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P. 117.-544.-408.

K. Hen. Methinks, I could not die any where so contented, as in the king's company; his cause being just, and his quarrel honourable.

Will. That's more than we know.

Bates. Ay, or more than we should seek after.

I incline to think Mr. Malone is right.

[blocks in formation]

Will. "Tis certain, every man that dies ill, the ill upon his own head, the king is not to answer for it.

I incline to think Mr. Malone is right.

P. 123.-548.-415.

K. Hen. No, not all these, thrice-gorgeous ceremony,
Not all these, laid in bed majestical,
Can sleep so soundly as the wretched slave,
Who, with a body fill'd, and vacant mind,
Gets him to rest, cramm'd with distressful bread;
Never sees horrid night, the child of hell;
But, like a lacquey, from the rise to set,
Sweats in the eye of Phœbus, and all night
Sleeps in Elysium; next day, after dawn,
Doth rise, and help Hyperion to his horse;
And follows so the ever-running year
With profitable labour, to his grave.

Lee seems to have had this passage in his thoughts when he wrote the following lines in Theodosius:

"We'll fly to some far distant lonely village,
Forget our former state, and breed with slaves;
Sweat in the eye of day, and when night comes,
With bodies coarsely fill'd, and vacant souls,
Sleep like the labour'd hinds, and never think."

P. 126.-551.-420..

Daup. Montez à cheval:-my horse! valet! lacquay! ha!
Orl. O brave spirit!

Daup. Via!

[ocr errors]

So Launcelot in the Merchant of Venice. "Via,

says the fiend, for the heavens rouse up a

"brave mind, and run."

P. 127.-552.-421.

Con. Hark, how our steeds for present service neigh.
Daup. Mount them, and make incision in their hides;
That their hot blood may spin in English eyes,
And dout them with superfluous courage: ha!

I think dout is the right word.

P. 129.-554.-425.

Grand. Their horsemen sit like fixed candlesticks,
With torch-staves in their hand: and their poor jades
Lob down their heads, dropping the hides and hips;
The gum down-roping from their pale-dead eyes;
And in their pale dull mouths the gimmal bit
Lies foul with chew'd grass, still and motionless.

Gimmal, in some of the western counties, is used for a hinge, and the common people there usually speak of the gimmals of the door.

P. 135.-560.-435.

K. Hen. Mark then a bounding valour in our English;
That, being dead, like to the bullet's grazing,
Break out into a second course of mischief,

Killing in relapse of mortality.

I incline to agree with Mr. Steevens.

P. 135.-560.-436.

Killing in relapse of mortality.

I believe Mr. Steevens is right in supposing that relapse of mortality is used here for mortal rebound.

P. 137.-563.-439.

Fr. Sol. Je pense, que vous estes le gentilhomme de bonne qualité. Pist. Quality, call you me? Construe me, art thou a gentleman?

I prefer Mr. Ritson's reading.

P. 138.-563.-441.

O signieur Dew, thou diest on point of fox,
Except, O signieur, thou do give to me
Egregious ransom.

Congreve understood for as Mr. Steevens does. Şir Wilful Witwoud says to Fainall, " 'S heart, " if you talk of an instrument, I have an old "fox by my thigh shall hack your ram vellum to "shreds, sir?"

P. 143.-568.-447.

Bour. Shame, and eternal shame, nothing but shame!
Let us dic instant : once more back again.

I prefer Theobald's reading to Mr. Malone's.

P. 148.-573.-454.

Flu. I speak but in the figures and comparisons of it:
as Alexander is kill his friend Clytus, being in his ales
and his cups: so also Harry Monmouth, being in his
right wits, and his goot judgements, is turn away the fat
knight with the great pelly-doublet.

I am inclined to believe that Mr. Steevens's ingenious conjecture is well founded.

P. 149.-575.-458.

K. Hen. How now! what means this, herald? know'st thou not,
That I have fin'd these bones of mine for ransom?
Com'st thou again for ransom.

This expression of fining the bones for ransom I do not understand. None of the commentators attempt to explain it, probably, because they thought it too plain to need explanation. I cannot, however, help adverting to a just remark of Mr. Wakefield's, "Nimis omnes proni sumus "dissimulare, atque silentio prætervehi, quæ " sunt supra nostrum acumen posita."

Vide Wakefield's note on Lucretius, Lib. 1. v. 89.

P. 170.-595.-486.

K. Hen. What says she, fair one? that the tongues of men are full of deceits?

Alice. Ouy; dat de tongues of de mans is be full of deceits: dat is de princess.

Dat is de princess is surely right.

[blocks in formation]

Bed. Hung be the heavens with black, yield day to night!
Comets, importing change of times and states,
Brandish your crystal tresses in the sky;
And with them scourge the bad revolting stars,
That have consented unto Henry's death!

I agree with Mr. Malone in thinking that this word is used here in its ordinary sense.

P. 187.-7.-510.

Henry the fifth!- thy ghost I invocate :
Prosper this realm, keep it from civil broils!
Combat with adverse planets in the heavens!
A far more glorious star thy soul will make,
Than Julius Cæsar, or bright

I agree with Mr. Malone. Pope's conjecture appears to me ridiculous. Dr. Johnson's note is judicious.


Mess. Guienne, Champaigne, Rheims, Orleans,
Paris, Guysors, Poictiers, are all quite lost.

I think the reason assign'd by Mr. Steevens is sufficient to authorise the completion of the verse by the insertion of Roüen.

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