Agency Payment From a Non-Federal Source for Travel Expenses Employees Peace Corps Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Personnel Management, Office of Federal Acquisition Regulation Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Federal Acquisition Regulation Federal Employees Health Benefits Acquisition Regulation Postal Rate Commission Postal Service, United States Postsecondary Education, Office of President's Commission on White House Fellowships Presidential Commission on the Assignment of Women in the Chapter 41, 304 41, 303 22, III 36, IX 29, XXV 29, XXVI 5, I; 45, VII 48, 17 48, 21 48, 16 5, XLVI; 39, III 39, I 34, VI 1, IV 32, XXIX 3 28, V 37, IV 41, 50 24, IX 42, I 20, II 43, I 45, IV 13, V 41, 302 Truman, Harry S. Scholarship Foundation United States and Canada, International Joint Commission Commission, United States Section Veterans Affairs Department Federal Acquisition Regulation Veterans' Employment and Training, Office of the Assistant Vice President of the United States, Office of Vocational and Adult Education, Office of Wage and Hour Division Water Resources Council Workers' Compensation Programs, Office of World Agricultural Outlook Board 45, XVIII 22, IV 22, XI 38, I 48, 8 41, 61; 20, IX 32, XXVIII 34, IV 29, V 18, VI 20, I 7, XXXVIII List of CFR Sections Affected All changes in this volume of the Code of Federal Regulations which were made by documents published in the FEDERAL REGISTER from January 1, 1986 are enumerated in the following list. Entries indicate the nature of the changes effected. Page numbers refer to FEDERAL REGISTER pages. For the period before January 1, 1986, see the "List of CFR Sections Affected, 1949-1963, 1964-1972, and 1973-1985" published in seven separate volumes. 52.50 52.51 52.42 Revised.. 52.47 Revised..... 52.48 (b) revised.. Revised..... .20445 52.50 Removed; new 52.50 redesig ...20445 nated from 52.51 and revised..... 50732 ..20445 20445 52.51 Redesignated as 52.50 and 7 CFR 52.52 (c) and (d) revised.... and (e) revised; (a)(7) and (i) added......... ....20446 52.1374 (b) revised; eff. 1-29-87.. ..46993 nated from 52.52 and (c) intro- (c) introductory text repub- .50732 1990 55 FR Page ....48102 ....48102 3031 |