CALL TO A Devout and Holy Life. Adapted to the State and Condition of All Orders of CHRISTIANS. By WILLIAM LAW, A. M. The FOURTH EDITION. He that bath ears to bear, let him bear. Luke viii. 8. And bebold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me. Rev. xxii. 12. LONDON: Printed for W. IN NYS and R. MAN BY, at the Weft End of St. Paul's. M DCC XXXIX. THE CONTENT S. C CHAP. I. Oncerning the Nature and Extent of Chriftian De- CHA P. II. Page 1 An Enquiry into the Reason, why the generality of Chri- CHA P. III. 12 Of the great danger and folly of not intending to be as CHA P. IV. 20 We can please God in no state or condition of life, but by CHAP. V. 33 Perfons that are free from the necessity of labour and em- A 2 49 CHAP CHAP. VI. Containing the great obligations, and the great advan CHAP. VII. How the imprudent use of an estate corrupts all the tem- 66 How the wife and pious ufe of an eftate, naturally carrieth CHAP. IX. 74 Containing fome reflections upon the life of Miranda; and CHAP. X. 85 Shewing how all orders and ranks of men and women of all CHAP. XI. Shewing how great devotion fills our lives with the CHAP. XII. 117 The happiness of a life wholly devoted unto God, farther 134 СНАР. CHAP. XIII. That not only a life of vanity, or fenfuality, but even the CHA P. XIV. Concerning that part of Devotion which relates to times CHAP. XV. 164 Of chanting, or finging of Pfalms in our private devati- CHAP. XVI. 187 Recommending devotion at nine o'clock in the morning, CHAP. XVII. 206 Shewing how difficult the practice of bumility is made, CHAP. XVIII, 219 Shewing how the education which men generally receive CHA P. XIX. 232 Shewing bow the method of educating daughters, makes |