Buck. Lord cardinal, I will follow Eleanor, I heartily agree with Mr. Steevens. P. 335.-144.-44. Glo. Churchmen so hot? good uncle, hide such malice; The negative proposed by Warburton appears to me to be necessary to the sense; the verse will still remain defective. P. 365.-173.-85. Suf. No; let him die, in that he is a fox, I think the reading proposed by Sir Thomas Hanmer, and supported by Mr. M. Mason, should be received. P. 371.-180.-94. K. Hen. I thank thee, Margaret ; these words content me much. I think Mr. Theobald's correction ought to be retained. P. 386.-194.-115. Q. Mar. Ah me! what is this world? what news are these But wherefore grieve I at an hour's poor loss, Omitting Suffolk's exile, my soul's treasure? I think Malone's is the right explanation. P. 390.-199.-121. Cap. The gaudy, blabbing, and remorseful day Perhaps Milton remembered this epithet in Comus: "Ere the blabbing eastern scout, P. 391.-200.-122. And now loud-howling wolves arouse the jades I do not understand the meaning of the verb clip in this place. P. 425.-236.-176. Iden. As for more words, whose greatness answers words, I say with Mr. Steevens, "How an unnecessary addition ?י P. 425.-237.-177. Iden. Is't Cade that I have slain, that monstrous traitor? I think there is not much in Mr. Steevens's objection: Iden means that he would direct the sword to be hung over his tomb, when he was dead. Shakespeare frequently uses expressions more harsh and licentious than this. Why faint you, lords? My title's good, and better far than his. War. But prove it, Henry, and thou shalt be king. I agree with Mr. Steevens. P. 452.-268.-220. K. Hen. My lord of Warwick, hear me but one word. I prefer the reading of the 3d folio, and the subsequent editors. P. 453.-269.-222. And neither by treason, nor hostility, I am in the same ignorance that Mr. Steevens is. The word and should, I think, be omitted. P. 456.-272.-226. Reveng'd may she be on that hateful duke; I think cost is right, and rightly explained by Mr. Malone. P. 458.-274.-229. York. I took an oath, that he should quietly reign. Si violandum est jus, regnandi gratiâ violandum est: aliis rebus pietatem colas. CIC. de Officiis, L. 3. § 21. P. 459.-275.-231. York. You, Edward, shall unto my lord Cobham, I think we should read witty and courteous. P. 486.-281.-271. Edw. A wisp of straw were worth a thousand crowns, Shakespeare has likewise used the word callet again in Othello (Act. IV.) He call'd her whore; a beggar in his drink, P. 496.-289.-283. K. Hen. So many years ere I shall sheer the fleece: I agree with Mr. Steevens. P. 510.-302.-305. 1 Keep. We charge you, in Gods' name, and in the king's, I think Mr. Steevens has done rightly. I think the same of what he has afterwards done in this scene, P. 515.-308.-312. She looks sad. |