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This passage is rightly understood by Dr. Farmer; the meaning is, the wool of every 11 wethers amounts to a tod, (in which sense the verb to tod is used in Gloucestershire and elsewhere,) every tod yields a pound and an odd shilling; but the clown feeling himself puzzled in endeavouring to find what sum would be produced by 1500 sheep at this rate, gives up the computation, declaring that he cannot do it without counters.


P. 383.-198.-118.

Sir, my gracious lord,

To chide at your extremes, it not becomes me;
O, pardon, that I name them: your high self,
The gracious mark o' the land, you have obscur'd
With a swain's wearing; and me, poor lowly maid,
Most goddesslike prank'd up.

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Mason is right.

P. 384.-199.-119.

But that our feasts

In every mess have folly, and the feeders
Digest it with a custom, I should blush
To see you so attired; sworn, I think,
To show myself a glass.

I think Malone is right.


P. 386.-200.-122.

since my desires

Run not before mine honour; nor my lusts

Burn hotter than my faith.

O but, dear sir,
Your resolution cannot hold, when 'tis
Oppos'd, as it must be, by the power o' the king.

Whether dear be an interpolation or not, Mr. Malone's note appears to me passing strange. I should like to hear how he would read the verse making burn a dissyllable.


P. 395.-207.-132.

He says, he loves my daughter,

I think so too; for never gaz'd the moon
Upon the water, as he'll stand, and read,
As 'twere, my daughter's eyes: and, to be plain,
I think, there is not half a kiss to choose,
Who loves another best.

I think Mr. M. Mason is clearly right.

P. 408.-218.-150.

Pol. Is not your father grown incapable
Of reasonable affairs? is he not stupid
With age, and altering rheums? Can he speak? hear?
Know man from man? dispute his own estate?

Malone is right. Mr. M. Mason concurs in this explanation.

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Here Mr. Malone does allow a correction of

the second folio to be right.

P. 420.-230.-166.


Shep. I will tell the king all, every word, yea, and his
son's pranks too; who, I may say, is no honest man
neither to his father, nor to me, to go about to make
me the king's brother-in-law.

Clown. Indeed, brother-in-law was the furthest off you
could have been to him; and then your blood had been
the dearer, by I know (not) how much an ounce.

I think the correction proposed by Sir Thomas Hanmer, and approved by Mr. Malone, should be admitted.

F. 422.-232.-169.

Shep. His garments are rich, but he wears them not

Here Shakspeare seems to have forgotten that

Florizel's dress was that of a shepherd, that he had obscured himself with a swain's wearing.

P. 427.-237.-176.

Leon. No more such wives; therefore, no wife; one worse,
And better us'd, would make her sainted spirit
Again possess her corps; and, on this stage,
(Where we offenders now appear,) soul-vex'd,
Begin, And why to me?

I incline to concur with Mr. Malone, though not without some doubt.

[blocks in formation]

Where the warlike Smalus,

That noble honour'd lord, is fear'd, and lov'd?

Flor. Most royal sir, from thence; from him, whose daughter

His tears proclaim'd his, parting with her.

Steevens is right.

3 Gent.

P. 438.-247.-190.

till, from one sign of dolour to

another, she did with an alas! I would fain say, bleed tears; for, I am sure, my heart wept blood. Who was most marble there, changed colour.

[blocks in formation]

Indeed, my lord,

If I had thought, the sight of my poor image
Would thus have wrought you, (for the stone is mine,)

I'd not have show'd it.

I agree with Dr. Johnson, and can by no means admit Mr. Tyrwhitt's emendation.



P. 448.-256.-203.

You gods, look down,

And from your sacred vials pour your graces

Upon my daughter's head!

This expression seems to be taken from the custom of pouring a phial of oil on the head of a person anointed king.


P. 457.-266.-328.

Fair is foul, and foul is fair:

I think this rightly understood by Dr. Johnson.


P. 459.-267.-331.

The merciless Macdonwald

(Worthy to be a rebel; for, to that,
The multiplying villainies of nature
Do swarm upon him,) from the western isles
Of Kernes and Gallowglasses is supplied;

And fortune, on his damned quarrel smiling,
Show'd like a rebel's whore.

I cannot help entertaining a doubt whether Dr. Johnson's substitution of quarrel for the old reading quarry be right. Quarry seems sometimes to have a different meaning from that which the commentators have assigned it. I am not quite satisfied with the explanation given of it in the note on the following passage, in the fourth Act of this play; where Rosse, having informed Macduff of the murder of his wife and children, adds,

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_ " to relate the manner,

Were on the quarry of these murder'd deer,
To add the death of you."

Mr. Steevens tells us that quarry " means the

game after it is killed." I think that does not

make very good sense in this place. May not quarry be used licentiously, by Shakspeare, for sport?


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