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sieve of proper diameter containing 8 meshes to the inch (0.0937-inch ± 3 percent, square openings) so as to distribute the product evenly, inclining the sieve slightly to facilitate drainage, and allowing to drain for 2 minutes. The drained weight is the weight of the sieve and sweet cherries less the weight of the dry sieve. A sieve 8 inches in diameter is used for the equivalent of No. 3 size cans (404 × 414) and smaller, and a sieve 12 inches in diameter is used for containers larger than the equivalent of the No. 3 size can.

(c) Definition of symbols. (1) Xa— the average drained weight of all the sample units in the sample.

(2) LL-lower limit for drained weights of individual sample units.

(d) Compliance with recommended drained weights. A lot of canned sweet cherries is considered as meeting the minimum drained weight recommendations if the following criteria are met:

(1) The average of the drained weights from all the sample units in the sample meets the recommended minimum average drained weight (designated as "X" in Table I); and

(2) The number of sample units which fail to meet the recommended drained weight lower limit for individuals (designated as "LL" in Table I) does not exceed the applicable acceptance number specified in Table II.



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$52.828 Recommended minimum fill weights.

(a) General. The minimum fill weight recommendations specified in tables III and IV are not incorporated in the grades of the finished product since fill weight, as such, is not a factor of quality for the purposes of these grades.

(b) Method for ascertaining fill weight. Fill weight is determined in accordance with the U.S. Standards for Inspection by Variables and the U.S. Standards for Determination of Fill Weights.

(c) Definitions of terms and symbols. "Subgroup" means a group of sample units representing a portion of a sample.

X'min means the minimum lot average fill weight.

LWL, means the lower warning limit for subgroup averages. LRL

means the lower reject limit for subgroup averages.

LWL means the lower warning limit for individual fill weight measurements.

LRL means the lower reject limit for individual fill weight measurements. R' means a specified average range value.

Rmax means a specified maximum range for a subgroup.

“Sampling allowance code” means a code letter on the sampling allowance chart of the U.S. Standards for Inspection by Variables. This letter identifies the appropriate line which gives the amount of sampling allowance to be applied to the specification average for fill weights in order to determine compliance with requirements for fill weight averages for a sample.

(d) Compliance with recommended fill weights. Compliance with the recommended fill weights shall be in accordance with the acceptance criteria specified in the U.S. Standards for Inspection by Variables and the U.S. Standards for Determination of Fill Weights.

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[38 FR 13322, May 21, 1973; 38 FR 15617, June 14, 1973. Redesignated at 42 FR 32514, June 27, 1977 and at 46 FR 63203, Dec. 31, 1981]

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