. I must talk of murders, rapes, and massacres, Ruthful to hear, yet piteously perform'd. Mr. Steevens has certainly given the true meaning of piteously in this place. P. 580.-459.-367. Mar. O, let me teach you how to knit again I think this speech belongs to Marcus; if so we must read lest; if it be given to another person, we must retain the old reading let. I see no reason for dissenting from the commentators, who suppose this horrid play not Shakespeare's. |